View Full Version : leather sheath redo

19-03-2012, 01:36 PM
Just befor Christmas, I was lucky enough to be offered a one of a kind Sugar Creek Knife Works Modern Hudson Bay knife. A wonderful chopper, but no sheath to accompany it. Shortly there after I recieved a large sheath in a trade package and it fit the Hudson Bay perfectly! It was very Plain Jane and in rough shape, but it worked well. I revived the leather with oil and some TLC and then coated it with Mink oil. THe lacing was very dry and brittle so I took the whole sheath appart and laced it up again with some artificial sinew. I am very pleased with the over all outcome. I carry this Baldric style by adding a twisted pair of leather strips. 39994000

26-03-2012, 11:22 PM
I'm amazed Amazed how mutch you'r knife looks like one of mine I made out of a file 403340344035

26-03-2012, 11:39 PM
Very nice collection Tony. All ar goodlooking blades. I'm very happy with the Hudson Bay. I wasn't really looking for a big knife but when the offer presented itself, sometimes you learn to ask forgiveness rather than permission. The wifey wasn't thrilled at all but BIG sad puppydog eyes get me through sometimes.LOL They do have a striking resemblance it tone and color. What is the size of your blade? Looks very comfy in hand. Did you make the knife?

26-03-2012, 11:58 PM
Ye I made all 3 out of files the big one in the middle is 10in long the blade is 51/2 in and just under1/4 in thick.