View Full Version : Lifeproof iPhone Case

26-03-2012, 12:10 PM
Basically it's a waterproof and shockproof iPhone case that you can take out and chuck around (not too much!) and take underwater and the like.

I was slightly skeptical after seeing the price (the best I could find was £60 from Outdoorgb (http://www.outdoorgb.com/p/LifeProof_iPhone_4_Case/)), but after getting it it's been absolutely brilliant. I took it kayaking and had it strapped to my paddle so I could take videos (and listen to music on my aquapac waterproof headphones), and have also taken it skiing in France and biking as well.

Although the seal sometimes pops if it's had a really hard knock on the corner, I still try to be careful with it, and as you can still use it in its case, i pretty much keep it in there the whole time.

Has anybody else got one of these and having having any problems or used it for anything slightly more extreme?


26-03-2012, 12:39 PM
Hi Giles

Thanks for the heads up on this. Do you have any connection with the company who either makes or sells these?


26-03-2012, 12:46 PM
Hi Martin,

Nope, sorry, If I did I would have tried to get a better price:D...I think I have the email address of Karen who works at Outdoorgb, but that's it.

If you're looking to get in contact with Outdoorgb then I can give you Karen's email address I guess, though it might be better to just ring them. I think Lifeproof are American or Australian, I'm not sure, but I'm afraid I don't know of anybody who works there...

Sorry I couldn't be of more help,


26-03-2012, 01:01 PM
No it's fine. I bought a waterproof case for my Samsung Galaxy S2 from Amazon the other day. It cost about £6 and has a double seal as well as a rollover top to keep the seals intact. I've used it on Dartmoor a couple of times now in pretty poor weather and it's kept the phone nice and dry. It also has the added benefit of allowing the touch screen to be used whilst the phone is still in the case. I know it would fit the iPhone too.


26-03-2012, 01:02 PM
Oh, and by the way. A very warm welcome to the NaturalBushcraft forum. :)


26-03-2012, 01:10 PM
Haha, wow, well I only spent about 10 times that...

I suppose that it doesn't matter now, but does that case protect the phone from bumps and knocks? - Just if something were to happen to this one, If I could get one that does the same thing for a lot cheaper then that would be nice, but if it's just a glorified freezer bag, then I'd prefer something that can handle me dropping it and knocking it around.

oh, and thank you for the welcome!


26-03-2012, 02:51 PM
What is the case you have got for the S2 Martin?

26-03-2012, 09:29 PM
This one Chris. Hope the link works.

