View Full Version : Cool bushcraft/survival presents

09-09-2012, 11:43 AM
Hey, I'm looking for a birthday present for my bushcraft-obsessed boyfriend - something unique/new/awesome that'll really impress him! (and also something relatively inexpensive - im on a student budget!) I reckoned asking here I would find some knowledgable, experienced people who could reccomend something cool! So far I'm pretty impressed with the web-tex steel of fire survival knife but I can't find any reviews...
Thanks so much! (in advance) :)

09-09-2012, 12:14 PM
That looks more like a toy than an survival tool to me.
Here is a knife in the same price range that is actually a very good knife. Just make sure you get the latest model (2011 model is what you want with the knife edge going all the way up to the handle.


The same knife also comes in a smaller version for slightly less


09-09-2012, 12:38 PM
A Mora/LMF FireKnife is a much better option than the Web-Tex


09-09-2012, 12:48 PM
I'm selling a handmade knife over on the makers market, have a look and make me an offer the worst I could do is say no! and as its for a special day I might just be felling generous.
Cheers Bri

09-09-2012, 01:23 PM
Thanks everyone for your help! (knives are the thing I know least about!)
The condor knives look really lovely, and the swedish fireknife had caught my eye before too :)
and biker-bri your knife is gorgeous! i'll have to give that some serious thought cause that would be something really special :D

on a completely different note.... the vargo hexagon stove looks pretty awesome...?

09-09-2012, 02:57 PM
Have you had a nosey in some of the Bushcraft shops..?
Like.. http://www.greenmanbushcraft.co.uk/

Plenty more out there, but this lot are all good imo..
Just ask for advice if you see something he might like..

Edit.. How could I forget the original.. http://www.penrithsurvival.com/ (used to be called Survival Aids, if anyone remember the catalogues)

09-09-2012, 04:17 PM
Thanks :) I've visited few of those but I hadn't heard of some of them!
at the moment I'm thinking a small stove like the titanium esbit, a white box stove or the new pocket stove (all on http://www.backpackinglight.co.uk/page99.asp) as they seem novel but decent too :)

09-09-2012, 04:34 PM
I would stay away from the Esbit titanium stove, I used to have one - and I am not impressed with it's performance at all.

The White Box stove, on the other hand, is supposedly a very reputable product.

How about a Trangia Mini 28T; http://www.simplyhike.co.uk/products/Trangia/MiniTrangia28-T.aspx ? It is a complete, extremely compact cooking system. Perfect for shorter hikes/solo hikes - and as a backup for longer hikes. I have owned one for years, out of the (quite many) stoves I own, it is still one of my all time favourite stoves.

09-09-2012, 05:12 PM
Have you had a nosey in some of the Bushcraft shops..?
Like.. http://www.greenmanbushcraft.co.uk/

Plenty more out there, but this lot are all good imo..
Just ask for advice if you see something he might like..

Edit.. How could I forget the original.. http://www.penrithsurvival.com/ (used to be called Survival Aids, if anyone remember the catalogues)

What Jonny said. :)

09-09-2012, 06:19 PM
JEEP can I ask what left you unimpressed with the esbit titanium stove? just out of interest :)
and the trangia mini looks great! I swear by trangias myself - indestructable and reliable!

and ross (or whoever) I did some more noseying and came across this... http://wildstoves.co.uk/reduced-items/outback-oven-10/ ... outback ultralite oven... looks pretty unique and gets rave reviews! (might have to get one anyway!)

09-09-2012, 07:08 PM
Sure; it has no wind protection what so ever, causing it to be very ineffective/fuel consuming - and Esbit tablets gives off a nasty odor, which is transfered to the food/water you heat over them.

09-09-2012, 07:17 PM
oh fair enough, thanks! always good to know from people who have actually used them :)