View Full Version : what do you carry in YOUR possibles pouch?
28-04-2012, 12:07 PM
What do you carry in your possibles pouch, and have you modified the contents list since its first inception?
28-04-2012, 01:04 PM
I am incepting it these days, just have to find the right bag :-)
Will be back with contents when it's born :-)
28-04-2012, 06:20 PM
possibles pouch? what is that?
28-04-2012, 06:23 PM
I have a possibles bag...I keep quiet as to its contents for fear it will be dubbed a 'survival tin' ;)
28-04-2012, 06:34 PM
possibles pouch? what is that?
it’s simply a pouch or bag which contains a few items that will make it ‘possible’ (hence the name) or at least easier for you to be/use outdoors. For example all the stuff you would normally stuff in your pockets, pen knife, compass, maybe a space blanket, fire tinder, etc. Or maybe just stuff you want to hand instead of searching through your pockets if out for the day.
28-04-2012, 06:56 PM
possibles pouch? what is that?
It's a man purse, but for us men that are confident about our sexuality that is not a problem :-) :happy-clapping:
29-04-2012, 11:35 PM
In the states we like ti call them a Murse :)
25-10-2012, 09:36 PM
This thread sort of died. But here is mine:
So this is the pouch. Got it off ebay for 25$ from someone in Kiev, Russia. Not the best quality I think. But it works for me and suits my style. I dyed it myself using lins seed oil, then brushed it with shoe shine cream, before giving it a once over with bees wax. So it's fairly rain/splash proof.
Inside the pouch is another pouch. That one only contains my flint an steel fire kit, kept in the golden tin you see next to it, and an old vaseline tin that I use for making char cloth. I'll come back to the fire kit bellow. Also in the bag is the Opinel #8 that I got from Jakob, so that one comes on every outing :-)
On the bottom of the bag I carry some extra flint and some quartz that is equally good at crating a spark in my oppinion. It's just more brittle than flint, and you need bigger chunks. So not so convenient.
The large flint I keep in the golden tin.
To be continued
25-10-2012, 09:44 PM
This is my flint and steel set. The flint was a gift from Tony from when I purchased the jungle hammock. The steel I got from the black smith at the Lofotr Viking Museum at Borgr, which is a recreation of an 8th century long house. The tin iis just something from ebay. It's got a seal so that helps keep things dry. I also keep a stick of fat wood/maya wwod in there and a length of hemp rope for kindling. Under it all is some char cloth to catch the spark from the flint and steel.
Covering the extra stones I showed earlier is a hand full of birch bark. I also used to keep some dry grass in there, but birrch bark work even better as a nest when blowing the spark from char cloth into life. The wood is a couple of pices of fat wood.
Finally an overview pic of everything. Lacking a small fine and coarse water stone I also keep in there. Got to go find that one now. And even with all of that I have rrom to spare for a few possibles :-)
25-10-2012, 11:11 PM
Lacking a small fine and coarse water stone I also keep in there.
Nice one Rune!
Where did you get your small wet stone from?
I've been trying to find one but ended up getting a standard size oil stone. (obviously not for the kit bag)
Mick who ran the last course I went on had a tidy one in a metal case that you filled with water. Can't seem to find one though.
...queue 20 links with small wet stones, making me feel stupid! :p
25-10-2012, 11:22 PM
25-10-2012, 11:31 PM
Thanks. Stupidity confirmed. Was always searching for "wet stone" and not "whetstone" <facepalm!> :ashamed:
26-10-2012, 12:05 AM
I luurrrvve the flint striker want one !
26-10-2012, 09:18 AM
I just keep a few essentials in mine.. Hair straighteners, hair brush, lip stick, mascara etc etc..
26-10-2012, 09:43 AM
I just keep a few essentials in mine.. Hair straighteners, hair brush, lip stick, mascara etc etc..
PMSL. Love it Jonny.
26-10-2012, 11:19 AM
That's so funny, :happy-clapping:
it reminds me of a motorcycle camping trip with my wife, she had all that stuff and I was being careful what clothes I
26-10-2012, 11:34 AM
I just keep a few essentials in mine.. Hair straighteners, hair brush, lip stick, mascara etc etc..
Top post of the day LOL
Highland Horde
30-01-2013, 11:40 PM
Fire steel, compass, whistle, small first aid kit, paper and pencil, knife, waterproof match case with cotton balls mixed with petroleum jelly, lip balm, duck tape and an emergency blanket.
31-01-2013, 02:10 AM
i have a possibles bag...i keep quiet as to its contents for fear it will be dubbed a 'survival tin' ;)
lol! Agree!!!
31-01-2013, 01:42 PM
Nice one Jonny (
Possibles Pouch ( by Elbæk (, on Flickr
My kangaroo skin possibles pouch (by Alan Ainsworth/Howling Dingo).
Contents (from left to right):
A good five meters of paracord
A good five meters of jute twine
Two small orange carabiners
Two plastic clothing pins
Six compressed wipes, that unfolds when submerged in water (I also use them as toilet tissue)
Lifeventure hand sanitizer, for sanitizing my hands and for firelighting
TravelSafe mini first aid kit w. band aids abs alcohol wipes
Lifeventure aluminium Mountain Whistle
Opinel No. 8 Carbon – my main whitteling knife and a good striker for my firesteel
Alan Ainsworth/Howling Dingo large antler handled firesteel
Coghlan's wire saw (I still haven't tried it out yet)
Silva carabiner compass w. thermometer
Spyderco Double stuff ceramic sharpening stone (more often I carry my Fällkniven DC4)
Folding cup
Spork Mini
Coghlan's salt&pepper shaker
Instant cocoa
Leather tinder pouch:
Lifeventure waterproof matches
Cotton balls
Steel striker
The contents varies over time, but the above gives a good impression of what I keep in the bag most of the time.
I do not carry the bag on my belt, rather I keep it in my backpack and around camp when out and about.
17-02-2013, 03:41 AM
Black Powder shooters call the smallish bag they carry a "possibles
bag" . Mine carries A brass powder flask, a wool drawstring bag holds my .44 Cal. Round ball lead ammo I cast myself, some spare percussion caps, my powder measure,My flint lock tools, patches and wads for my pistols,a tinder box with a piece of flint and A steel striker that I made myself, and a lot of other stuff! The term comes from the idea that it's "possible" that you might have anything/everything a person might need.
17-02-2013, 03:48 AM
Black Powder shooters call the smallish bag they carry a "possibles bag" . Mine carries A brass powder flask, a wool drawstring bag holds my .44 Cal. Round ball lead ammo I cast myself, some spare percussion caps, my powder measure,My flint lock tools, patches and wads for my pistols,a tinder box with a piece of flint and A steel striker that I made myself, and a lot of other stuff! The term comes from the idea that it's "possible" that you might have anything/everything a person might need.
Dave ward
25-02-2013, 07:56 AM
Wire saw, small candle(2inch long) paper/pencil, 1foot of tin foil(water collection/boiling etc, little pen knife, button compass, snare wire,fishing hooks/line etc, 4 waterproof matches, steel striker, waxed jute, cotton wool balls (2), safety pins, think that's everything, where i live in the city i have some woodland not far from me so this kit is to cover city and woodland not(what ifs) it works for me as i put it together myself :)
27-03-2013, 09:54 AM
I've only made a small one, so all I have is a fire steel, tinder, plasters,string, and a SAK.
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