View Full Version : Foraging

17-05-2012, 09:20 PM
Hi all, went out on Wednesday with a lovely lady Carol Hunt on a foraging walk.. Well it was very pleasant and I had a great time tasting various hedgerow edibles. And for lunch Carol cooked a great risotto with the hop shoots St Goerges mushrooms and something else, (must consult notes) anyway the taste was great, also had some nettle and potato samosas that Carol had already made.
I have been impressed with carols wide knowledge including wild foods, trees, insects and birds. My brain is old and slow so the pace of the walk and the knowledge imparted will slowly sink in over the next couple of walks.
Again very grateful for Carol and the time given to me..

17-05-2012, 10:02 PM
Was you on an organized course?
Carole sure knows her stuff,I've seen her doing the wild foods and cooking at the Bushcraft magazine meets down in egerton.

18-05-2012, 08:36 PM
Hi ocean1975 just got back from another busy day, anyway no and yes it was organised but through the magazine but privately with Carol as I keep missing the normal days due to work.
And as I said I learnt just enough for my brain at one time and I can't thank Carol enough for showing me around.
I see you are in Kent so maybe we might meet up at some point in the future, time and work allowing :)
Where do you normally get out to?