View Full Version : Blacks Good Companion Tent

06-03-2012, 06:03 PM
I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Blacks Good Companion Tent??? A neighbour mentioned to me that there were a couple of tents in the local charity shop going cheap so i went to have a look. I wasnt sure what sort of tent it was in the shop as its pretty big and not in the original bag but i took a chance as it was only £8. Well after about 1 1/2 hours setting up as i had no clue how to set it up it looks pretty good. So just got it set up in the garden to see how waterproof it is as it's an old canvas tent (not expecting alot) so just have to wait and see. So if anyones got any experience let me know.


cuppa joe
06-03-2012, 08:56 PM

07-03-2012, 08:25 AM
I had one and found that providing you pitched it carefully ie with the entrance facing away from the wind, that it was a good tent

I would put the tent up on a sunny day and reproof the fly sheet

Ashley Cawley
07-03-2012, 09:51 PM
Cool! Take a pic Scott and show us what it's like, is it like the one on the link below your post?

07-03-2012, 09:59 PM
Yea it is the same even the bright orange lol i just couldnt stop myself buying it. It takes up most of my garden.

14-03-2012, 07:29 PM
My Mum made one of those, Egyptian cotton. Launette for the tent (shirt material, 100 threads/inch) and Lanelette for the flysheet (slightly coarser and stronger), as I remember. - Tabby weave - one over - one under (the weft and warp) - like denim - but loads finer. Kept us dry for years on our cycle touring holidays, in the UK and Ireland.
She then made me a smaller wedge shaped tent from it, over thirtyfive years ago. It is "delicate" now but I still use it sometimes.

To be totally contentious; why carry a tarp and bivvy - about same weight - when you can carry a far more versatile tent?

14-03-2012, 07:32 PM
...To be totally contentious; why carry a tarp and bivvy - about same weight - when you can carry a far more versatile tent?

YES!!! Another one who's seen the light. :D


14-03-2012, 07:53 PM
So just got it set up in the garden to see how waterproof it is as it's an old canvas tent (not expecting alot) so just have to wait and see. So if anyones got any experience let me know.


So; waterproof it and then expect a lot. Hope you have many happy times with this thing. . .

14-03-2012, 08:08 PM
Hi, Martin,
Can see we will be allies round a camp fire . . . on one thing at least! Strength to your elbow (etc.).

14-03-2012, 08:51 PM
Martin, I've been keeping quiet about it but i have been thinking the same since i got into this whole bushcraft thing. I will now come out of the closet,a light weight tent is (in my mind) far more preferable. I own 2 bivy shelters that i use when out fishing( tfg xshell and a fox easy dome)and i know hat i would rather have when its pouring down and blowing a gale.

14-03-2012, 08:55 PM
I can't deny it, I will be hammocking this weekend up on Dartmoor but I know precisely where I'll be camping and there will be a tarped off area in case the weather is too bad. When I'm wild camping up on the moor, I always take my tent and more recently when I've been out in the woods I also take a tent. At the RV, I'll be easy to spot as I'll have my five berth teepee set up.

I've done the tarp and walking pole thing and, to be honest, my lightweight tent is superior in every way.


14-03-2012, 09:04 PM
I have to agree my shangri la 3 on dartmoor is easier to set up if you dont know where your going to camp, but I do still like using my hammock. I find it warmer in my tent in the winter but that could be to do with my setup. However the blacks good companion tent wont be coming out that often as it weighs about 10kg.

14-03-2012, 09:06 PM
... the blacks good companion tent wont be coming out that often as it weighs about 10kg.

Nice to see you're cutting your pack weight down at last Scott. ;)


14-03-2012, 09:28 PM
You will be amazed to know when me and ash went to dartmoor in feb my pack was about 15kg so it has dropped by 6kg so far, it can still go lower.

14-03-2012, 09:32 PM
Just the one bottle of brandy this time then mate?

14-03-2012, 09:32 PM
Yes, we used to have two adults and two children in that tent - 2.5Kg/person, if what you say is true - have to make the most of the space!

Sounds as if you need an RV to carry the RT (Recreational Tent); why not go by bicycle and stay in a hotel? :)

14-03-2012, 09:38 PM
I didnt take any brandy I decided to have a alcohol free couple of nights for once lol. It was a bit strange.

14-03-2012, 09:38 PM
Just the one bottle of brandy this time then mate?

It's only a kilo+bottle/litre; got to have some luxury or where's the fun? :ashamed:

14-03-2012, 09:42 PM
Sounds like you had a nice time Scott. Really wish I could have joined the two of you for it. We're off to Dartmoor with the cadets this weekend and there's going to be a good fire, good food and also some good company so it has all the ingredients for a great weekend.


14-03-2012, 09:47 PM
I might transfer brandy into my platypus to cut out some weight when I go out next. It was a good couple of days, just a good time to relax. Have fun this weekend, hope your feeling better.

14-03-2012, 09:55 PM
I might transfer brandy into my platypus to cut out some weight when I go out next. It was a good couple of days, just a good time to relax. Have fun this weekend, hope your feeling better.


Much better thanks mate. :)

14-03-2012, 10:08 PM
I guess a "platypus" is some new fangled way of transportationating (transporting?) liquidifiedated materialated non-solid substances?

I just put a carrier bag closed with the cut off top of a coke or similar bottle inside a stuff sack myself at the great cost of - - - finding a bottle in the lane...

light quick cheap . . .

14-03-2012, 10:28 PM
Am I missing some thing? apart from some brain cells:tongue:

14-03-2012, 10:52 PM
Not really; as you say, just the brain cells . . .

Has anyone told the RSPCA about this business of putting brandy in a Platypus?

Sounds such an awful thing to me. . . preserve the wildlife and all that.

14-03-2012, 11:48 PM
Not really; as you say, just the brain cells . . .

Has anyone told the RSPCA about this business of putting brandy in a Platypus?

Sounds such an awful thing to me. . . preserve the wildlife and all that.

I think it would be best if you took a step back before you make any further attempts at humour. This is probably not the best forum for you to practise.

Why not take the time to introduce yourself, read and learn from others?


15-03-2012, 12:04 AM
I think it would be best if you took a step back before you make any further attempts at humour. This is probably not the best forum for you to practise.

Why not take the time to introduce yourself, read and learn from others?


Deary me - from a moderator to. Seems I 'am not the one with a humour problem.

15-03-2012, 07:36 AM
Deary me - from a moderator to. Seems I 'am not the one with a humour problem.

Like I said, perhaps you should find somewhere else to practise your humour. Ah well, it would appear that I'm not the only one who agrees as, not only have several of your posts been reported by a number of members, but it would appear that you have been banned. Not my doing this time. ;)
