View Full Version : Cant seem to edit my threads?

17-09-2012, 08:41 AM

Just tried to edit one of my previous threads to change title/update content etc but I cant seem to find the edit button anywhere?

I am all logged in and I am far from a n00b but just cant seem to figure out how to edit thread on this forum source. At the risk of looking like a right lemon if I've missed something or answer is blatant can anybody help me out here lol?


Right it looks like I can edit this thread but not other ones like this (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?3895-My-first-kit-for-my-first-wild-camping-trip) one.

This thread:

Other thread:

Is there some kind of expiratory on editing OP's of threads?


Ahhhh, now I see there is an expirary date. I tried to cheat and enter direct url to edit the post number rather then using button and found this...


Can I ask why you have added this limitation? I dont really see the need for it on this type of forum as it stops people from updating their OP if they need to like kit lists, reviews, etc or correcting typo's. It just seems like an unnecessary option you have enabled for this particular forum.

17-09-2012, 10:19 PM
In all fairness I can't see why you would need to make alterations on three day old posts. Spelling wise - we pretty much take it how it comes on here, spelling is not a strong point for some (mentioning no names) :D

When it comes to things evolving like kit lists, its good to see how things progress over time and be able to refer to previous posts for inspiration. In reality being able to change older posts may well confuse things enormously as any following posts would lose their relevance as the original context had changed.

Just my thoughts...

18-09-2012, 07:42 AM
Yes but I would like to keep a current kit list post upto date and having to create a new topic each time I change/add something (beyond 3 days) just seems silly. Also I wouldn't remove things from list but strike them out and then put in brackets if they was retired/replaced and what with etc.

Ashley Cawley
19-09-2012, 04:52 PM
I can appreciate points from both sides of this, it would be good to be able to go back and edit existing posts to keep lists etc. up to date, but as Justin points out it could lead to confusion, not to mention trolls or someone disgruntled could go back and edit a load of their previous posts to make threads gibberish.

... having to create a new topic each time I change/add something (beyond 3 days) just seems silly...You wouldn't have to submit a whole new topic (or Thread) each time, just reply to your existing thread.

For example if you could start a "My Winter Kit List" thread and post initially what you have in your kit now, then any new additions or tweaks say a month down the line get tagged on as replies, it doesn't stop you copying/pasting the intial post if you wanted to achieve a complete list in one post - this way it keeps items/developments in chronological order and gives it context, say if people suggested something and you implemented it people can see when you replied & implemented it (posts are dated) as oppose you just editing your original post.

Apologies if my gibbering doesn't make sense.

20-09-2012, 02:11 PM
Hi Ashley, thanks for reply.

I see your point but I just think it would make more sense to remove the restriction as trolls can be overcome by you as forum admin/mod by reverting edits (depending on forum code) if needs be and stop posting rights to a member. With regards to the confusion in edits that would all depend on the topic in question ie if I was to create a current kit list then the whole purpose of the original post is to have a current kit list so editing and changing the list would be the whole idea so anybody reading replies would know in advance that the OP will have been changed, plus we wouldn't necessarily remove info but strike out or add to other section of list.

Not been able to edit OP's after 3 days puts limits on allot of things on the forum like members creating/updating some kind of "how to's" like guides/tutorials and other kind of topics where the member may need to keep the OP upto date.

I have owned/run many a forum over the years and in my experience the benefits of not having such a restriction far outway the disadvantages.

Ashley Cawley
20-09-2012, 07:02 PM
...I see your point but I just think it would make more sense to remove the restriction as trolls can be overcome by you as forum admin/mod..I'd rather not knowingly increase the potential work for myself or Mods.

With regards to the confusion in edits that would all depend on the topic in questionYes... and the vast, vast majority of threads are conversations best formed in chronological order - that makes sense.

..Not been able to edit OP's after 3 days puts limits on allot of things on the forum like members creating/updating some kind of "how to's" like guides/tutorials..Well perhaps the forum isn't the best place for a How-to or Tutorial (although I've never seen or heard of someone struggle to use it for such)... perhaps the main website would be a better suited platform to submit an article, I can facilitate that and will often accept articles by others.

..I have owned/run many a forum over the years and in my experience the benefits of not having such a restriction far outway the disadvantages.Do you mind if I ask what type of forums? I'm just wondering if the subject areas of them meant you were often trying to achieve something else.

I'm quite happy to put a proposed change up as a poll to the community to see what the majority of people want, my only concern is that people might just think: "oh yeah it'd be cool to be able to change any of my posts at any time/date in the future." but not actually consider/appreciate the complications & potential confusion that it cause for others in the future as well as additional work for us.