View Full Version : Solo camping in Dartmoor - few questions

23-08-2012, 06:47 PM
Hi new here, Im looking to go solo camping to Dartmoor. I plan to walk from Okehampton straight south to Ivybridge. Any ideas on how long this will take? (on average) Im very fit and will travel lightly. Also what would you reccomend to be 5 essential items?


Kernowek Scouser
23-08-2012, 07:35 PM
First :welcome: to the forum.

I've a couple of questions for you.

When are you hoping to go?
Do you have a route planned or are you still putting it together?
Do you just want to walk from point A to point B or are you intending to take in some interesting sights?
What kit do you have or intend to get to do this?
Are you intending to carry all of your food for the trip from day one, or will you be topping up along the way?
What are you doing about water?
Have you considered arranging a regular 'check-in' so your nearest and dearest know that you are ok or if they don't hear from you, when to raise the alarm.

How long it will take will depend on what route you intend to take and what the weather conditions are like, so I could only guestimate. But there are plenty of members on here, Martin immediately springs to mind, who are far more familiar with the moor than I am and could better answer your how long question. Hopefully one will pop along before too long.

You will need more than five essential items, but off the top of my head:
First Aid Kit (with foot care included)
A map and good compass
Good waterproof boots
Water and wind proof outer clothes
An easy to pitch tent, that can take a battering and provide you with a little covered area to do your cooking.

Good luck

23-08-2012, 08:04 PM
When are you hoping to go?

Within the next 6 weeks ideally. Military firing range and weather conditions taken into account.

Literally a straight walk south from Okehampton to Ivybridge, taking in whatever sights I see, and hopefully a quick stop at princetown. I will avoid straying more than a km or so off my southern path.

Do you have a route planned or are you still putting it together?

Again, a straight southern walk with only moderate deviation/sight seeing.

Do you just want to walk from point A to point B or are you intending to take in some interesting sights?

See above.

What kit do you have or intend to get to do this?

Im still putting it together, but essentials like first aid, compass, map, survival kit, knife.

Are you intending to carry all of your food for the trip from day one, or will you be topping up along the way?

All food from day one. No stove. Beans straight from can, large tub of trailmix. 1-2 maltloaf per day.

What are you doing about water?

3, 1.5 litre bottles.

Have you considered arranging a regular 'check-in' so your nearest and dearest know that you are ok or if they don't hear from you, when to raise the alarm.

I estimate I'll take 2-3 days max. I'll contact my family each day.

I'm really just looking for a rough estimate on how long an uninterrupted hike from Okehampton to Ivybridge will take? :)

23-08-2012, 08:33 PM
I only know from Oakhampton to Princetown, and that you will easy do in a day. We went our own route and took in Yes Tor and a couple of others, and easy made the pub in PT for a few jars.
It sounds like you have your head screwed on right judging by what stuff you will be taking, so enjoy the ride :0)
If its foggy, you will be well challenged on your map n compass skills.
You may want to carry more water incase you do have any problems, or take a small stove n filter (for boiling) as there is plenty of water on the moor.

23-08-2012, 08:59 PM
Perfect thats what I was looking for. I guess 2-3 days max, though I'll probably camp a second night by Ivybridge so I have the whole day to work my way home to Birmingham (Ivybridge > bus to plymouth > train to Birm)

23-08-2012, 10:13 PM
There's no need to carry 4.5Kg of water with you. There are plenty of streams to top up from. Use 'puritabs' if you feel the need, otherwise use your common sense.

Work on the basis of travelling at 4Km per hour and you won't go far wrong. Therefore, the direct route, due south from Okehampton to Ivybridge would be 40km so a minimum journey time of 10 hours. Of course, you won't be walking solid for 40Km nor will you be able to walk due south across the moor so I would be prepared to add at least 25% to that distance and be prepared for some reasonable detours to walk around valleys and to find decent crossings over rivers.

If you get a 'wiggle on', you will complete the walk in two days but it is tough going.

Hope this helps.


23-08-2012, 10:15 PM
Oh, and I'd aim for Postbridge, at the half way point, rather than Princetown. The walking is easier in my opinion.


23-08-2012, 10:28 PM
I wont be taking a stove, would I be able to drink the streamwater?

Other than that, thanks for the info. At this time of year, does it get cold in the night compared to a big city at the same time of year?

And why wont I be able to walk due south across the moor? Because of private farmland and such?

24-08-2012, 01:56 PM
You won't be able to walk in a straight line because of rivers and the general terrain. It's rough wild country out there and you will soon realize it's safer and easier to walk around such obstacles rather than to try to walk straight over our through them.

I would take a stove but you can drink out of the fast flowing streams and rivers without any problems. However, as I can't see what dead animals are in the particular streams you may drink out of, I'd have to recommend you sterilise the water before you drink it. Puritabs will do the job nicely.

I've never slept outdoors in a city but it rains a lot on Dartmoor and it gets very cold when you're wet.


25-08-2012, 08:39 PM
Extremely helpful replies Martin thanks. I watched your solo camping youtube videos, I thoroughly enjoyed them. Its pretty much what I will do albeit without a car.