View Full Version : Land

21-08-2012, 11:43 PM
Anyone had experience of buying land?
I reckon an acre would do me!
I'm looking into the possibility of a self build or just a caravan initially, to live in.
North West England preferably, but, its the first steps in finding out how to go about it,
one of you fellas might have 'been there and done that' sort of thing.
Even without building permission, just as a retreat for camping, tarp stuff,
woodcraft structures, SHTF prepping, general bushy stuff etc.
So any info -prices, contacts, personal experiences would be great to hear.
Nice one chaps.

21-08-2012, 11:48 PM
I have taken a look at a couple of these and checked them out on foot. I believe you are able to build temporary structures or a permanent tool shed type thing to maintain your land. They are very helpful in getting your started. http://www.woodlands.co.uk/

22-08-2012, 12:14 AM
Good man TreeCamper,
I'll check 'em out.

I have taken a look at a couple of these and checked them out on foot. I believe you are able to build temporary structures or a permanent tool shed type thing to maintain your land. They are very helpful in getting your started. http://www.woodlands.co.uk/

22-08-2012, 05:01 AM
Go on to a site WWW.WOODS 4 SALE.COM.UK they'll tell you all you need to now,good huntting.The site is woods 4 sale on Google

22-08-2012, 07:08 AM
You may well have trouble with your neighbours if the woods are any where near to a dwelling. Proceed with caution and be discrete.
Some of your main problems will come from people walking through your wood - trust me. I know what I'm talking about. You need to check out what footpaths, bridle paths etc may go through your land. Horse riders tend to be the most annoying in my experience. Mountain bikers are another group that seem to think that they have aGod given right to go where ever they want
I've taken to discharging shotguns at odd times :)

22-08-2012, 08:43 AM
Good link, thanks Tony

Go on to a site WWW.WOODS 4 SALE.COM.UK they'll tell you all you need to now,good huntting.The site is woods 4 sale on Google

22-08-2012, 09:21 AM
Woodlands specialise in what is termed "wood lotting" and at cost per acre they can work out very expensive.
Another thing to watch out for is what you as an owner are liable for. By this I mean, trees over-hanging roads, footpaths etc. You need to get this very clearly defined
If you are buying into the "wood lotting" idea then your co-owners can either be a delight or a total pain in the rectum. Unfortunately one doesn't discover this until you own your wood.
You may find that if you can find a local large scale woodland owner who may be prepared to lease you a small area of woodland. This is worth pursuing. Just turn up looking fairly smart and you may well be listened to.

10-05-2013, 05:24 PM
I've taken to discharging shotguns at odd times :)

really dont want to sound a dick and i totally understand the people riding horses over people land is annoying (and there are a vast amount of horse owners who think they are god's gift and are very far up their own arses thus will ride wherever they want) but as someone who has horses, i would really hope you'd refrain from shooting with the intention of scaring horses... you could really hurt/ kill someone... i speak from experience, some1 intentionally spooked the shire horse i used to have and it bucked me off and i broke my back. - again dont wanna sound like a knob... and hope it was said in jest! :)


10-05-2013, 05:40 PM

Good points but what do you think is the answer? I've known horse riders bimble through shoots that they knew were taking place, albeit years ago, as they were just THAT important. Also one bloke rode his nag into the midst of a paintball site to complain the noise spooked his mount, despite signposts fences etc. and an established site.

Personally if I owned any land that had a bridleway through it I would think putting up a sign warning that shooting takes place is enough that anyone whose mount is not bombproof would be stupid to ride there. But then if you have a horse that is scared of cars then putting them in a field by a road can be the best thing for it. What do you think?

10-05-2013, 06:06 PM
@ rawfish111... couldnt agree more with you pal... i mentioned in my last post that i know horse riders can be an absolute pain in the arse... iv met far too many people who think just because they have afew quid and a horse that the world revolves around them (im certainly not in this group.. as i dont have afew quid! haha and i have propper work horses not show ponies...).. i have no time for these people .. and i can believe that these kinds of people ride into shoots etc cos they really are that full of themsleves/stupid... a quick example - i used to work on a hill farm outside thirsk north yorkshire, i was leading muck to spread on the fields but my normal route was closed so i went a different way passing a very large house.. a woman galloped full tilt up the road after me and then infront of my tractor.. she was screaming "who the hell do you think you are bringing s**t near MY village" i (very nicely.. cough) informed her it didnt belong to her and that the roads are free to be used..

i agree with you mate, if i had land with a bridleway through it, even though i have horses, i would hate them coming on it... i would put up as many signs as possible including the likes of 'shooting in area' 'loose dogs' etc but of course you'll always get people using it.

we had a young horse that we wanted to get used to gun shots so we put it in a field next to a planted field with a crow scarer in it... was used to shotguns within a couple of days. same goes for getting them used to roads.. we long rein them down a path that runs next to a busy motorway... (with a large fence in between!)

i certainly was not taking the side of the horse people with my last post... just hoping to stop intentional spooking... if signs etc where up and if people who ride horses get into a situation where they are the reason for the horse spooking then more fool them...