View Full Version : Flint & Steel

02-01-2011, 05:27 PM
Hi All,
Does anyone know if a traditional flint & steel generates sparks hot enough to light a gas stove..I have been trying this with little success..it could be im not getting the sparks in the right place, would this method also work with a meths stove
PS Happy New year

02-01-2011, 05:43 PM
I have no idea whether it may or may not work, you may actually succeed a few times, given enough tries - but, what I do know is that it will never be a convenient og practical way to light a gas stove (or a meths stove for that matter, if that is even possible).

I would never deploy such a ineffective method for lighting a gas stove. First of all you loose a lot of gas while fiddeling with the flint and steel trying to light the stove - and secondly; when/if the stove finally lits there will be a lot of escaped gas surrounding the stove and you, very possibly creating the odd ball of fire, right in your face!

A Swedish firesteel, matches or a lighter are more effective and much safer methods for lighting your gas stove.

02-01-2011, 06:13 PM
Hi Jeep,
Thanks for that, I totally agree that its not the best method of lighting a gas stove, I do normally use a firesteel...but was wondering if i could use a traditional flint and steel as a back up...and as you rightly point out this method is going to be a bit hit and miss, and wastes a lot of gas, as well as being potentially dangerous