View Full Version : What's In Your Billy

Adam Savage
16-05-2012, 02:57 PM
After finally buying a Zebra billy, I decided to start transferring brew kit bits into it.
Before, I have been using a Swedish army mess kit, which holds a good amount of kit, in various configurations, but the 16cm Zebra has way more room inside. So much so, that I can now fit my kettle inside the billy, along with a good supply of provisions.
I thought I would start a thread, to see what others keep in their billys. This is not limited to Zebra, or any other make/manufacturer, so feel free to add any item of cookware, that holds all your "essentials" :).

Here's my Zebra (still far too shiny, but it won't be for long)...


here it is broken down, into it's three main components (pot,insert,lid)...


The loose packed items in it at the moment (kettle still in pot)...


The three main components of the kettle (infuser,lid,kettle body)...


And the contents of the kettle itself...


In the future, I will change this set up for different heat sources. This is a set up for open flame cooking, on a camp fire, rather than a burner.

Looking forward to how other people do it, and with what size billys/pot/etc.


16-05-2012, 03:07 PM
10cm Billy and hobo all-in-one:



Steve :)

16-05-2012, 03:09 PM
I only use the kettle from my protec storm kitchen (trangia rip off). It's got a few tea bags, some hot chocolate bags and a "straight in the cup soup of some kind, plus little sugar and my wood cup. Thats it.
I am talking myself into getting myselef an eagle products one man stove set this summer, or go for the swedish model....finances are a bit tight: http://eagleproducts.no/eagleproducts561_no/kokeutstyr/alum_anodized_artikler/content_1/filelist_1b89ef8c-7e0d-4ebd-82d0-689c7256e545/1290090259997/anodi_storkj_lite.jpg


16-05-2012, 03:11 PM
Looks great :)


Ben Casey
16-05-2012, 04:36 PM
Oh great looks like I have to get a billy can now LOL :camping: T^

16-05-2012, 04:46 PM
Oh great looks like I have to get a billy can now LOL :camping: T^

SKS strikes again!!! :)

16-05-2012, 04:56 PM
I keep Jim Beam in mine incase I come across Crazysaint in the woods!

Adam Savage
16-05-2012, 06:16 PM
I only use the kettle from my protec storm kitchen (trangia rip off). It's got a few tea bags, some hot chocolate bags and a "straight in the cup soup of some kind, plus little sugar and my wood cup. Thats it.

Sounds like a very tidy setup. I'm wondering which kettle would be most suited to cooking food in, as well as it's usual job :)

Oh great looks like I have to get a billy can now LOL :camping: T^

I'm surprised you don't have any already ;)

SKS strikes again!!! :)

It gets to us all mate lol.
With your billy, did you drill the holes in the insert yourself, or did you purchase a special one? I'm assuming you use it for steaming?

I keep Jim Beam in mine incase I come across Crazysaint in the woods!

Don't forget a plastic bottle to beat me with :p

16-05-2012, 06:20 PM
With your billy, did you drill the holes in the insert yourself, or did you purchase a special one? I'm assuming you use it for steaming?...

Yeah, I drilled 'em and yep, steaming - though it is quite small. Useful for draining as well, though. :)

16-05-2012, 06:27 PM
ok here goes.

I have 2 billies, both with home made stoves which they slot into. One is a 16 cm Zebra the other is some stainless stell containers I got from ebay.

I have a standard brew/food pouch which I can move between the billies dependent on which I am taking and I always take an alternate fuel source, I always have hexi blocks anyway.


zebra with home made grapefruit tin stove. standard handle replaced with wire bail


kit breakdown - uco micro lantern,candle, meths, tin opener, grandpas toasting fork, vaseline, the empty containers are for milk on overnighters, hexi blocks, potassium permanganate, Spork, blow poker, burner /pan supports and pop can stove. Not pictured pan lifter from a cheap cook set


my home made set up. Billy is 12cm across 22cm tall. still fits everything in like the zebra but the brew pouch has to sit on top in the bag - picture taken when new, it doesnt look like that now.


stacked together


zebra in use


Bannock made in the top part of the zebra

16-05-2012, 07:43 PM
cool sets guys il have to get some pic of mine on here soon

Adam Savage
16-05-2012, 09:13 PM
ok here goes.

Very well put together sets buddy. Looks very versatile :)

cool sets guys il have to get some pic of mine on here soon

I know you, you have about 500 different cook sets lol. Wonder which ones you'll share with us "mere mortals" :D

17-05-2012, 04:03 PM
rofl iv only got about 5 that i can find its good to have spares lolol

08-06-2012, 07:34 PM
here is my cook set

Adam Savage
08-06-2012, 08:36 PM

Is that a simmer ring in the bottom right in these pics?

08-06-2012, 08:47 PM
that gray thing is a solid fuel stand u can have a look at it when u come round mate

Adam Savage
08-06-2012, 08:53 PM
Ok buddy.

21-06-2012, 02:19 AM
After finally buying a Zebra billy, I decided to start transferring brew kit bits into it.
Before, I have been using a Swedish army mess kit, which holds a good amount of kit, in various configurations, but the 16cm Zebra has way more room inside. So much so, that I can now fit my kettle inside the billy, along with a good supply of provisions.
I thought I would start a thread, to see what others keep in their billys. This is not limited to Zebra, or any other make/manufacturer, so feel free to add any item of cookware, that holds all your "essentials" :).

Here's my Zebra (still far too shiny, but it won't be for long)...


here it is broken down, into it's three main components (pot,insert,lid)...


The loose packed items in it at the moment (kettle still in pot)...


The three main components of the kettle (infuser,lid,kettle body)...


And the contents of the kettle itself...


In the future, I will change this set up for different heat sources. This is a set up for open flame cooking, on a camp fire, rather than a burner.

Looking forward to how other people do it, and with what size billys/pot/etc.


Hey Adam what kind of tea kettle is that? Also any idea where to get one? cool kits all around

Adam Savage
21-06-2012, 09:43 AM
Hey Adam what kind of tea kettle is that? Also any idea where to get one? cool kits all around

I think it was mentioned somewhere (don't know where now lol), but it's a Tesco camping kettle/teapot. There are a few seller on ebay that do the same kettle, but I think Tesco was the cheapest and easiest for most people.

21-06-2012, 02:42 PM
Cool stuff been looking around just picked up an older aluminum perk pot now wanna get a tea pot might just get a GSI pretty cheap to lol

22-06-2012, 03:25 PM
I finally did a video of the contents of my cook kit.


Adam Savage
22-06-2012, 04:09 PM
Great video mate. Nice little setup too T^

22-06-2012, 04:17 PM
Thats a tidy wee set up and a great vid.
Thanks for sharing..


23-06-2012, 01:49 AM
Nice bit of kit that Swiss set up. I haven't got it yet just waiting for a couple dollars from a job to come in. Friend has one in really nice shape he is holding for me