View Full Version : DD Hammock Karabiner Mod Questions?????

Man of Malpais
03-04-2012, 02:04 PM
Hello All,

I'm brand new to naturalbushcraft. I'm also brand new to hammocks, having just recieved my DD travel Hammock today! I am considering doing the Karabiner Mod as per the instructions on this website (link here http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/shelter/dd-hammock-karabiner-mod-rain-proof-your-hammock.html). Before I go mutilating my brand new hammock, I have a couple of questions.

Does this mod, in any way, hinder or prevent the use of a snakeskin?

I did not purchase any extra webbing when I bought the Hammock so the only webbing I have is the webbing which already comes threaded through each end of the hammock. In order to do this mod, I have to cut this webbing close to the hammock and use a fishermans knot to make a loop. This leaves me with four lengths (each roughly 2 metres long ) of webbing. Thats two lengths for each end. As far as I can tell from this video on setting up a hammock www.youtube.com/watch?v=78OhtWrIInE&feature=related , I need one single length of webbing at each end to wrap around the tree. Therefore I need to connect each of the two lengths at each end, to make two longer single lengths. This is what appears to have been done in this video.

My question is (finally): What is the best and strongest way to do this. Would another fisherman's knot suffice?

Any help / Tips would be greatly apreciated

03-04-2012, 06:52 PM
Hi there

After a summer of hammocking and over 50 nights... I've looked into lots of aspects of how to do this....

Forget the Carabiner mod,...
I'd suggest you get a set of whoopie slings (about £12) and either buy the tree straps or make your own from 1" climbing webbing.
Whoopies are by far the quickest, lightest and easiest suspension system out there....2x six feet webbing tree straps completes the set up. I use a simple marlin spike hitch with a cut down piece of fibre glass tent pole as my toggle.... http://youtu.be/d7NZVqpBUV0 This video will open your eyes to the finer points of hammock camping.(Well it did mine) & show you how the set up can be done easily. The guys a nut job too but really funny.

The DD webbing really is terrible stuff, it stretches a lot... I didn't even entertain using it.

Personally I didn't really like the DD skins either... Ok the hammock slid in easily enough but the resulting bundle was really hard to fold, or stuff into any kind of bag...

I found the easiest option was to follow Ray Mears idea and use a 5L waterproof stuff sack and stuff the hammock into it. this is pretty much the same idea as Shug's Bishop bag, except I didn't want to put a hole in the bottom of my dry sack....

If you look at Ray Mears Trap & Hammock video, not only is the tarp set up the best way I've tried (after lots of trial and error) but the dry sack for the hammock is just as quick as the sleeve and once packed gives you a bundle you can stick in your bergan.


03-04-2012, 10:52 PM
Hi there.

I completely agree with Gareth, forget the 'biner modification and go straight to the whoopie slings modification. I have a video on YouTube of how they work with my DD Frontline hammock.

Hope it helps.


Dan XF
04-04-2012, 11:18 AM
You could also try the Ravenlore website. There's a great mod on there for an easily adjustable system that also acts as a rain stopper.

04-04-2012, 11:34 AM
You could also try the Ravenlore website. There's a great mod on there for an easily adjustable system that also acts as a rain stopper.

Yes I've seen this.. Dave Canterbury showed it in a video. Whoopies are still a better bet IMHO, and never had any water reach my hammock with the tree hugger/whoopie combo. I was out in a serious thunder storm last year. Not a drop ran down the whoopies. Must admit I was more worried about lightening hitting the trees than a few drops of water, but it proved the system to me..

04-04-2012, 12:02 PM
Hi MoM and welcome!

Steve :)

Man of Malpais
04-04-2012, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the info and advice guys. I've ordered a set of tree huggers and whoopie slings from DD. They do seem to be the best all round option.