View Full Version : Collecting flint

09-11-2010, 11:11 PM
Hi All,
I may be going to a place called Alfriston, near seaford sussex in a few weeks
Does anyone know if the cuckmere valley is a good place to collect flint or do i need to go to the coast [ limited amount of time to go for a rumage]..and what does this flint look like..colour etc

10-11-2010, 07:57 AM

Flint is found in areas with chalky soils so I would imagine that Sussex would be a good place to look. You should find flint nodules in fields,check along the margins, and in other open areas. It is normally in large shapeless blobs, and will be light in colour but often covered in mud, moss etc so it's difficult to explain exactly what it looks like. However, once you have seen one piece you'll recognise it easily enough.


19-11-2010, 11:01 AM
Alfriston would be a great place to look for flint. The best flint has to be dug for though, or pulled out of the side of a bank or cliff.
If you just want flint for strikers, just look in the fields around that area. Or take a walk up to the Long Man of Wilmington, in that area.
If you want flint for working (knapping), don't use flint on the sea shore or on fields, as it will be weakened.
Sussex flint is quality stuff and you will see many old houses made from it..

20-11-2010, 01:47 AM
thanks jonny
I am mainly looking for flint for strikers...will have a good look around the fields etc

29-11-2010, 04:16 PM
How much do you want a lorry load? I live in south Essex we got tonnes of the stuff hear I could send you some if your desperate

29-11-2010, 05:26 PM
Check under uprooted trees too

29-11-2010, 07:14 PM
Any where good in Yorkshire (Leeds area) for flint?

29-11-2010, 08:26 PM
Any where good in Yorkshire (Leeds area) for flint?

No mate, not unless it's been carried in. It occurs in chalk which we don't have round here unfortunately. Lots of other nice stone though :)

29-11-2010, 08:54 PM
Ahh well, next time I visit the in-laws will have to have a look, they live on chalk.

04-12-2010, 10:56 AM
hi guys
thanks for the offer tony1948..i went down to alfriston and managed to stay for a few days extra so was able to pick up a carrier bag of flint..i was supprised of the amount of flint laying around..once you get your eye in to looking for it, you realise that its everwhere. I managed to get a lot of dark coloured flint..which i think Wayland at the bushmoot said was the best for fire lighting..and it does seem to shave more sparks of the steel compared to the light coloured flint that i bought in one of John Fenne's dragon kit

30-12-2010, 01:43 PM
Hi Tony1948,

I could do with a few pieces please. I'll send you some of the cheap lightsticks I picked up for your trouble. PM me if you're interested. Cheers
