View Full Version : Exploring the local area.

13-04-2012, 08:08 PM
We moved to the area where I live just prior to my son being born in september 2010. And these last few days I have taken the little runt out exploring the near area around the house. We are at the end of a cul-de-sac with nothing but wood, mountain and hill on tree sides. But since my wife had a difficult pregnancy we wen't from a fairly active life spending a lot of time outdoors to being the complete couch potatoes. And then the little feller was born and he was a colic child, and at the same time my Chrons flared and I was operated for that...the energy to do outdoors stuff have been non existant. I go out in my boat in the summer or do some shore fishing if I can drive right up to the mark, and thats it!

But now the winter is passing into spring , I have gotten meds that actually work, and am in remission, and little Ståle has long since gotten his little feet under him, me and him have been exploring the woods around here. Just found a great little fireplace with logs around it in a grove of pine trees with a huge dwarf pine in the centre, obviosly used as a climbing tree by the kids around here, and not further from the house that the little one manage to walk there, his trusty spade and bucket in hand. And if he get tired or whiny, I can just put him on my shoulders :)

Anyway the fireplace was built up with logs to sit on. But was evidently being much used by the local kids. With the left overs of a shelter, and inside a hoard of birch logs cut for firewood...
I plan to go back there once all the snow is melted and clean it up. But even today, under the canopy of the dwarf pine. I suspect that the local kinder garten also use the place, as it's not very far for them to walk, and I saw them over there yesterday when me and the little one was taking our afternoon walk. So the firewood probably bellong to them. Left that alone....

So I guess I have found our camp site for some afternoon barbecue during the summer as the creek that runs by our house also runs next to this place, and thats clean water coming straight down from the mountains.

When we moved here, prior to his birth and me getting ill I was up in the hills here for a walk, trying to find a camp site where me and my best buddy camped in tarp shelter most of the summer when I was a boy. Everyone has one glorious summer that defined your childhood, and that was it for us. We still lean back, beer in hand and go: "Do you remember that summer when...."

...we where 12 at the time :-)

I did not find it , but found a similar place as mentioned above, and far enough off that I could use that for camping out this summer when I need some alone time :-)
Just go up there in the evening, and set up camp. Will have the midnight sun anyway, so light won't be an issue :-)

But there is one change I don't like. The treeline, that is the border that marks the altitude where trees don't grow, has changed a lot. It used to be a few hundred meters bellow the beginning of the higland platau there. Now there are dwarf birch growing right up there on the highlands. If thats is not a sign of climate change I don't know....

13-04-2012, 08:44 PM
I wish you and "runt" many happy trips out there. He will soon be saying, "Dad, do you remember when..."

13-04-2012, 09:17 PM
A great account of past times, and times to come. He will oneday be saying to his wife or friends " i remember the times here with my dad". Thats the time when we as fathers get older and prefer the home hearth and slippers. Lol

14-04-2012, 06:06 PM
Took the runt back to the same place this afternoon. The plan was for me to practice my fire lighting skille without the use of a flame thtrower and napalm, have a brew, while making char-cloth, and the runt to eat his supper in the form of a barbecued hot dog and some mashed potatoe...and of course plenty of play time with the local supply of sticks, pine cones and melt water....

The plan is of course the first casualty of war. And as dad spent most of the time fussing with the fire, the runt got bored and wanted his mummy. So by the time dad had the kettle over the fire, he started going home...managed to grab him for a pic before we put out the fire and went home...

Thats the way it is when you bring todlers... :-)

Well, going home is a 3 minute walk, so right now he is eating his hot dog fried in the pan, and I expect him to keel over sleeping any second now :-)