View Full Version : Using lighter fluid in a meths stove.... Any good?

19-08-2012, 07:37 PM
Hi all,

Been messing about with all different types of home made meths burners, and to be honest, the price of replacing meths is getting a bit silly.
I got to thinking about another source, having already tried stuff like coleman fuel, and white spirit, to bad result, and got to wondering about the fluid used to fill zippo lighters.

I can get cans of it for a £1 a go at the budget bushmans paradise, and wondered if anyone else has tried it, and what results they have had before commiting to a purchase....

If unsuccessful for meths burners, does anyone think it would be ok in a coleman duel fuel stove?.

Thank in advance,


19-08-2012, 08:05 PM
I think it would be a bit dodgy. I think lighter fluid is similar to coleman fuel in that it is a kind of refined petrol so I think as the burner warmed up it would start to vapourise far too readily and get all out of control. I may be wrong though so I stand to be corrected.

19-08-2012, 08:14 PM
Realy not worth taking the chance Simon . A fair chance of it blowing up in your face or hitting Mach10 in less than 8 seconds .
I just stick with Meths or use my wee home made wood burner.


19-08-2012, 08:21 PM
Mmmmmm.. fair point....

I'll stick with meths, and try and find a cheaper source..

Cheers anyway.


19-08-2012, 08:44 PM
Try to find it in bigger cans. I buy it in 4 ltre cans. Works out to half price compared to 1 litre cans....

19-08-2012, 09:32 PM
Thanks for that tip, will look online...

20-08-2012, 04:07 AM
Meths is only a form of alcohol; maybe this could be a solution (no pun intended) Clicky Linky (http://www.wineworks.co.uk/product/still-spirits-air-still-starter-kit/) hic :)

20-08-2012, 03:57 PM
Meths is only a form of alcohol; maybe this could be a solution (no pun intended) Clicky Linky (http://www.wineworks.co.uk/product/still-spirits-air-still-starter-kit/) hic :)

Wouldn't be any left to use in a stove if I used that.... He,He,He..

Anyway, bit the bullet and bought a tin for a quid.... not like it's going to break me is it?.

Got a penny stove out, squirted a bit in, covered the filler hole, squirted a bit more round the outside and lit it..
Bloomed very quickly, and was jet like... The only problem was it was creating black smoke, but afterwards on the stove itself it was clean as a whistle...
So in the end, it isn't a viable replacement for meths, but it has been added to the coleman stove fuel....... Well, gotta be used somewhere eh?...

21-08-2012, 08:58 PM
I am now an ethanol convert.
Meths is smelly and taints my cooking pots etc when carried in them

I buy 99.5% virgin methanol in 25 ltr containers for £11. It's every bit as good as meths and has no smell at all.

21-08-2012, 09:28 PM
I am now an ethanol convert.
Meths is smelly and taints my cooking pots etc when carried in them

I buy 99.5% virgin methanol in 25 ltr containers for £11. It's every bit as good as meths and has no smell at all.

I never , ever mix fuel with anything that I will cook or eat in. I always keep the two separate. My meths burner is kept in a plastic bag to prevent contamination.

The reason is this. I was in the Signals Regiment, one of our squads was helicoptered out to a remote mountain top to act as a relay station for the warlords (the officers in charge of the
excersize)...anyway these lads where a bit lazy, so when they packed up their gear to be transported in, they flung their one gallon of cooking fuel (parafine) into their box of food for a week....
They where evacuated with severe diarrhea 24 hours later, and I was the one who had to go with my squad up there to replace the !¤"%¤% idiots...

Anyway, since then I have been extra carefull, and keep my fuel bottles away from my food, no matter what it is.

23-08-2012, 02:25 PM
Very wise advice there.......

I keep it well away from my pots and food/drink.. Even though it is in an aluminium bottle.... The stove and small fuel pods are all wrapped in plastic bags before putting away to try and prevent any spillage or contamination....

I will look online for methanol, as the meths was still expensive, even in bulk, and if methanol can be used just as well with the same result, then it's game on...

23-08-2012, 02:44 PM
I am now an ethanol convert.
Meths is smelly and taints my cooking pots etc when carried in them

I buy 99.5% virgin methanol in 25 ltr containers for £11. It's every bit as good as meths and has no smell at all.

where do you get your supplies buddy?