View Full Version : You wanted to see it

10-03-2012, 04:28 PM
Just a few snapshots of my Scandinavian knife collection:


10-03-2012, 04:46 PM
Wow, some of those are real beautys there JEEP, incredable collection! :)


10-03-2012, 04:47 PM
Thank you

10-03-2012, 05:51 PM
what a fantastic collection mate.

Ofcourse the big question is - which one do you prefer above all others.


10-03-2012, 06:02 PM

The ones I use the most are the Eräpuu 202, Helle Temagami and Stømeng 8" leuku

10-03-2012, 06:24 PM
"Holy bad word Batman!!!!!!" Awesomeness!!!!!!

10-03-2012, 07:47 PM
What a lovely collection jakob,love to see the them "un-shethed"

10-03-2012, 08:17 PM
Beautiful Jakob,

10-03-2012, 08:52 PM
Haha the Police would have a great time if they ever raided your place :D

10-03-2012, 10:07 PM


Steve :)

10-03-2012, 10:39 PM
That's a very nice collection Jeep very nice :happy-clapping:


11-03-2012, 12:23 AM
That's a great collection jeep, can I ask how long it took.

11-03-2012, 05:39 AM
What is the age of the oldest? Are some of them antiques?

11-03-2012, 11:19 AM
Very impressive collection, Jakob. With this and the 'What have you bought' thread, I'm guessing your house is the supply depot for the entire
Danish military...

11-03-2012, 12:09 PM
Haha the Police would have a great time if they ever raided your place :D

There's a story to that actually: One night, about two years ago, we were awoken by the sound of broken glass, a man crying and something heavy falling down the staircase - followed by someone banging at our door. Opening the door, I found the guy who, at that time, used to live in the apartment above us, lying at the floor, drunk out of his mind - and bleeding heavily from an artery in his arm! The entire staircase was smeared in blood - and he was starting to loose consioness. The only thing he managed too say, before he slipped into semi-inconsioness, was that he had been stabbed.
While Maria, who is better trained in first aid than me, put two fingers in her wound (literally) while trying her best to hold him down (his was panicking and quite violent), I called for an ambulance - informing them about the posability of a crime having been committed.
While waiting for the ambulance and police, our neighbour started to really panic, becoming increasingly violent. In the end I had to sit on his leg, holding his arms - as he tried to kick and punch Maria several times. Due to the fact that he was so violently moving around, it was very difficult for Maria to keep his wound closed. By the time the ambulance arrived, all three of us were covered in blood (i'll never forget that smell).
The ambulance crew quickly got him out in the ambulance, tendning to his bleeding artery on the spot. A minute after the ambulance, the police arrived.
The first thing the police did, was talking to our neighbours across the street, who (i was informed later) told them that they had seen our neighbour arrive home by cap - and that he was unharmed at that moment, that paired with the fact that there were no blood at the bottom of the staircase/by the front door, meant that the police were looking for a perpetrader inside the house. The first thing the police saw inside was Maria and I, covered in blood, the second thing; my knife collection! I guess that it will come as no suprise to anyone, what initial conclusion the police drew?
It did not get any better, as the elderly lady living across the hall, told that she had heard "people fighting" - we found out later, that what she actually heard was a panicking bleeding person banging at her door, calling for help - as he knew she was a nurse. Her response was to turn off the lights and lock her door!! Some nurse(!)
So there I was, covered in my neighbours blood, with the police eying my knife collection... While one policeman went upstairs, the other policeman went over to the wall with medieval weapons, pulling down a large dagger, asking me; Is this your knife, do you have a permit for it?!" Funny though, he managed to choose the only knife on that wall, that was not mine, it was actually Maria's :) Maria's responded before I did; "No, thiat one is mine... Me, interrupting; "But, we both have all required permits!" The look on the policeman's face was priceless!
At that moment, the other policeman came down from our neighbour's appartment, informing his colleague that our neighbour apparently had managed to put his hand though the window of his door, thus cutting open his artery on the glass, it looked like he afterwards had tried to bandage the wound with toilet tissue, before decending/falling down the stairs to seek help.
Long story short; the policemen relaxed a lot after discovering that it was an accident. I spend the rest of the night cleaning up our staircase from blood - I had that smell in my nostrils for weeks after.
Aftermath; Maria lost her job at the local baker's because of this, her boss fired her because she called in sick, having had only a few houers sleep after saving a mans' life! (None of our friends buy their bread there anymore...)
The following evening, our neighbour knocked at out door again (this time less violently), he had just been discharged from the hospital. He brought a bottle of wine and a huge bouquet of flowers for Maria. He has no memory of what happened the eveing before - and could not explain why he had initially claimed that he had been stabbed. He had been out celebrating that he had passed his apprenticeship and found work, on the same day - usually not being a heavy drinker, he managed, urged by his friends, to drink a lot more than could handle. The doctors had told him that he had been minutes away from dying. Unfortunally for him he had, aside from the artery, managed to server a tendon; due to that he lost both his new job (and had to move from his apartment) and the ability to play the guitar (something he was quite good at).
I can't stop thinking though, that if our neighbour had been more responsible with the liquor, he and Maria would not have lost their jobs, he would still have his apartment and be able to play the guitar.

That's a great collection jeep, can I ask how long it took.

I have collected knives since i was ten - but the particular part of my collection has been gathered over 2-3 years.

What is the age of the oldest? Are some of them antiques?
About half of the knives are vintage/antique. The oldest dating from the 1920's

11-03-2012, 02:21 PM
Woah, what an episode. Sounds like the stuff that goes on here, there was eight stabbings in this area last week. :(

Ben Casey
11-03-2012, 03:19 PM
Hi Jeep I love the pics but your story just shows sometimes it does not pay to be a good Samaritan unfortunately :(

11-03-2012, 03:23 PM
These are the very reasons why I moved down here!

Metal mug
11-03-2012, 04:21 PM
These are the very reasons why I moved down here!Yeah, the crazy people only have guns here. ;)

12-03-2012, 06:44 AM
Hi Jeep I love the pics but your story just shows sometimes it does not pay to be a good Samaritan unfortunately :(

Well, the way I see it; the police officers based their conclusions on what data they had on hand; neighbours saying it happened indoors, reports of "fighting sounds", me being covered in blood and having a large collection of knives.
I would probably have drawn the same initial conclusions, honestly.
After I was "cleared" the police officers shook our hands and thanked Maria and I for our effort in saving the mans life.

I would never hesistate in helping a fellow human like this. The fact that it could get myself in "trouble" didn't even cross my mind then - and it probably wouldn't if it happened again.

12-03-2012, 07:01 AM
Hello Jeep, wonderful collection and truly enthralling piece of your history. John