View Full Version : Austrian rucksack alice pack

Kernowek Scouser
10-06-2012, 11:54 PM
I'm preparing for another kit splurge at Military Mart and have seen this pack.

Austrian rucksack alice pack (http://www.militarymart.co.uk/index.php?_a=product&product_id=1851)



I'm in the market for a new day/overnight pack and this looks interesting.

As the product info is a little scarce - Austrian, similar to an ALICE pack, large - I was wondering if any of you good people have one of these packs and if you do, would be so kind as to let me know:

If it has a frame?
If it is remotely waterproof?
How large, large may be?
And, if it is any good?

Many Thanks,


11-06-2012, 07:08 AM
Link and photo not working...

If it is similar to the Alice Pack, I would stear clear of it. The Alice Pack is quite heavy and bulky - and meant to ride on top of a complete webbing (especially the belt) - without it, it is not very comfortable.

11-06-2012, 09:02 AM
i have this sack and while it is larger than you think it does not sit well really . all the attachments are metal clips and it has no waist or chest harness!!! 6/ 10

11-06-2012, 09:05 AM
I agree with the above, had one a while ago, used it once then relegated it to the loft.

Not comfortable at all.


11-06-2012, 09:20 AM
front pocket will fit trangia stove , axe for guide 19" fasteners are fiddly

Kernowek Scouser
11-06-2012, 11:05 AM
Hopefully the link and pic are now fixed.

Thanks for the feedback fellas and the pictures Al :D

It is a shame you have found the pack sits awkwardly, I guess like Jakob says, it is intended to be worn over webbing.

The lack of a frame is a bonus in my book as I find frames heavy, awkward and annoying. No waist harness would make no difference for me, as I (rightly or wrongly) carry weight on my shoulders and often clip the waist harness together behind my back, just to keep it from flapping about. The lack of a cheat harness is more of an issue. And generally being an uncomfortable carry is a major issue

So, from what you fellas have said, I should probably give this pack a miss... but then you posted those pictures Al.

It looks the size and shape of bag I'm after. I have an image in my head of a handy overnight pack and that image is not that different from this pack in your pictures. Damn.

I'm off to my favourite surplus shop this afternoon (well the only surplus shop roundabouts, but it is a grand one) before retiring to the pub for the match. If I can't find a suitable pack there, I have a feeling I'm going to take a punt on this pack (Nooooo!) and pimp it if needs be.

Thanks for trying to talk me out of buying this pack. Sadly, I guess on this occasion, the drop from the cliff edge is just too tempting for the lemming in me.

11-06-2012, 06:14 PM
Hopefully the link and pic are now fixed.

Thanks for the feedback fellas and the pictures Al :D

It is a shame you have found the pack sits awkwardly, I guess like Jakob says, it is intended to be worn over webbing.

The lack of a frame is a bonus in my book as I find frames heavy, awkward and annoying. No waist harness would make no difference for me, as I (rightly or wrongly) carry weight on my shoulders and often clip the waist harness together behind my back, just to keep it from flapping about. The lack of a cheat harness is more of an issue. And generally being an uncomfortable carry is a major issue

So, from what you fellas have said, I should probably give this pack a miss... but then you posted those pictures Al.

It looks the size and shape of bag I'm after. I have an image in my head of a handy overnight pack and that image is not that different from this pack in your pictures. Damn.

I'm off to my favourite surplus shop this afternoon (well the only surplus shop roundabouts, but it is a grand one) before retiring to the pub for the match. If I can't find a suitable pack there, I have a feeling I'm going to take a punt on this pack (Nooooo!) and pimp it if needs be.

Thanks for trying to talk me out of buying this pack. Sadly, I guess on this occasion, the drop from the cliff edge is just too tempting for the lemming in me.
sorry easily missed there is a chest buckle !! lol and the trangia set does fit in the front pocket neatly although the top straps could be longer really

Kernowek Scouser
11-06-2012, 07:50 PM
sorry easily missed there is a chest buckle !! lol and the trangia set does fit in the front pocket neatly although the top straps could be longer really

The surplus shop had a shed load of bergens and one black MOD issue patrol pack, which was bigger than I expected, but not quite what I was after.

So I have placed an order for this ALICE type pack. The news it does have a chest buckle is a brucie bonus :D

A review, possibly with pictures, will follow later in the week.

ian c
11-06-2012, 10:15 PM
I have a ex army issue GS rucksack that i used to use alot it is now being to be used to store some climbing kit an rope, it has got a large front pouch and 2 good sized side pouches, i have no problem wearing it and im 180cms hope that helps.

Kernowek Scouser
11-06-2012, 10:24 PM
It does, cheers :)

I'm a little shorter (5" 8' and a bit) but hopefully will have no carry issue either.

Kernowek Scouser
21-06-2012, 11:51 PM
Well I can't say I wasn't warned.

What a great bag the Austrian Alice is, solidly built, big, deep main compartment, two side pockets that can easily accommodate a 58PWB or mess tins with room to spare, ditto a front pocket with a SM Trangia and a couple of interesting external attachment points for things you may want to attach to the outside of the bag.

I am really happy with the bag :D

But, what a blood awkward carry it is. Whoever designed the harness/yoke should be taken out into the street and shot, in the foot to teach them a lesson.

I appreciate these bags were intended to be worn with webbing, but even with webbing, I imagine it would still be a bloody awkward carry.

Such a shame.

But not a total write off.

Before I was seduced by the Alice, I had already been nurturing a rather nebulous idea about pimping my carry, based around a home made version of the Kifaru platform frame, with various 'pods' for sleep gear, shelter, water, clothes, food, first aid, tools etc.. The introduction of the Alice into the equations removes the need for all of the pods, except for sleep gear, which would be situated at the base of the frame, in a dry bag, attached to and below the Alice which would provide a home for everything else.

I have the dry bag to house my sleep roll, I now have the Alice, I have a waist belt with kidney pad, I have shoulder straps and I have a couple of harnesses. So all I have to do is workout how best to put them all together, determine whether or not I need a frame and then make it happen... EASY :D

The only thing holding me back is I'm a lazy so and so with a habit of thinking of making something, umming and ahhing, then buying something like what I was thinking about making to save me the hassle.

But as I have devoted a fair bit of thought to this particular idea and have been piecing together the various component parts, over the the last couple of months, I have a feeling that this particular project (along with another to fashion a homemade sleeping bag expanda panel, to bags more tolerable) may actually make it beyond the procrastination stage and into production, mainly because the is very little product out there like what I have in mind and what little there is is bloody expensive. So if I want the bag I have in my head, I am going to have to make it myself. It won't happen overnight, but I reckon I could have the KS Carry System MK I, knocked up and ready for testing in a month or so.

Wish me luck.

22-06-2012, 06:34 PM
good luck!! and don't forget the pics lol

22-06-2012, 06:55 PM
Sounds like a great wee project mate :)
Look forward to some updates as ye go . All the best with the KS mk1


15-10-2012, 05:27 PM
Wots this first post and its a company advertising it's own gear.:war:

18-11-2012, 03:12 PM
The original 'Bergens' were A-frame rucksacks made by 'Bergen of Norway' and issued to Commando and Airborne Forces,
SAS and units and formations involved in Arctic and Mountain Warfare. These people got an issue rucksack because they
were much better for load carrying than the issue '37, '44 and '58 pattern large packs.
Nobody sensible has yet been able to explain what the advantages of 'large packs' for other formations were.
In the 1970s, the rucksack GS and the rucksack SAS began to be issued as above, but also to units conducting
rural patrols in NI. These rucksacks featured a butyl nylon sack mounted on an external GS manpack frame
which was also used for Clansman radios and ECM equipment.
The GS rucksack had a capacity of about 60 litres whilst the SAS rucksack could hold about 120 litres.
They carried the weight high on the back above the '58 pattern kidney pouches.
After the Falklands War, where transport problems led most soldiers to carry all of their equipment,
most of the time; the Army began to get sensible about rucksacks.
A large number of Berghaus and Karrimor rucksacks were purchased 'off-the-shelf' whilst a new infantry
rucksack was designed, based on (read stolen from) the commercial 'Crusader' design.
This was followed a few years later by the smaller 'other arms' rucksack, AKA the 'REMFs Handbag'
Hopefully of some interest :wink:
Ps Thanks to British Army Rumour Service ARSSE http://www.arrse.co.uk for the details.

A significant problem with big bergans is that soldiers stuff them with all kinds of unneccesary bollocks which they never actually use, and the trend now is towards intermediate sized rucksacks, like the superb Infantry Patrol Pack which is now on limited issue.