View Full Version : Bow Making Advice

10-02-2012, 11:21 AM
Hello All.
Need some advice from an experienced bow maker.
I have access to quite a bit of yew, but none with branches long enough to make a 5 foot bow. But there are enough branches to make two staves of 2 1/2 feet.
So I was wondering if it was viable to make a bow where I joined the two staves together. I was thinking they would join at the handle and then epoxy a piece on the front and back and wrap the whole handle in leather/hide.
Do you think this would work? Has anyone done it before? How long should I make the front and back support pieces (I was thinking 3"-4" either side of the join)?
Here's a quick sketch of what I mean (click on it for a larger version):


Thoughts and advice from those in the know would be very gratefully accepted.

Ben Casey
10-02-2012, 12:16 PM
Hi mate I havent got any experience much in making them but I would imagine it would snap with the force used to pull it back. I made one at the RV last year as they ran a course on making a survival bow which was really good and we used a long piece of hazel. I will have a look see as Im sure I havea PDF about bow making and see about putting it on here for you if I have.


Ben Casey
10-02-2012, 12:20 PM
Try this link it may help you a bit :)



10-02-2012, 05:36 PM
I've done it in the past with ash. (the wood not the person!)

Basically you in effect dovetail each end of each stave in a "W" shape and a corresponding "W" shape on the other stave. i did that using a band saw for best results. Then when you have a good tight fit glue the two parts together using a glue called cascamite. Hope i explained that ok?

This is the stuff


11-02-2012, 10:30 AM
Double fishtail joint is what its called!

Have a look here to see how its done cos its a lot clearer than my description http://www.archerylibrary.com/books/stemmler/essentials-of-archery/docs/making-yew-and-osage-orange-bows.html :o

11-02-2012, 05:38 PM
Thanks chaps.