View Full Version : Navigation

24-05-2012, 11:03 AM
We've been doing a lot of navigation stuff recently - using ranger beads to count distance and compass to keep on the straight and narrow.
So we finally decided to make a film of some of the stuff we've been doing.


24-05-2012, 11:17 AM
I really like your filming style.

What kind of bead rules did you use for the open and dense woodland?

24-05-2012, 11:25 AM
I really like your filming style.

What kind of bead rules did you use for the open and dense woodland?

Well, it wasn't rocket science to be honest with you. After doing it several times we found you could fine tweak the number of paces depending on all kinds of factors - sometimes you may just add one or two paces per 100 yards, sometimes 10 or 15 or more. The more you do it the more you can fine-tune your senses to what effects the terrain will have.
We did find it a surprisingly accurate system. At the end of the day, over 5.7km (3.5 miles in old money), we came out just a half dozen or so metres from the target point! Anyway you cut it, that's pretty good; even more so when you consider how dense some of the woods were.

24-05-2012, 01:15 PM
I think it's excellent. I've not done it very much, nor map making. I'd be really interested in a write up of how you set the exercise and the method you used with the beads. I think an interesting exercise would be for one to use beads to make a map and one to follow the map and directions. This would also incorporate the map making skill, landmark placing and directions giving.

24-05-2012, 01:23 PM
Like the sound of that MarvellT^ May have to give that ago. Paul

24-05-2012, 01:50 PM
I think it's excellent. I've not done it very much, nor map making. I'd be really interested in a write up of how you set the exercise and the method you used with the beads. I think an interesting exercise would be for one to use beads to make a map and one to follow the map and directions. This would also incorporate the map making skill, landmark placing and directions giving.

Yup, that's exactly what we did!
As you highlight - that way it becomes an exercise for both parties.
If you look on our blog (link below) you'll find a couple of blog entries about using ranger beads for navigation.