View Full Version : Smoking :D

Ben Casey
02-06-2012, 05:01 PM
Hi All

I have been a bit quiet on here recently :( But with the warm weather I was out in the garden a lot :) Anyway while out there I was thinking about how I could smoke some stuff :campfire: So when I was down in ALDI I noticed they had some incinerators going for a decent price and that got me thinking :confused2: How and if I could make a smoker from one :)

So today with the weather being a bit naff I got my old BBQ and this is what happend :D



I screwed the legs on to the inside of the one I had bought


I have bent the legs at the bottom so that I can have the old BBQ coal tray at the bottom for cold smoking (I hope) and at the top for hot smoking or for BBQing :D


I have got a BBQ grate from Homebase for £4.99 it is a bit big but goes over the top for BBQ or hanging meat when tested and the old grate I can slide in as I have cut some slits in the side of the bin (To hang meat from) I hope :)


And here it is on a test burn now all I have to do is get a recipe for some meat and I will be off smoking LOL


Anyway I hope my attempt at a smoker has been of interest to you all till now the total cost of doing it has been about 24 Quid :D

02-06-2012, 06:06 PM
Looks really cool T^

I have been contemplating a project like this for a while as well.

02-06-2012, 06:15 PM
Cool or Hot Ben...............smoking..T^

Ben Casey
02-06-2012, 08:22 PM
Cheers guys I hoping to get a flexi metal tube to go on the top then I may be able to direct the smoke in to my shed and hang some larger meat in it or construct a wooden bow from some spare wood I have to stand over it as a cold smoker :)

I will post what I get up to LOL

02-06-2012, 09:36 PM
My plants are bigger than yours! :tongue:

Ben Casey
03-06-2012, 08:57 AM
My plants are bigger than yours! :tongue:

I wondered when you would get me back LOL You havent seen my tatties yet :war: LOL

03-06-2012, 02:31 PM
Just a note, if the main burner is galvanised make sure it is well burnt before trying to smoke with it as the fumes from the galvanising are very toxic. Lots of nasties in there.
But once done happy smoking, I do in my back garden, much to my neighbours annoyance ;)

Ben Casey
03-06-2012, 03:55 PM
Cheers mate I thought that when I burnt it out yesterday and it smellt a bit strange T^

Just a note, if the main burner is galvanised make sure it is well burnt before trying to smoke with it as the fumes from the galvanising are very toxic. Lots of nasties in there.
But once done happy smoking, I do in my back garden, much to my neighbours annoyance ;)