View Full Version : Lofty Wiseman on Mears and Grylls

25-04-2012, 04:33 PM
Just thought I'd share this and open the can of worms.


25-04-2012, 04:45 PM
Actually, I opened it last month, and what a can of worms it was!! :)

25-04-2012, 04:51 PM
oops sorry missed that

25-04-2012, 05:52 PM

25-04-2012, 05:58 PM
Those kids need to learn to play nice . LOL


25-04-2012, 06:50 PM
Here's said 'can of worms'.....


25-04-2012, 07:00 PM
It does raise a point though,in that certainly here in NI there is a lot of rivalry (even spite) amongst different clans/schools/bushcraft groups constantly trying to undermine each other and even spreading untruths..seems that it's the same over your side too.

26-04-2012, 11:50 PM
horses for courses!!! each to their own,all carrying and spreading knolwedge in differing manners and watchability!! 3 teachers better than 1!

10-09-2012, 09:14 PM
Okay, I'm sorry... but who is this pompous old man?

His opinion of Grylls is accurate, but concerning Mears...

It makes me angry that these pretend hard men think it's all about survival. No, it's not. Ray Mears isn't hiding behind anything. He wants to teach people and he is incredibley passionate. His goal isn't to try and act hard because he isn't a showman. It's all about sharing his knowledge.

Can someone please explain to me who this old tattooed idiot is?

Edit: Okay, I just read he's was in the SAS. Is that supposed to be impressive in Bushcraft? I literally couldn't care less.

I actually have great animosity for the supporters of such people, these army surplus kids who think the only thing in this hobby that matters is muscle. Unbeliavable arrogance.

10-09-2012, 09:24 PM
Can someone please explain to me who this old tattooed idiot is?

Ray Mears probably think the same about the "tatood idiot" as you think of Ray Mears...
If you get offended my an old man throwing a few remarks in jest, you have a lot to learn about life :-)

10-09-2012, 09:30 PM
Ray Mears probably think the same about the "tatood idiot" as you think of Ray Mears...
If you get offended my an old man throwing a few remarks in jest, you have a lot to learn about life :-)
I'm offended by his pompousness, FishyFolk.

Ray Mears simply said, "as far as I'm concerned these people are just showmen", or something to that effect.
Grylls said a few polite words about Mears in return and didn't take it too bad.

This man, an elderly man who you'd think would be humble in his approach, turns around and bellows out his dissaproval of the two.

10-09-2012, 09:35 PM
I'm offended by his pompousness, FishyFolk.

Ray Mears simply said, "as far as I'm concerned these people are just showmen", or something to that effect.
Grylls said a few polite words about Mears in return and didn't take it too bad.

This man, an elderly man who you'd think would be humble in his approach, turns around and bellows out his dissaproval of the two.

Well, well,
If you wanna learn anything about bushcraft and survival in the woods, I suggest you pick up a book. Namely this elderly mans book, as
he wrote the book worth having on the subject. "The SAS Survival handbook" by Lofty Wiseman. Ray Mears and that other feller probably did.

Actually, I suggest you add it permanently to your pack.

10-09-2012, 09:39 PM
Well, well,
If you wanna learn anything about bushcraft and survival in the woods, I suggest you pick up a book. Namely this elderly mans book, as
he wrote the book worth having on the subject. "The SAS Survival handbook" by Lofty Wiseman. Ray Mears and that other feller probably did.

Don't assume I don't read. I have plenty of books on the subject. ; )

Anyway, Fishy, don't you see my point that his approach to commenting on Mears and Grylls was a bit... brash? I don't care if he's some sort of survival God, it's the way he presented himself there...

10-09-2012, 10:09 PM
Ray Mears probably think the same about the "tatood idiot" as you think of Ray Mears...
If you get offended my an old man throwing a few remarks in jest, you have a lot to learn about life :-)

hear hear lolT^

10-09-2012, 10:10 PM
Well, well,
If you wanna learn anything about bushcraft and survival in the woods, I suggest you pick up a book. Namely this elderly mans book, as
he wrote the book worth having on the subject. "The SAS Survival handbook" by Lofty Wiseman. Ray Mears and that other feller probably did.

Actually, I suggest you add it permanently to your pack.

11-09-2012, 12:23 AM
All had to start somewhere, ad like many well know advances or sets of knowledge, in this case, started within the military......

11-09-2012, 06:28 AM
Let's just say that it seems that everyone has it out for averyone in this business:

Lofty Wiseman is after Bear Grylls for being a reckless showman - and after Ray Mears for being a arm-chair/academic survivalist. He is right imho. - but, on the same page, I do not think he has any need to be rude about it. He is the author of The SAS Survival Handbook, he shouldn't feel the need to proove anything to anyone.

Ray Mears is after Bear Grylls for being a showman and for being reckless teaching bad "survival" techniques. Ray once called Bear a "boy scout" - meant as an insult.

Bear Grylls is after no-one really. Read his books; he is a suprisingly humble person. Personally I am not a fan of his "teachings", but I respect him for being a former SAS-R and for the fact that he has climbed Mount Everest with a healing broken bag. His response to Ray Mears' "boy scout" comment? Bear took it as a compliment, as he refused to accept the term "boy scout" to be an insult.

Les Stround has displayed his resentment towards Bear Grylls, once asked by a fan - but only by refusing to comment on Bear Grylls. Les is normally very down to Earth though - he is my favourite among th TV crowd.

Dave Cantebury is after no-one - but it seems that a lot of people are after him, supposedly because he has been less than honest about his military career. Perosnally I think he seems like a nice guy - and I like his principle of sharing knowledge freely.

Cody Lundin is, seemingly, after anyone teaching survival and bushcraft in any form. Imho. he may be an expert in his field, but reading his comments on his homepage, leaves me with the impression that he is a pompous p***k.

Mors Kochanski is the father of "modern" bushcraft - he coudln't care less about the present TV crowd. His book "Bushcraft" is imho. still the best allround bushcraft manual out there.

This always makes me think of something one of my teachers at business school told us; "Never sell yourself and/or your product by pointing out what the competitor's can't - always tell what you/your product can"!"

11-09-2012, 06:34 AM
Don't assume I don't read. I have plenty of books on the subject. ; )

Anyway, Fishy, don't you see my point that his approach to commenting on Mears and Grylls was a bit... brash? I don't care if he's some sort of survival God, it's the way he presented himself there...

I can't see what is not there. :-)

11-09-2012, 10:32 AM
I am sensing a little pettiness here folks. You don't want to go getting Martin all upset now do you ?

11-09-2012, 12:55 PM
The SAS survival handbook may be one of the originals, but its not all good advice in there..

Ray is my fav on telly, but Mors is an amazing person, with so much energy, experience and knowledge.
And while I am at it, this guy is the best Bushcrafter I know. Very good blog too.. http://naturallore.wordpress.com/

Dissing other people in the same trade as you is common in any trade. Its just people being people. Put many people on stage and they will try anything to get a laugh, and I bet one of the most common questions Lofty gets asked is "what do you think of Ray Mears or Bear Grylls..?" I bet he is fed up of being asked..

11-09-2012, 02:28 PM
I'm offended by his pompousness, FishyFolk.

This man, an elderly man who you'd think would be humble in his approach, turns around and bellows out his dissaproval of the two.

Why should someone be humble because they're elderly? You do realise that this was a light hearted response to a private Q&A session, don't you, and that there is no "bellowing out"?

Frankly, I'm reminded of a wee discussion with my 11 year old son recently where I had to correct him on a minor thing he was wrongly insisting was correct - and told him that I was'nt young enough to think I know everything.

11-09-2012, 04:10 PM
no such thing as bad advertising!!!!!