View Full Version : Wild Camping While Wearing Contact Lenses

Kernowek Scouser
08-05-2012, 10:30 AM
I wasn't sure where to put this, so if a passing mod feels it would sit better under another category, please feel free to move it.

After stupidly causing damage to my eyeballs through over use and having spent the last year restricted to glasses; I have been told this morning that in a month or two my eyeballs will have healed to a point where I can wear contact lenses again. Which is grand :D

So my question for you good people today is this:

Do any of you wear contact lenses when out on a wild camping overnighter/weekender and if you do, what measures do you take to minimise any potential nastiness getting into your eyes, when taking the lenses out of a night and popping them back in the next morning.

I have a few ideas about wild camping eye care, but as I now have to be especially careful where contact lenses are concerned, I though it would be prudent to see what anyone who already bothers with them does.



08-05-2012, 10:49 AM
I use disposables. Every morning I have a wash and as soon as my hands are dry, that's when I put my eyes in. At night I mostly take them out after I've washed my billy can, my hands then are quite clean and a dash of alcohol gel does the rest.

Hope this helps


Kernowek Scouser
08-05-2012, 11:42 AM
It does fella, thanks.

Is there a particular brand of sanitizer you favour?

And do you ever bother with an eye wash, or just keep one packed in case you wake up and your eyes feel gritty?

08-05-2012, 12:29 PM
I used to lodge with a guy who wore contact lenses.. Way too much faffing about for me, so I wear glasses. I buy them very cheap from these people http://www.goggles4u.co.uk/index.asp

08-05-2012, 12:56 PM
I had a similar problem with the over usage and eye damage. I found some called day and night by Bosch and Lomb. They have a massive water content and once you've got them in they are there for the month. None of that messing about, you sleep in them which is brilliant if your wild camping. You can get them cheap through tescos on line opticians once you've had the ok and prescription from the opticians.
Best thing EVER :)

Kernowek Scouser
08-05-2012, 01:31 PM
I had a similar problem with the over usage and eye damage. I found some called day and night by Bosch and Lomb. They have a massive water content and once you've got them in they are there for the month. None of that messing about,
you sleep in them
which is brilliant if your wild camping. You can get them cheap through tescos on line opticians once you've had the ok and prescription from the opticians.
Best thing EVER :)

Really? I always thought sleeping with your lenses in was a big no no.

Edit: But being intrigued I have done a bit of googling and found these, also made by Bausch & Lomb.
Purevision Toric

Going to speak to my eyeball Doctor about extended / overnight wear when I next see her.

@JP - it is a lot of faffage.

I managed quite happily for 30 odd years without lenses. Then one day I was passing a Specsavers, noticed they were doing a free trial for walk ins, had a bit of time to kill and thought what the hell.

Got a free eye test and a lecture on contact lens usage, then as they actually had some trial lenses to suit my description, I spent the next ten minutes trying to coax my eyelids open long enough to pop the lenses in. I had a fair few false starts, but once they were in and my eyes were not hurting, the eye doctor suggested I go for a walk around the block in them, so I did.


I soon got addicted to having unrestricted vision and wore the lenses as much as I could (which turned out to be longer than I should have).

I'm used to wearing glasses again now and although when I get the ok I will wear lenses once more, I'm not going to be an idiot again and over wear them, so the link Goggles4u (love the name) will come in very handy, cheers fella :D

Old Guard
10-05-2012, 06:14 PM
just jumping into this one, with additional advice.

If you need glasses / contacts, in order to function normally - pack a spare (spares for contacts), somewhere safe in your kit, as if you lose / damage your main ones you could be putting yourself in a 'situation'.

Also if you take prescription medicines, on a daily basis, ensure you take extra, packed seperate from main ones, in case you loose your normal supply, or have to be 'in the wild' longer than anticipated.