View Full Version : Waterproofing

Dan XF
18-03-2012, 09:43 AM
Ashley's video on using old candle stubbs for axe head care was great and I went out after watching it and did the same to my axe. It got me thinking about reusing old candles. I tried rubbing the stubs on my craghopper kiwi trousers. just from the knees down to make walking in long wet grass a little more pleasant. It worked but made the trousers look streaky and dirty. I have now tried the same procedure but holding the trousers over a steaming kettle afterwards. the heat from the steam melt the wax and in its liquid form it seems to be pulled through the fibres by capillary action. hey presto, my trousers are water repellent and look like normal. thanks to Ashley for the inspiration.

18-03-2012, 11:58 AM
You can also use a hairdryer for this. I use this method with beeswax to waterproof most of my stuff, one coat and it's still breathable (repeat when worn), two or more coats = more thornproof.

Also, if you collect old stubbs, you can make new candles by melting them and pouring into a piece of inner tube that's 'clenched' at one end with a wick running through it, suspended in a cup or similar.