View Full Version : New type of stove

19-03-2012, 06:37 AM
Just seen this as a new type of stove; not for me, I hasten to add but still an interesting idea. There's a little video to watch. I wondered if the chemical in the pouch might be Quick lime?


19-03-2012, 07:22 AM
I was given a prototype of both the cup and "lunchbox" type stoves, for testing and evaluation, last year:

1. This system is for heating water and pre made food - it is not a "cooking system", rather a "heating system". Even a Jetboil would be a better option, for making food from scratch, than the Trekmates Flameless Cooking system.

2. The lid on the cup broke the first time I used it, due to preassure. This is probably something they have fixed though.

3. The system is indeed flameless, but the amount of steam rising - as well af hissing noises - emitting from the system, makes it draw as much attention as any other (flame based) cooking system. Maybe more, as everyone knows what a butane- or meths burner looks like - while sitting in a park with a strange smoking/hissing box or cylinder (the cup actually looks somewhat like a grenade), could possible make some people quite nervous and attract the very wrong kind of attention.

4. Heating your food with the use of a chemical reaction is not a new thing. The method is well known in Asia, where you can boy a lot of "self" heating instant meals and beverages (you could too 3-5 years ago here in Denmark, but the idea never cought on). The method has also been used for military ration packs around the world - and is still in use, to some extent - in the US military.
The chemicals involved in the heating process are not expensive, neither is the production of the heat packets. Why does they then have to cost so much? If this system is supposed to be an alternative to butane/meths, then it should not be more (at least not that much) expensive than these options. Maybe the price will find a more reasonable level, given time?

5. There is no way to regulate the heat of this system - and, more importantly, there is no way of turning it off (aside from taking apart the system, removing the heatpack). This is not very practical! In the "lunchbox" one small heatpack is not enough for bringing water to a boil, two small are way too much - an is one large. This means that you will have to wait until the heatpack cools off, before packing it out or disposing it in a trashcan. Wheras a Jetboil or Mini Trangia takes around five minutes to cool off and pack down.
One can argue that throwing a still active heatpack in a trashcan will not be hazardous. I do not know whether it will, but I will not be taking that chance.
If you are camped more permanently the problem above is not that big - but this is a system designed and marketed for short hikes and everyday use when out an about.

6. Read an follow the instructions! Using too much water on the heatpack will cause it to "spit" boiling water on you hands when you place the stainless steel insert over the heatpack - as will placing the insert over the heatpack, before it has completely inflated itself. Imho this system is a lot less "child safe" than a butane- or meths stove.
I have learned to use gloves when handeling mine - something I never have had to do with any of my other stoves.

This is not a system I will be using - nor is it one I would recommend. Unless you need to camp out in an area where the use of fire is 100% probihited - or if you are afraid of fire (no, not a smartass comment, some people actually are).

19-03-2012, 08:08 AM
Many thanks for your very sensible and objective review

19-03-2012, 08:17 AM
It's NOT shiny.

Steve :)

19-03-2012, 08:25 AM
It may not be shiney but it seems to be capable of throwing a hissy fit...

I'll get my hat and coat on the way out :)

19-03-2012, 09:54 AM
It may not be shiney but it seems to be capable of throwing a hissy fit...

I'll get my hat and coat on the way out :)


19-03-2012, 12:40 PM
Thanks for the heads up there.

Kernowek Scouser
19-03-2012, 07:39 PM
This idea is pretty interesting and I seem to remember there were several self heating drinks/soups available a couple of years ago. But like Jakob mentioned in his splendid review, the idea didn't really catch on here either and if my memory serves correctly, the soup and coffee versions I tired was pretty rank.

Perhaps it is a matter of applying the idea in a more attractive/practical way?

10-04-2012, 11:02 PM
Looks like the same heating system you find in MRE's....

08-05-2012, 08:19 PM
It's NOT shiny.

Steve :)

It is inside lol! I must say i was a bit dubious about this system at first but i was bought one for my birthday and having used it i think its not too shabby really. Obviously as Jeep said it has its limitations but it's fine for a day trip for reheating precooked food especially in places were fires are prohibited. The cup i used certainly got the water to a very good temperature for coffee or soup etc and i didn't have any problems with the lid so again, as Jeep said they may have resolved the issue he had. The box reheated two packs of "look what we found" stew perfectly well in about ten minutes, so again i was quite pleased with the outcome.
The system seems fine for the odd outing and may be worth keeping in the car with some prepacked food over the winter months in case you get stuck in snow somewhere. The other advantage of this sytem is that you can use it in a tent without worrying about CO poisoning.
All in all I would recommend it to anyone going on a day hike or something like that but obviously for longer periods away you will probably want to stick to your meths stove or gas!

Metal mug
08-05-2012, 08:43 PM
3. The system is indeed flameless, but the amount of steam rising - as well af hissing noises - emitting from the system, makes it draw as much attention as any other (flame based) cooking system. Maybe more, as everyone knows what a butane- or meths burner looks like - while sitting in a park with a strange smoking/hissing box or cylinder (the cup actually looks somewhat like a grenade), could possible make some people quite nervous and attract the very wrong kind of attention.
Ha ha. I can imagine some poor soul queueing for the olympics in a couple of months time and deciding to have a brew up. :D