View Full Version : Afternoon cooking trip gone to hell

11-05-2012, 06:54 PM
Packed my pack full of meat, cooked rice, doe for making stick bread, spices and a nice beer or two, and headed into the hills this afternoon.

Arived at my camp place, to find it nice and dry, no snow. Built a fire and for the first time in my life, I managed to get it going by way of quartz and steel. So far so good, from then on it went down hill...

Got my stick bread doe out and put it on a stick over the fire. Along with my kettle for some tea. Then proceeded to fire up my multi fuel burner, using a gas canister this time...uh...no go...no gas comes out.

Shakes the gas banister...plenty of fuel in there. But I have had these malfunction before...so over to plan B. I change over to kerosene, and uses meths to prime the burner. Pumps up pressure in the fuel bottle, Turn on the kerosene flow....nothing.


Okay....takes the thing apart. I get pressure in the fuel tank, and fuel is moving trough the hose, and even trough the priming tubes. Dismantles everything, and makes the fatal mistake of doing this sitting on a log instead of on a tarp...and fumbles away the smallest most crucial part....the one that was blocked. Don't know the name of it, and cant be arsed to look it up...without it cant use the burner...and by now there is only white ashes left of my fire, and it starts to rain buckets....so my I headed home..

okay back to the kitchen to cook myself my dinner. :mad2:

11-05-2012, 07:06 PM
That realy sucks mate .
Hope ye can sort it for next time ye head out
But look at the bright side . you managed to use your steel and the quartz to start a fire so thats a point on your favour.
Congrats on that.


11-05-2012, 07:20 PM
Actually happy this happened 1 km from home, rather than miles into the wild lands....

Ordering up that part allong with a few spare sets also...and next time I'll bring a meths burner as back up...

11-05-2012, 10:06 PM
At least you tried mate, you had a go. better luck next time..

12-05-2012, 06:29 AM
Glad it's not just me :)

12-05-2012, 10:41 AM
As Al says - well impressed withyou getting a fire going with quartz and steel. Had days like this when literally standing by a vehicle doing a bird survey and 3 different stoves haven't worked (mainly due to me forgetting fuel etc) and had to wait 7 hours later to finish the survey before I can get a brew. (yep I had to go into therapy for that one!)

At least you had a good go and I look forward to hearing about the next one. By the way, they say that some Scottish and Norwegian words come from similar language sources and so deffo recognise the "#"¤§#¤§#!!" :mad2:

12-05-2012, 02:46 PM
"#"¤§#¤§#!!" :mad2: universal language :o
A friend once told me that I would only ever speak one language but , I could point in every language on the planet !! for beer mostly .

13-05-2012, 10:48 AM
Actually happy this happened 1 km from home, rather than miles into the wild lands....

Ordering up that part allong with a few spare sets also...and next time I'll bring a meths burner as back up...

They may not be the strongest flames, they may not be the most adjustable, but meths burners are very reliable and compact...oh..and lightweight....eerr...and cost nothing to make!

13-05-2012, 12:50 PM
I cannot understand why you need to use a stove when you have a fire going..?

13-05-2012, 01:32 PM
Simply because I think it's easier to cook on. The fire was just for the stick bread, and becosue it's nice to have a fire. And by the time I realised the stove was ¤%!"¤%, it started to rain buckets, and the fire was almost out...so I thought sod it!

Had this been an overnight camping trip far out in the boonies, of course I would just have cooked on the fire instead, provided I managed to keep it going in the rain and sleet....