View Full Version : Strange looks??

27-12-2010, 01:38 PM
I just replied to a comment earlier and made remarked that my Dad thinks it's a little odd that a man of my age '41' should be 'running round the woods doing whatever it is you do'. This got me thinking about all the strange opinions that people seem to have formed about Bushcraft. I've had some people think I'm a tree hugger, some people think I'm in training to become the next Rambo/Ninja, and some generally confused looks when I try and explain the attraction.
I was wondering if anybody else had a funny experience or tale of woe and misinformation??:campfire:

27-12-2010, 01:51 PM
A friend once described me as 'one of those dodgy people who lurk in the woods'. mmmmm.

27-12-2010, 05:05 PM
We are really just big kids doing what we used to do as little kids..we grew old, we didn't grow up.

Ashley Cawley
27-12-2010, 05:48 PM
.... I've had some people think I'm a tree hugger...
Yeah, thought you were a bit of a tree-hugger!

A friend once described me as 'one of those dodgy people who lurk in the woods'. mmmmm.
At first I thought you had a nice hat, but now I realise your actually naked in your avatar, so I agree you probably are one of those dodgy people who lurk in the woods!

... :confused2: ... with you guys about I'm having second thoughts about this Bushcraft hobby now :p

Nah, seriously... it's become more than just a hobby to me, it almost becomes a way of life, a different way of thinking etc. But I know what you mean RE the 'big-kid' thing, I can associate to that - when you find yourself starting to climb up a tree to get a better look at that fungi or looking closely at a bug or a leaf.. it's an inquisitive, learning nature (which again is associated to kids).

But hey this time we're allowed to play with knives and start fires! :D

Ashley Cawley
27-12-2010, 05:52 PM
I think my family & friends have done well to learn what it is I do in term's of Bushcraft, but I'm sure all the photography & videos that I shoot helps as it can bring it to their living rooms and show them. But I suppose there's still the odd family member that I can think of who don't understand or fully appreciate what it is I get up to.... it's ok... when they're round you just don't tell them that the pheasant they're eating was once road-kill. ;)

27-12-2010, 05:59 PM
most of the people who give me funny looks are the work week drunk weekend types....everyone else thinks its interesting....i get the best looks from people who get a scare when i find them picking magic mushrooms.... but then they probably see a unicorn or something

27-12-2010, 06:04 PM
Don't worry Ashley, I always wear clothes when the sharps are out. ;)

28-12-2010, 11:35 PM
As I tend to wander around rather than set up an overnight camp. I do not come across many people. The ones I do encounter either think I am a dog walker or a down and out of some kind. The ones who come across me on my nocturnal wanders generally try and avoid me and don't make conversation. Some of the woodlands I wander have "social problems" so the car park areas are frequented by people who are often up to illicit activities. They seem more than happy to leave me well alone, I can only imagine what they think of me!

28-12-2010, 11:39 PM
As I tend to wander around rather than set up an overnight camp. I do not come across many people. The ones I do encounter either think I am a dog walker or a down and out of some kind. The ones who come across me on my nocturnal wanders generally try and avoid me and don't make conversation. Some of the woodlands I wander have "social problems" so the car park areas are frequented by people who are often up to illicit activities. They seem more than happy to leave me well alone, I can only imagine what they think of me!

whoah....sounds like i'd be keeping the sharpies handy in that area....

29-12-2010, 09:30 AM
I'm in the same boat as Gary - most friends and family think I'm some kind of Rambo-wannabie and I'm too old (same age as Gary) to be playing with knives and sticks. But I just remind myself of a quote I read by Oliver Wendell Holmes: "Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing."

Ashley Cawley
29-12-2010, 01:40 PM
Nice quote that Bernie! I like it :)

04-01-2011, 08:05 PM
upon learning of my interest in bushcraft an old work colleague once remarked "don't you get scared being out there by yourself in the woods? some nutter might be on the loose wth an axe." to which i replied " the only nutter loose with an axe out there at that time of night is me!"

Aaron Rushton
04-01-2011, 08:15 PM
My dad calls me Ray Mears! even the scouts i look after call me and a mate of mine 'Ray and Gordon' (i'm Ray :P ) because of our general wanerding around camp perpously making patronizing comments on what anybody is doing, not matter wether they're doing it correctly or incorrectly :P

paul standley
04-01-2011, 08:19 PM
My wife thinks i'm barking...!

Luckily, my daughter is showing an interest so I am building alies slowly...!

I'm 56 by the way so maybe my wife's not far off the mark...:confused2:


Metal mug
04-01-2011, 08:32 PM
I must admit I quite enjoy people thinking that i'm a mad wildthing. They leave you in peace! ;)

21-01-2011, 10:56 PM
Must admit it was nasty but the funniest (at the time) happening for strange looks was when myself and a friend were out on a camp hike on the Wiltshire Downs. It might have been the instant mashed potatoe or the raw onions for lunch but matey began to feel very bad. It was a hot day and he took off his shirt to try and cool down the increasingly sweaty feeling. Not too long later he dashed into the high grass by the side of the track, didn't make the hedge and threw up where he came to a halt with the grass up to his waist.

Bit sad really that a party of proper Lady Ramblers overtook us at this point. Not so much strange looks as frozen ones at the sight of ... apparently naked being disgusting. I was incapacitated by suppressed unfeeling (admittedly) laughter.

As to be expected, after getting rid of the onion and mashed potato he was fine but oddly embarassed.

Ben Casey
21-01-2011, 11:10 PM
My Ex wife in Germany told the police I was practising to hide in the woods so I could kill her one day. And my last wife thought I just liked to be getting muddy and dirty. Never could understand women LOL