View Full Version : Razor clam "hunting"

09-04-2012, 09:59 PM
Hello everyone! I noticed theres nothing on collecting these crafty yet tasty little fellows (if there is i apologise, and will be taking a trip to spec savers!) so thought i would share my day out trying to catch a few for dinner.
Basically i discovered the other day that it was an extra big spring tide due to something called the equinox. So i went charging off to the beach in search of razor clams.
I thought they were pretty tricky to catch. Ray mears makes it look quite easy! I managed to get about 5 good sized ones by squirting salty water down their breathing holes and engaging in an epic tug of war with them when they popped up, which they did to my surprise. I then ran out of salty water (i know i was by the sea but its got to be really really salty!) I tried to dig some out of the sand. About an hr later and a beach that looked like it had been carpet bombed i had caught one tiddler of a razor clam. they can move through the sand quicker than i can with my spade!
I lit a fire and steamed what i had caught on a bed of seaweed for a couple of mins til the shells opened. It was worth the effort. They tasted like scallops but better.
Sorry i appear to have written a novel! But if your heading out on a coastal forage take some salt with you and if its a low low tide you could be in for a feast!

If anyones got any tips on catching razor clams please let me know, Ive become slightly obssessed by them.

09-04-2012, 10:06 PM
Hey Ed, thanks for sharing your day out but where have you been mate? It's been ages, hope you're well.

Did you get any pics of your feast? We've been out looking for these blighters a couple of times but to no avail.


10-04-2012, 07:37 AM
Get a piece of 1/4 inch mild steel rod, hammer the end until it is flat and then file an arrow head shape onto it. Find your Razorshell hole, introduce the rod push down and give it a quarter to half turn, withdraw the rod and you've got a Razorclam... salty water is easier though :)

andy t
10-04-2012, 04:32 PM
Try Helford passage martin there's loads there, as well as mussels and oysters.

10-04-2012, 04:41 PM
Try Helford passage martin there's loads there, as well as mussels and oysters.

Cheers Andy, we'll have to get down there before the 'season' is over. :)


21-04-2012, 04:36 PM
Hi Martin, its bin a while hasn't it! Im well thanks hope things are all good with you.
I havn't been camping since sept not even had a fire! think i must have had somesort of illness that blocked my bushcrafty cravings! But im back now, and planning some walking and camping trips for the summer.
Im afraid i didn't get any pics of the clams i got, next time i will be sure to get some.


21-04-2012, 04:44 PM
Get a piece of 1/4 inch mild steel rod, hammer the end until it is flat and then file an arrow head shape onto it. Find your Razorshell hole, introduce the rod push down and give it a quarter to half turn, withdraw the rod and you've got a Razorclam... salty water is easier though :)

That sounds like a good way of getting razorshells, cheers for sharing your knowledge!
I think ive got just the thing, a spear i made for catching flatties should do the trick nicely.

24-04-2012, 10:33 AM
One way to get saltier water whilst out and about is to boil sea water down, add more sea water and boil down again and so on.

Ashley Cawley
25-04-2012, 06:15 PM
Great to see you back on here Ed, hope your keeping well bud. Would love to see some pics if your out collecting more any time soon.

As Martin said.. the past couple of times we've been out looking for them we've not had much luck, ended up resorting to a brew & a biscuit on the beach...