View Full Version : More bushcraft access now

27-02-2012, 10:46 PM
Hi Guys/Girls,

I've moved this over from another thread (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?2989-Views-on-the-Forestry-Comission-amp-camping).

We need to get on the case if we want to let other people know about the outdoors that surround them and how we can both protect and enjoy our natural environment. We'll start simple for now, but please sign this petition:

(1) Better access to forests and tundra for people like us who just want to get closer to nature and the way we can interact with it. (http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/30073)

We'll take it from there.


I'm open to all suggestions regarding rationale etc (Mods?).


27-02-2012, 11:27 PM

28-02-2012, 12:48 AM
I dont now wot you'r trying to say steve,in this country you have access to eney bits of woods as long as you leve no trace.Trundra I'm not so gend up on be Jeep can tell you, I think that in the nordic countries you can camp where you like for 1or2 day's.IT's all down to stelf camp whair you like but leve no trace.If you are just walking about the county side with you'r stick ruck sack,you are just a walker that has wonderd off the foot parth.if you get cort by someone they are not going to go throw you'r kit to see if you'r camping or a twitcher,if you get cort blag you'r way out of it.If you now wot your about you can get away with any thing,inn the past I'v even nicked the keeper dog,then gone back as a picker up with the same jurk.You just got to av the bottale and the front.Now is the time to be out and about walking the hedge rows looking for whair the pritty boys are getting there harrem to gether,At is time of year just look,he'll have about 6 hen's see wot hegde they are creeping about find there nest then tacke 1or 2 eggs for you;r omlet.If the hen sits tight take her and the eggs cant beet a free meel.Nows the time to be out and about in the hedge rows aving alook aboutnever mind about all that green sh:£t get a bit of meat down you :rock-on:

28-02-2012, 01:08 AM
I'v just read all that tosh back.too mutch cidor to teyant telling you guy too mutch,.I WAS AN ASSS HOLE WHEN i WAS YOUNG Itrapped hunn=ted eany thin that was edable,go on im going to bed now.

28-02-2012, 02:19 AM
Tony, I wish I could make you an Honourary Canadian!

28-02-2012, 06:38 AM

My toes curled quite a bit as I read the petition. I think it will get nowhere and will be very easy for the authorities to dismiss. I would avoid using the word 'bushcraft'. Why? Because it's too much of a fad. It has too many connotations. Too easy to dismiss as 'people want to play Ray Mears in the woods. With knives and axes.' Ditto 'survival skills'. I think you should use words such as 'camping' - they have better connotations (and is what we are talking about anyway) - wholesomeness, innocent youth, fresh air, outdoors. You need to think about how you market this - take some advice from PR experts. Seriously. Because, unfortunately, the wording and implications of that petition will be laughed at as it flies into the bin.
As an ex-journalist, I offer those comments candidly and constructively and hope they are accepted as such.

P.S. Good for you for actually doing something!

28-02-2012, 06:45 AM

I agree Humakt. I was tired and kinda rushed it when I wrote it, but there was no way of editing it.

Can we have a comp to get a decent 'mission statement' and then we can start again?


Steve :)

28-02-2012, 06:54 AM

Ben Casey
28-02-2012, 08:44 AM
I think I signed in the other thread mate :)

28-02-2012, 09:35 AM
Tony, I wish I could make you an Honourary Canadian!

Nah not enough 'oots, abooots, and ehs ;)

28-02-2012, 09:42 AM
Some bones....anyone want to start to flesh it out, or play with it ?

We the undersigned petition Her Majestys Government for a relaxation of the laws that prevent access to woodlands, forestry, national parks, our wild and common lands for wild camping..Nationwide. We seek an amendment to our laws and regulations to support an act similar to that of the Scottish Land Reform Act 2002. Any changes would complement the Open Access Acts brought in with our last land reforms. Blah blah blah

Dan XF
28-02-2012, 09:42 AM
gooin' oot in the snoo eh? Loved my time out in Wainright and up in Jasper. off to sign the petition now.

28-02-2012, 09:46 AM
Nice one Sapper - anyone else wanna give it a go as well?

Some bones....anyone want to start to flesh it out, or play with it ?

We the undersigned petition Her Majestys Government for a relaxation of the laws that prevent access to woodlands, forestry, national parks, our wild and common lands for wild camping..Nationwide. We seek an amendment to our laws and regulations to support an act similar to that of the Scottish Land Reform Act 2002. Any changes would complement the Open Access Acts brought in with our last land reforms. Blah blah blah

28-02-2012, 10:42 AM
Some bones....anyone want to start to flesh it out, or play with it ?

We the undersigned petition Her Majestys Government for a relaxation of the laws that prevent access to woodlands, forestry, national parks, our wild and common lands for wild camping..Nationwide. We seek an amendment to our laws and regulations to support an act similar to that of the Scottish Land Reform Act 2002. Any changes would complement the Open Access Acts brought in with our last land reforms. Blah blah blah

That sounds a lot better!

28-02-2012, 11:08 AM
Its The Land Reform Act (Scotland) 2003 :P (sorry). Like i said on the other thread, i really think that going it alone on this will lead nowhere, it is vital to join forces with other outdoor user groups. I'm speaking from experience and wish to spare you all the frustration. We once got over 20,000 signatures for land reform and it went nowhere, all we got was an acknowledgement from DEFRA that there were quite a few people who were not happy.

28-02-2012, 11:36 AM
Its The Land Reform Act (Scotland) 2003 :P (sorry).

Hey its a draft.....work in progress.....no need to be sorry....just dont do it again ;)

28-02-2012, 12:12 PM
signed hopefully it will be sealed and delivered

28-02-2012, 04:38 PM

28-02-2012, 05:31 PM


Steve :)

28-02-2012, 09:35 PM
I'll sign every one :D

29-02-2012, 08:40 PM
Hey lads i agree a lot i think we should be allowd to wild camp with out hassle and more relaxed knife laws

01-04-2012, 04:51 AM
Not sure about the UK but Saskatchewan used to allow hunting and camping without permission for years. Until people started getting hurt and suing land owners. Now because of liability you need permission. I think that's the trend in the US too.

It's tough because the issue doesn't seem to be with the 99% of people that are responsible. It's always about the 1% we all know aren't.