View Full Version : Outdoor Kindergarten

19-07-2012, 11:46 AM
I was following with interest programmes via the Community Channel & this one programme in
particular was of interest so I thought I would share such with the forum.
I am aware that children in these countries such as Norway are taught the very basic survival
skills at an early age. Have a browse anyway enjoy.

19-07-2012, 01:40 PM
This is not everyday stuff even here .-)
But in the kinder garten I worked a temp job in for 3 months, we did give them knives at age 3, climbed mountains, and was out all day in all sorts of weather.
If a kid wants to climb a tree, he/she can do it, provided he can come down on his/her own :-)
The only way to prove it, is of course to try it :-)

My soon 2 year old is about to start this in August. The only thing we worry about is to scramble good enough clothes for him :-)

19-07-2012, 01:54 PM
more video acessable for those outside the uk



19-07-2012, 02:14 PM
Oh and if anyone remember me conquering my mountain...it was all set in perspective when I read in the local newspaper a few days later that the 5 year olds of the local kindergarten had been up there the day after me...lol

That group was from the kindergarten my son will be in :-)

20-07-2012, 12:34 AM
There should be a lot more of that in this country .There are kids here that think milk comes from Tesco and have never been out the city. How sad is that?
get them outside and you have happier healthier youngsters. Its realy not that hard.


21-07-2012, 09:13 AM
I totally agree with your reply AL.

This is the reason that I have joined the forum in the first place. I get really peeved with my kids spending too much time on their game consoles and I thought that bushcraft would be a great way to get them out of the house and socialise as a family instead of the usual grunts I get at the moment.

21-07-2012, 09:35 AM
I totally agree with your reply AL.

This is the reason that I have joined the forum in the first place. I get really peeved with my kids spending too much time on their game consoles and I thought that bushcraft would be a great way to get them out of the house and socialise as a family instead of the usual grunts I get at the moment.

Ha ha, last time we were out as a familly, my wives oldest was asking his mom why the hell I was using a flint and steel when we had matches. They don't get it at all. But they do come out with me
if the wetaher is to their liking, so I won't complain...but they bring their Android phones....

21-07-2012, 09:38 AM
There should be a lot more of that in this country .There are kids here that think milk comes from Tesco and have never been out the city. How sad is that?
get them outside and you have happier healthier youngsters. Its realy not that hard.


We have a lot of that here too. Luckilly a lot of the parent generation, or at least their grandparents are waking up and start to
do something about it. And the grown ups still remmeber how to do must of the bushcrafty stuff we learned as kids from our parents, so it may not be to late to rescue
the kids of today...