View Full Version : Cockle picking

Mountain Goat
15-09-2012, 07:54 PM
I was in France over the summer, and on one of the beaches there were loads of locals raking up the sand for cockles. I decided to have a go, but didn't ave a rake. The best method I worked out was to get down on your knees, use your fingers like a rake and just search the top couple of centimetres of sand. We got loads of cockles and a clam, then fried them up in garlic butter when we got back. Tasted amazing, but certainly not enough to feed three people after we'd worked for an hour to catch them.
Has anyone else tried cockle picking? It's good fun so I'd recommend anyone to give it a go.

15-09-2012, 08:08 PM
Here it's mostly mussles, and since the wife loves them we often go and pick them. But for parts of the year they can be deadly. So we only pick them in the winter months when there is less algae. The waters here are also tested regularily and the results made public so easy to find out when they are safe though.

Mountain Goat
15-09-2012, 08:33 PM
Well I didn't die so that beach must have safe.:) I know the beaches over here are tested, but how do you find out info about whether they're safe or not? It might even be different here in Ireland than for you.

15-09-2012, 08:54 PM
hre it can be different from fjord to fjord. The only way is to test the water. And here in Norway that is done by some government agency, and te results published on the Internet. The check for certain algaes pressence in the ater. It's these algae athat makes the mussles poisonous. So if they are not pressent in sufficient numbers, the algae are safe to eat. And there is generally more of them in the summer. Also remeber that up her ein the north we habve no sunlight for a couple of months in winter. And Algae need sunlight to bloom...at least some of them.

How this is done in Eire and the UK I do not know.

25-08-2017, 12:08 PM
Been foraging for a while now, mainly hedgerow fruits, but I am now turning my attention to the sea. Live close to North Wales coast and Dee Estuary and have had some success with shrimps, using a homemade drag net.
Can't find cockles though - just thousands of empty shells - so I know they're out there. But it's very frustrating.
So far I've looked on Talacre Beach, Point of Ayr and around Mostyn/Greenfield area.
Does anyone know where they can be found?
I think you anglers use them for bait sometimes.

Any ideas????

25-08-2017, 03:08 PM
Go out at low tide. That's your best bet.
If you leave it too late it may be that gulls and other waders have had them.
I take it you are looking on sandy beaches?
If there are thousands of shells then the cockles are there.
They're usually just laying on top of the sand here, no need to rake or dig.

25-08-2017, 03:41 PM
Go out at low tide. That's your best bet.
If you leave it too late it may be that gulls and other waders have had them.
I take it you are looking on sandy beaches?
If there are thousands of shells then the cockles are there.
They're usually just laying on top of the sand here, no need to rake or dig.

Yes sandy beaches, although Mostyn is estuary and therefore a bit muddy. There are professional collectors in the Dee but they seem to favour the sand banks - accessible only by boat.
I think I will try Colwyn Bay this weekend.
From what you're saying it sounds like a bit before low tide will be best, to beat the birds.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks again - for the advice.

25-08-2017, 04:11 PM
I'd also strongly suggest you give it at least another month (ideally two) before collecting - summer months are their breeding season so they should be allowed the chance for a legover (or 'shellover'), but they're also not at their best this time of year.
Wait until October.

06-09-2017, 08:44 AM
Watched the French heading to the beach, all of them screaming "la nourriture gratuite" Picked a bucket full at Gavres* and offered to share them with my friends, no takers, so I ate the lot myself. No ill effects

*This was before the Maire closed the free camping / Camping Sauvage site. The Mayor hates wild Campers