View Full Version : Howling Dingo Custom Leatherwork and Firesteels

13-08-2012, 04:24 PM

A package from Australia arrived this morning :D

Kangaroo sporran style possibles pouch, sheath for Bacho Laplander and 3x custom antler handled firesteels by Alan Ainsworth/ozhaggishead of Howling Dingo

I am a big fan of Alan's work; the designs are very authentic, the materials are top notch and the workmanship is excellent.

Sometimes the forum really messes up the quality of one's photos, click here for a better version; http://www.flickr.com/photos/jakobeep/7774093070/in/photostream/lightbox/

13-08-2012, 04:42 PM
Thats really nice Jacob....I need to get up in the hills and look for antlers some time before the snow comes. I know there is reindeer up there :-)

16-08-2012, 08:36 PM
Mmmm Flint. It looks like great craftsmanship i hope they will last you a life time :)

Howling Dingo
18-08-2012, 12:16 PM
Some really nice looking great mate,what's that old saying..??I love the smell of beeswax in the morning,smells like bushcraft!!