View Full Version : 58 pattern poncho help

29-03-2012, 01:56 AM
I'm quite new to the bushcraft/wild camping scene but i have done a lot of
regular camping
I've recently bought a 58 pattern poncho off ebay really cheap but I think
I will need to reproof as on the inside there are lots of gold flakes where it
looks like the waterproofing has come off is it possible to re-proof these and if so
what should i use?

29-03-2012, 06:56 AM
Firstly, a very warm welcome to the NaturalBushcraft forum.

I'm afraid that I don't really know the answer to your re-proofing problem but would imagine that if you hang it right, with a decent pitch on it, it will shed water rather than drip through. It will need to be nice and tight. Why not hook it up and pour water over it with a watering can? That will be as good a test as you'll get.


29-03-2012, 08:35 AM
Hi from me too :)

You could try just chucking it in the washing machine with your normal detergent and that will remove a lot of the existing proofing (I know because I accidently but a tarp in once :ashamed: ). When dried use a reproofing product like Fabsil or Nikwax. I don't think you will get the repellency back to the same levels as when new but it should be pretty damned good. The only thing to watch with reproofing or items with a possible flaw in existing proofing is wind. As Martin said the poncho or tarp will let most water run off because of the pitch but in windy conditions the moisture can be pushed through as a very fine mist that can be a little annoying.

Good luck.

Under My Basha
24-06-2013, 01:50 PM
Army Ponchos are extra waterproofed by silicone it's called silnyn or something but this comes off after time, as Martin said a good tight A frame water will just run off no problems.


24-06-2013, 04:45 PM
I posted this recently might be of interest http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?6085-RainyPass-Repairs
maybe able to advise further? The 58 Pattern Webbing Poncho should hold up as per details if you use Nikwax. I've seen a few tatty
58 Ponchos very much still in use & still keeping the water out no problem :wink:

02-07-2013, 12:04 PM
I don't know but thinking about it maybe the can sprays that can be used to waterproof a tent, might do the trick for you, hope this helps. :welcome:to the group by the way :camping:

02-07-2013, 04:21 PM
Aye' something like Grainger's Fabsil http://www.grangers.co.uk/product.cfm?cat=17&productid=22

I don't know but thinking about it maybe the can sprays that can be used to waterproof a tent, might do the trick for you, hope this helps. :welcome:to the group by the way :camping:

Old Guard
02-07-2013, 10:30 PM
I have used Thompson Waters seal (masonery waterpoofer) quite successfully on old canvas tents - cheaper than Fabsil etc..... might be worth considering !

Kit Mac
02-07-2013, 10:41 PM
I used Nikwax Tent & Gearproof spray on mine, worked fine.

03-07-2013, 07:06 AM
Aye' something like Grainger's Fabsil http://www.grangers.co.uk/product.cfm?cat=17&productid=22

I used fabsil on an old tent that I have. Works a treat!

03-07-2013, 07:25 AM
You could go all traditional 50/50 mix of linseed oil and turpentine

Boil the oil separately and add the turps heated but not boiled I personally do it outside wearing a good set of gloves

Put it on with a brush ' it's not a quick fix as it will take a week or so to dry off but what your left with is a traditional oil cloth

I swear by it on my old webbing and there going strong

03-07-2013, 08:23 AM
A cheap alternative is wax furniture spay, just spay generously over the poncho and allow to dry several coats of wax may be needed. Works well with most of my kit.

04-07-2013, 12:41 AM
I don't know about reproofing products but, with the '58 Poncho, just be sure to keep the studs free of whatever you paint/spray onto it.

You'll need the studs working if you wear the thing as a waterproof garment or if you snap 2x Ponchos together (for a comfortably large shelter if you've a friend with another '58 Poncho) or to make a tent type shelter (with the 3rd Poncho acting as a groundsheet).

Despite personally hating the '58 Poncho, I've recently acquired a funky "ACU" cam US Army version which is also thinner and ripstop (by mail order): I like the idea of kit being multi use (shelter, flotation, garment) and my mate still uses a '58. Point to note: the studs are not compatible. :(

Incidentally, the cord (if present) is to tie around your waist when worn as a garment. The 5x(? - from memory) female studs along the lower middle are to snap to the '58 Sleeping Bag. In reality, I've never seen anyone basha up like this. Also, especially if you need to reproof, this would be a BAD method to use as it'd direct penetrated water right onto the foot of your sleeping bag! :eek:


05-07-2013, 05:07 PM
Just bought one of these myself and noticed as you have flaking in the inside, these items became unserviceable in the british army in the late 80s when I was demobbed, wish I had kept a hold of mine as it was a great piece of kit for using as a basha it never let me down. Just washed mine with some nikwax wash in and will be using it on a trip up to Glen Feshie in the cairngorms next weekend so if it rains I will see how it holds up.