View Full Version : Bits and Pieces

28-12-2010, 07:47 PM
just a link to my flickr page. Some of the pictures might be of intrest to someone. I will add some Bushcraft ones next time i go out.

23-01-2011, 11:03 PM
I love the beach pics, sounds pretentious, but they capture the stillness of the pebbles, but the movement of the flames and kids. Lovely.

Aaron Rushton
24-01-2011, 05:00 PM
veyr good pictures. i really like the penguin, where did you take that?

24-01-2011, 05:24 PM
I love the beach pics, sounds pretentious, but they capture the stillness of the pebbles, but the movement of the flames and kids. Lovely.

Cheers, that was a last minute break for the weekend and ended up being one of the best holidays ever

24-01-2011, 05:26 PM
veyr good pictures. i really like the penguin, where did you take that?

I took that at Whipsnade a couple of years back, I have cropped it a bit but thats all.

24-01-2011, 06:43 PM
I have just been through your photostream; quite enjoyable I must say.

I really like your ability to tell a whole story with one or just a few photos.

A tiny piece of advice though; when photographing animals and people, make sure to make their eyes the center of your focus. It makes a huge difference.