View Full Version : Top twelve buscraft gear picks
Let's play a game. Name your top gear picks in the following categories:
1. Fixed blade knife
2. Foldding knife
3. Multi tool
4. Axe
5. Saw
6. Cooking system
7. Footwear
8. Pack/bag
9. Sleeping system
10. Tent
11. Jacket
12. Headwear
19-09-2012, 09:40 PM
Would that be gear we have/own or gear we wish we had?
1. Fixed blade knife
Knivsmed Strømeng 8" Leuku - if I could pick only one item to carry in The Nature, this would be it
2. Foldding knife
Opinel No. 8 - cheap as dirt, sharp as H**l and an excellent firesteel striker
3. Multi tool
Leatherman Rebar - not the poshest Leatherman out there, but at the price point and tool selection it is unbeatable for the bushcrafter
4. Axe
Gränsfors Bruks Small Forest Axe - or the very similar Wetterlings Large Hunting Axe. These axes will prabably outlast you and your children. The are expensive, but worth the money imho.
5. Saw
EKA Combi Saw Viking 17" - three blades; green wood, dry wood/bone and metal in an ultra light collapsible frame saw. A highly competent tool! A lot more versatile than the classic folding pocket saw.
6. Cooking system
Bushcooker wood gas stove w. Vargo Decagon meths stove and a 12 cm Zebra billy can. I have a lot of different cooking systems, but this one is the one I carry the most - and the most versatile one of them all imho.
7. Footwear
Lundhags Professional Mid - I do not have a pair yet, but some day I will. These cost serious money, but there are no better boots out there - none that I know of at least.
8. Pack/bag
Love Alpine Vector Salient 70+20 w. side pockets - bulletproof pack with imho. one of the best carrying systems out there. Heavy duty military quality, without being overly heavy. For shorter hikes/daytrips: Haglöfs Roc Hard - equally bulletproof
9. Sleeping system
Haglöfs Zensor sleeping bag w. Exped SynMat (versions depending on what time of the year it is). Especially the SynMat is the best thing I have ever done for the quality of my sleep when out and about
10. Tent
Vango Halo 300 - perfect for two persons + gear, very easy and fast to pitch and take down. Hight quality materials - yet very affordable
11. Jacket
Trekmates BAIML Softshell Jacket - you probably won't find a more rugged, better designed and more comfortable all-round outdoor jacket at that price point
12. Headwear
Stetson Ava Waxed cotton - not cheap, but bulletproof and almost 100% warterproof, yet breathable
Would that be gear we have/own or gear we wish we had?
Both, that is up to you. Most of my list is gear I own, except from the boots.
19-09-2012, 10:02 PM
1. Fixed blade knife
Knivsmed Strømeng 9" Leuku - Always with me when I am out.
2. Foldding knife
Opinel #8, thanks again jakob :-)
3. Multi tool
Leatherman Supertool 300. I have had all the supertools, and I love them. A real work horse.
4. Axe
Grânsfors Bruk, Wetterlings or Husquarna. Wish I had one of those. But I make do with mine from Biltema :-)
5. Saw
No preference due to lack of experience. Would like to have one of those Japanese folding saws.
6. Cooking system
Optimus 111 or a multi fuel stove if i do not have to carry it. Otherwise I prefer the Trangia style set ups.
7. Footwear
Spotec leather boots. Best I have ever had.
8. Pack/bag
Preffer my little molle bag for day walks. On overnighters I would like to have one of those Berghaus Vulcan II bergens...
9. Sleeping system
Ajungilak 3 season bag inside a Jerven bag with a self inflatable mat - dry-toast-comfortable.
10. Tent
No prefferense. Never had one that I paid more than 50£ for....if it keeps me out of the rain I am happy.
11. Jacket
Any technical one is okay....but Norwegian army field jacket is tghe prefference. Wish I had one of those...what the "#¤%!¤"% was I thinking giving mine away...
12. Headwear
Don't wear it, unless its realkly cold, and then any wool hat will do. Would like to have one of those Aussie style, leather bush hats though...
19-09-2012, 10:04 PM
1. Fixed blade knife.. One I forged and made myself
2. Foldding knife.. One Bushwacker Bob gave me
3. Multi tool.. Leatherman wave
4. Axe.. Tough to choose just one.. GB Scandinavian
5. Saw.. Bahco laplander
6. Cooking system.. The fire n my Billies or skillet
7. Footwear.. Clarks sandals, so long its dry out. And not cold.. Hmmm La sportiva boots then
8. Pack/bag.. Lowe Alpine
9. Sleeping system.. Anything that keeps me warm n dry
10. Tent.. Not got one any more, but my old Macpac one was good.. Edit.. Oops forgot, I have a lavvu. Thats a tent isn't it..?
11. Jacket.. Westwinds ventile, so long its dry out
12. Headwear.. Hand made woollen beany
this is my ideal kit,some i have,most i dont!!
1. Fixed blade knife................................. Sami Style Full Horn Neck Knife by Par-Olof Eklund
2. Foldding knife ................................... Victorinox pioneer Damascus Steel 2011
3. Multi tool ......................................... Leatherman Wave Multi-Tool with Oxide Finish - Black
4. Axe ............................................ Damascus carving axe by Göran Enocksson
5. Saw ................................................. laplander.
6. Cooking system........................................... Coleman Exponent
7. Footwear .............................................. lomer
8. Pack/bag .. WW2 German backpack. Manufactured from heavy canvas with leather straps by Gustav studbrak
9. Sleeping system ............ snugpack antartica2 with extender panel,gortex bivi bag,ukhammocks woodsman x custom.
10. Tent .......................................... Saunders Backpacker II
11. Jacket ................................................ Cabela's Outfitter Series™ GORE-TEX 3-in-1 Parka in realtre apg.
12. Headwear .................................................. ......... Barmah bush had of course!
19-09-2012, 10:53 PM
1. Fixed blade knife - Mora 840MG (my first proper knife)
2. Folding knife - SAK (so many useful tools on there as well)
3. Multi tool - One I found in a car park toilet in Branscombe (unknown make/model)
4. Axe - one I bought cheap at the car boot
5. Saw - one I got as a gift
6. Cooking system - billy can on my storm kettle or my home made Nimblewill stove, or directly over fire/coals
7. Footwear - Hiking boots I bought in Street
8. Pack/bag - My Fürst 80l pack I bought when I lived in Zurich
9. Sleeping system - Sleeping bag on a mat in my tent
10. Tent - A 3-man tent I bought back when I lived in Zurich (light enough and roomy)
11. Jacket - My duffle coat from my days in the South African Army
12. Headwear - wool cap I bought on holiday once in South Africa
Reasons for my choices: It's what I have, and whilst I would love to have better kit (esp. a nice axe) I'd rather enjoy what I have than spend my time acquiring what I don't have.
20-09-2012, 02:11 PM
1. Fixed blade knife
Custom damascus knife made for me by Hillbill (Mark Hill).
2. Foldding knife
A small locking knife my dad gave me just about forever ago. Great for whittling and carving. In fact, I think it's the only folding knife I've ever owned...
3. Multi tool
One I bought from TK Maxx some time ago. I'm not really that impressed with multi-tools. The only thing that saves them is the presence of a pair of pliers, which does prove useful on occasion.
4. Axe
Always had a soft spot for the Gransfors SFA. I don't own one, but if I was to get one that would be it.
5. Saw
Another vote for the Laplander. I did try using a friend's Silky (I think?) saw and that was probably a better cutter but about twice the size.
6. Cooking system
My homemade Nimblewill stove
7. Footwear
A pair of bog-standard waterproof boots from Mountain Warehouse. They're nothing special but they fit well, look good, keep the water out and didn't cost much. What more can you ask for!?
8. Pack/bag
Snugpak Sleeka Forces 35. I've had it for yonks and is by far and away the pack I use the most. I love it.
9. Sleeping system
I have the Snugpak Sleeper Lite. Does all I've ever asked of it.
10. Tent
Don't own one so can't say. But my preference would be for either a tepee or bell or baker tent type thingy.
11. Jacket
A Peter Storm goretex jacket. Keeps me cool when it's warm, and dry when it's cold. And it's in a bushcraft-friendly green.
12. Headwear
A green boonie hat.
20-09-2012, 02:49 PM
-------- for stuff I'm not so experienced with/neutral on
1. Fixed blade knife
2. Foldding knife
Wenger Ranger
3. Multi tool
Leatherman Wave
4. Axe
5. Saw
6. Cooking system
Crusader Cooking Cup set
7. Footwear
Meindl Burmas (love em)
8. Pack/bag
Snugpak Rocketpak
9. Sleeping system
Alpkit basic + pipedream 800
10. Tent
Hilleberg Akto
11. Jacket
Keela Belay Advance
12. Headwear
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Kernowek Scouser
20-09-2012, 03:43 PM
A bit like Bernie, rather than do a wish list, my picks are what I have been using when I get out.
1. Fixed blade knife
Mora Clipper: I can happily cut stuff and whittle with it and use it to baton wood should I need to.
2. Foldding knife
SAK: always take it, never use it
3. Multi tool
Tesco Leatherman copy: as above
4. Axe
I have not had need for an axe
5. Saw
Lidl pruning saw: I've actually got laplander, but although bulkier, I find the lidl saw sturdier and gets the job done quicker.
6. Cooking system
Modified Swedish Army Trangia - brake cable bale with finger loops for easier pouring, fuel plate which gives me the option of using hexi tabs and gel - plus a crusader cup (which nest under one of my water bottles when not in use) a smaller metal mug (which nest under the other water bottle and is handy for sharing a brew with any fellow travellers met along the way) and for when not eating straight out of the billy, a little rectangular collapsible X style plate/bowl, which can be popped inside the billy when not in use.
7. Footwear
Karrimor Orkney 5 walking boots: I've walked a couple of thousand miles in them, since buying them at the tail end of last year and they haven't failed me yet (well they have once, but I was nearly knee deep in water at the time).
8. Pack/bag
Daysack: Lidl 25 litre, ideal size for my needs, not as flimsy as I first feared and reasonably water resistant (without the rain cover on, very with it on).
Rucksack: Modified Alice style pack (still a work in progress as I'm now incorporating a frame that is also a chair) bodged together a more comfortable harness for it and added rings to the bottom so I can better attach my sleep system.
9. Sleeping system
Czech Army Bedroll outer bivi style shell (which I can say is very water resistant) an extra wide 2 season military sleeping bag, a US poncho liner (which provides an extra layer if a bit chilly, or can be rolled up and used as a pillow) a folding sleep mat and a no brand ultra lite 3/4 length rectangular self inflating mat. All of the above, rolls up in the CABR outer and then goes into a compression sack and squeezes down to about 3/4 the standard size (except the folding mat, which goes in the pack and provides back support).
10. Tent
Gelert solo: I love this tent :D and I've recently begun using it in conjunction with a basha and an ace lightweight, no name ground cloth, so now when out and about, I not only have a bedroom to retire to but also a kitchen/diner to cook and relax in.
11. Jacket
End of line Mountain Warehouse waterproof shell, combined with a Peter Storm fleece jacket, if it gets chilly. A combo that has served me well for nearly three years now.
12. Headwear
A waterproofed legionnaire style hat, plus a thinsulate beanie (and gloves)
20-09-2012, 04:01 PM
Same for me,what I use rather than what I would like.
1;Home made job,does all that I need
2;svord peasent or ex army 1943 pocket knife
3;Bloody great thing I got as a trade,far to heavy to go walking about with,used for chopping wood at home.
4;Bacho bow saw,super sharp.
5;spirit stove,made from a ally water bottle.
6;Hi-tec altitude if walking or dunlop wellys.
7;ex dutch army knapsack or JRC carry all.
8;A really horrid no-name sleeping bag but it does the job.
9;TF gear X-shell.
10;Barbour beufort.
11;Barbour wool cap,tilley T4 or un-branded wide brimmed wax hat.
Don't own or want a multitool so left that out. Paul
20-09-2012, 06:05 PM
1. Fixed blade knife
FGYT/Dougster combo with LuckyLee horizontal sheath
2. Folding knife
Fallkniven TK4 for food prep
3. Multi tool
Don't own one
4. Axe
RM/GB Wilderness
5. Saw
Duluth Bob Dustrude
6. Cooking system
Open fire/Zebra billy for bushy fun, Jetboil Solo Ti for backpacking in the hills
7. Footwear
Lundhag Ranger Highs or Scarpa ZG10s, 5.10 Canyoneer or Muck Boots for canoeing, Salomon Speedcross II for lightweight hiking
8. Pack/bag
Sabre 45 for bushy or ULA Ohm or CDT for backpacking
9. Sleeping system
Warbonnet Blackbird/ Hammock Gear Cuben tarp, UKHammocks quilts
10. Tent
Bergans Lavvo 4-6/TN Laser Comp or MLD Trailstar
11. Jacket
Swazi Tahr (freebie :))
12. Headwear
Woolpower beanie but usually just a cap. Fjallraven Nordic Heater for winter
20-09-2012, 06:42 PM
Re posting with what I have instead of the mix of what I have and what I wish I have:
1. Fixed blade knife
Knivsmed Strømeng 9" Leuku - Always with me when I am out. Allong with my Enzo Trapper
2. Foldding knife
Opinel #8, thanks again jakob :-)
3. Multi tool
Leatherman Supertool 300. I have had all the supertools, and I love them. A real work horse.
4. Axe
Biltema hatchet with hickory handle. Modified to suit my needs
5. Saw
Garden type folding saw from Europris - never actually used it. Wood small enough to use it for is quicker to chop trough with my leuku.
6. Cooking system
GoSystems Flexi-fuel stove. But If I have to carry, the trangia style alcohol burner with pots and pans by the size needed fro the trip.
7. Footwear
Spotec leather boots. Best I have ever had.
8. Pack/bag
Preffer my little molle bag for day walks. On overnighters I have a larger cheap Helsport Trollheimen 60L
9. Sleeping system
Cheap no-brand 3 season bag inside a Jerven bag with an Ajungilak Mammut self inflatable mat - dry-toast-comfortable.
Army Jungle Hammock
10. Tent
Don't remember the brand. Sleeps one person, single sheet, paid 300 NOK for it. Works.
11. Jacket
Dovrefjell Softshell jacket/ Dovrefjell Climatex G2 fleece hunting jacket / M-65 jacket with liner....all accrding to weather and time of year.
12. Headwear
Don't wear it, unless its realkly cold, and then my no-brand woolie hat will do
21-09-2012, 01:33 AM
Hey Jakob, there were a bunch of things on your list I had never heard of so I looked some of them up...
I'm impressed with that Lundhags site; looks like quality gear. You guys over in Yerp have some cool
stuff that we just don't see over here.
21-09-2012, 01:54 AM
I guess I should fill out the form as long as I'm here...
1. Fixed Blade: Mora Classic wood handle knife. I'm thinking I may have to upgrade to a custom full tang-type unit if I want to play with the big boys.
2. Folding Knife: Don't have one, don't want one.
3. Multi Tool: Gerber Clutch. It's tiny and the pliers are great for fish hooks.
4. Axe: Walters Black Diamond trapper's axe. I don't want to try one of those GBs because I might find out how crappy my axe really is.
5. Saw: Stihl MS460. Go big or go home.
6. Cooking System: Frypan & kettle on the campfire.
7. Footwear: Bare feet in July, Sorels in January.
8. Pack/Bag: 75 L Waterproof Boundary Pack.
9. Sleeping system: I only camp out in warm weather, so any light sleeping bag on top of a thermarest does it for me.
10. Tent: Northface Minibus. 3 summers with it so far and only complaint is one split aluminum pole.
11. Jacket: Whatever's handy. Actually, I do have a Marmot lightweight shell that I favour...
12. Headwear: The only thing warmer than wool is fur.
23-09-2012, 02:23 PM
Thanks for sharing !! good gear choices !!
Thanks for sharing !! good gear choices !!
What are your top 12 choices?
23-09-2012, 06:11 PM
Here are my picks:
1. Fixed blade knife - a Mora clipper with rubber grip if fishing. Might not take one if not fishing (see axe below)
2. Foldding knife - my faithful old SAK. Has the essential bottle opener....
3. Multi tool - Leatherman Wave is the only one I have used. If not fishng or canoeing, then probably would not take it
4. Axe - Roselli long handled axe. My No.1 tool. Expensive but worth every penny. It is so versatile that the SAK is really the only other cutting tool needed
5. Saw - Laplander or, if expecting heavier work, then the Trail Blazer Take Dowm Saw. I haven't mastered the art of making a bow saw in the wild yet.
6. Cooking system - Bushbuddy and Snow Peak kit. Hexamine stove as a back up if necessary
7. Footwear - I have some old Scarpa 3 season boots but would like 10 inch high boots
8. Pack/bag - Lowe Alpine rucksack
9. Sleeping system - MEC Raven 7 sleeping bag. Light but the zip is fragile. As for sleeping mat, I am in the market for that as well.
10. Tent - MSR Zoid II. Not sure if these are still made. A 2 person tent weighing about 1.2kg I think
11. Jacket - Swazi Wapiti if wet. Other than that, whatever is hanging in the wardrobe
12. Headwear - not keen on hats so a beanie or the hood of the jacket
23-09-2012, 10:43 PM
Let's play a game. Name your top gear picks in the following categories:
1. Fixed blade knife. Falkniven F1
2. Foldding knife. Spyderco persistance
3. Multi tool. Dont like them
4. Axe. Fiskars
5. Saw. Bowsaw blade
6. Cooking system. Trangia 27
7. Footwear. Altberg field and fell
8. Pack/bag. Lowe alpine Salient
9. Sleeping system. Jervens thermo hunter and Elite3
10. Tent. Tarp
11. Jacket. Swanndri
12. Headwear. Buff
07-10-2012, 06:10 AM
1. Ontario 12" machete with custom grind on the blade top for scraping, 4" of scandi grind near the handle and convex grind for the balance of the blade. This pattern has been copied by some US TV survival gurus but was originally done
by Dave McIntyre, better known on youtube as Colhane, who is an avid outdoors man, bushcraft teacher and Baptist Missionary to Brazil.
2. SAK Farmer Alox, this is a good tool.
3. Good rip stop Poncho, using a mid grade ripstop nylon now, looking to have a custom 6' x 10' made which will double as a tarp for an emergency hammock.
4. Large fire steel, currently using a Light My Fire Army Model, but the 8mm eBay China special works well too.
5. Snow Peak .88 liter Ti mini solo kit, less the Ti lid and add the silicone pot gripper lid. Nest with a Nalgene Bottle.
6. Vargo hexagon wood stove
7. Trangia Alcohol stove
8. Blackbird Warbonnet DL 1.7 hammock
9. Hennessy Hex Tarp, (the cheaper one)
10. Stoic Long handle Ti spoon, What a silly purchase.
11. 24" folding bucksaw by Northwest Woodsman
12. Neck knife/survival kit as designed by Dave McIntyre aka Colhane on youtube. This too was designed by Dave and copied and claimed by a well known US TV survival guru. I am working on changing the knife to a Becker BK 14 or a nice
light weight carving size pukko with a kydex neck sheath.
07-10-2012, 07:18 AM
1. Fixed blade knife
Cold Steel Hunter - the discontinued carbon steel one
2. Folding knife
Ka Bar Mule; trouble is that it's just too heavy to carry
3. Multi tool
Gerber of some sort; given to me by a Gerber rep many years ago
4. Axe
Sandvik but it's not the most glam item
5. Saw
I've had several Silky over the years but now use the Wilkenson / Sandvik. They're a retractable saw as opposed to a Folder.
I got fed up with paying Silky's prices
6. Cooking system
MSR multifuel or a very old Trangia. I do like the look of the latest Primus multi fuel though
7. Footwear
Meindl Burma
8. Pack/bag
Berghaus Cyclops
9. Sleeping system
M.E. Dreamcatcher summer weight and an ex MOD gonk bag
10. Tent
Little thing that was made as a sample for Millets. The materials were too expensive for them to be able to sell it at their usual prices
11. Jacket
Barbour and Realtree
12. Headwear
Tilley, El Cheapo Thinsulate and Realtree
07-10-2012, 10:36 AM
1. Fixed blade knife
home designed knife, bit heavy really but a good camp knife
2. Folding knife
Mmm I have 2 I like to use, Gerber gator and the good old Opinel No8
3. Fire lighting kit, various varieties from flint and steel to ferrous rod, but mainly 3 disposable lighters in different area's of the bergen and some tinder of various kinds.
4. Axe
I have a Hultafors I bought of another forum, its only small but it does the trick.
5. Saw
Gerber folder, bought it in a HFH Auction a few years back, thought I didn't have a use for it, but how wrong I was, great tool.
6. Cooking system
I have a large Billy with a honey stove and a Tatonka burner in it with a tit mug and spoon, I carry a separate sealed bottle of meth's in case but generally try and use a little old fire. If it's possible I like to take a small old frying pan, I love a good fry up, if there's a base camp or not a big walk in I will take a big spun steel Aussie oven if there is a cook out on!
I like to use a 2Ltr water bottle as a minimum
7. Footwear
Meindl's Generally but if it's very wet and cold I have some old Lowa's which seem to never fail me, and I always carry extra socks, old habit!
8. Pack/bag
Sabre 75 with extra pouch's, like everything inside if poss, sort of believe that if you travel lite your cold at nite so I don't really mind the size and weight.
9. Sleeping system
I have an arctic doss bag and a couple of different Gore-Tex bags I like, I prefer to take a 'Fat Airic' self inflating mat, now I'm older and heavier I need a little more comfort ;-) I lay this on an old NATO sheet with a tarp over, I have a hammock system but prefer the floor to be honest.
10. Tent
I have a small pull up which I swapped for some old mod gear with a great bloke called 'Andy(2112)' who is no longer with us sadly, it's a bit heavy for tramping but if your motorised or floating it's ok
11. Jacket
Smelly old Barbour
12. Headwear
Generally don't bother unless it's really cold, but I might use a wooly beanie hat if I was cold and exposed, if it's sunny I have an old leather drovers hat.
The most important thing i like to take out with me is a smile ;-)... oh and Bacon.
1. Fixed blade knife
8" Angkhola Kukri
2. Folding knife
Captain Curry Lockspike Bosun
3. Multi tool
4. Axe
5. Saw
Currently Bahco Laplander
6. Cooking system
Open fire/Dr Zarkov Stove/Trangia 25/MSR Whisperlite International
7. Footwear
Bare foot/sandals/BCH
8. Pack/bag
Finnish Respirator/Dart 35/Berghaus Mustang/LL Bean 95l duffle
9. Sleeping system
Silk liner/Vango Quattro/Surplus bivi bag| Snugpak underquilt/Nomad XL hammock/DD 3x3 tarp
10. Tent
Vango Odyssey 400
11. Jacket
Er, Wynnster.
12. Headwear
Base ball cap/Tilley or wooly hat
16-10-2012, 09:49 AM
1. Fixed blade knife
usually SOG field pup II - if im doing a lot of work around the camp i use my SOG Aura Tini Seal
2. Foldding knife
I tend not to use a folding knife very often as my field pup is small and handy but i would like to buy my self an Opinel No8
3. Multi tool
SOG powerassist multi tool
4. Axe
ATM it's my Gerber Axe but i hoping to soon be an owner of a gransfors
5. Saw
SOG folding saw
6. Cooking system
hobo stove, billy cans + fire usually but i do use my jet boil stove too
7. Footwear
Berghaus Explorer
8. Pack/bag
either my Berghaus freeflow or my low alpine
9. Sleeping system
i usually use my thermarest and my blacks 4 season sleeping bag (which i bought for £3 when blacks was moving one of there stores and selling off all there gear)
10. Tent
i rarely use a tent but if i do i use my Vango banshe 200
11. Jacket
if it is raining or very windy i perfer my Berghaus Mera Peak if not then i use my North Ridge shoft shell
12. Headwear
Tend to just put my hood up but if i do wear a hat i wear my fur Deerstalker Hat
1. Fixed blade knife: Doing Research.
2. Folding knife: Svord Peasant Knife (Wood Handle).
3. Multi tool: Ronson
4. Axe: Dont have one.
5. Saw: Cheap folding saw but will be ordering Laplander to replace.
6. Cooking system: Well my latest is the Wild Stove MKIIt + MSR Stoaway 775ml. I have many other combo's though like Honey Stove, Optimus Crux, Pocket Stove, Whitebox etc.
7. Footwear: Cheap Regatta walking boots. Very comfy but doing some research into new ones.
8. Pack/bag: Osprey Exos 46.
9. Sleeping system: Thermarest Neoair Mat + Mountain Equipment Xero 350 Sleeping bag
10. Tent: TN/Wild Country Zephyros 1. Looking into getting Hammock/Tarp setup.
11. Jacket: Berghaus Fleece, Uniqlo Ultra Light Down Jacket, Paramo Windproof Smock, Tresspass pack away waterproof jacket.
12. Headwear: Couple of wool beanie hats.
19-05-2013, 04:34 AM
1. Fixed blade knife --> Normally my Western Skinning Knife, now my STKR Scout probably.
2. Folding knife --> Gerber LST lockback. (or one of the other dozens of folders I have...)
3. Multi tool--> Gerber Sport 400 which I've had for about 15 years or so.
4. Axe--> I don't really carry an axe, but I carry my Estwing Hatchet.
5. Saw--> SOG F10 folding saw
6. Cooking system--> MSR Titan kettle, MSR Pocket Rocket IsoButane stove. Also in the arsenal, but that don't see much use are several homebrew alcohol (meths to most of you) stoves and one folding solid fuel stove of which I'm quite proud. Solid fuel meaning it uses those little Esbit tablets that smell like burning fish scales. I've used it a couple of times, but it was just an experiment.
7. Footwear--> REI branded Raichle Spirit III
8. Pack/bag--> EMS 3000cu/in pack, basic black
9. Sleeping system--> LaFuma synthetic summer-weight extra-long mummy bag, Skeeter Beeter Hammock
10. Tent--> None...8'x10' sil-nylon tarp
11. Jacket--> EMS branded (Marmot) Thunderhead II
12. Headwear --> In the cold; Wigwam merino wool cap. Summer; Duluth Trading Co. military patrol cap or Duluth Trading Co. Outback Hat
Great thread, thanks for starting it, Jakob!
19-05-2013, 09:50 AM
The kit has changed so her we go again:
1. Fixed blade knife
Knivsmed Strømeng 9" Leuku - Always with me when I am out. Allong with my Enzo Trapper
2. Foldding knife
Opinel #8, thanks again jakob :-)
3. Multi tool
Leatherman Supertool 300. I have had all the supertools, and I love them. A real work horse.
4. Axe
Hultafors felling axe with leather sheath made by Tony from this forum :-)
5. Saw
Garden type folding saw from Europris - never actually used it. Wood small enough to use it for is quicker to chop trough with my leuku.
In winter: Biltema bow saw
6. Cooking system
GoSystems Flexi-fuel stove. Alternatively a trangia style stove or a butane gas burner. Bring whatever is needed for the trip I am on.
Else, frying pan and kettle from eagle products, solo cooking kit in anodized alu and a 12 cm Zebra billy can. Alternatively a USGI cup and hex burner.
7. Footwear
Spotec leather boots. Best I have ever had.
8. Pack/bag
Preffer my little molle bag for day walks. On overnighters I have a larger cheap Helsport Trollheimen 60L
9. Sleeping system
Tenth Wonder XL Bivi Hornet hammock, DD XL Tarp (4,5 x 3m) coyote brown, Isbjørn Jan Mayen sleeping bag, Snugpak underblanket
10. Tent
Don't remember the brand. Sleeps one person, single sheet, paid 300 NOK for it. Works, but that I will ever use it again after getting the hammock
11. Jacket
Dovrefjell Softshell jacket/ Dovrefjell Climatex G2 fleece hunting jacket / British army Gore tex jacket in dessert camo
12. Headwear
Boonie hat, and when cold then my no-brand woolie hat will do
19-05-2013, 12:13 PM
Great thread jeep, thanks for starting it!! as relative noob to all this here is my list-
1. Fixed blade knife -- mora robust ray mears anniversary knife with homemade leather sheath, or to save a bit of weight dajo survivor knife (great little fix blade!!)
2. Folding knife --> Gerber paraframe, it's the only one I own!!
3. Multi tool--> Gerber suspension, take it everywhere don't think iv ever used it camping lol
4. Axe--> I don't own an axe, but would appreciate some advice on a fairly cheap but reliable small one!!
5. Saw--> Laplander,great saw!!
6. Cooking system-- wood gas stove with tatonka meths burner,primus trek kettle billy, ikea £1 small frying pan if car camping but I also try and cook over camp fire. If trying to save weight a jet boil and either dehydrated food or boil in the bag!! Love my little ti cup and Tesco £1.50 ally kettle too!!
7. Footwear-- brasher hill master gotetex boots, brilliant brilliant boots, comfy, warm yet breathable, worn them in hot places and down to minus 15 never let me down. I would like some light weight trail shoes so Again some advice would be great!!
8. Pack/bag--> snugpak rocketpak for smaller loads, Lowe alpine 65-85 for larger
9. Sleeping system-- if ground dwelling synmat 7 and sleeping bag relevant to the temperature. If in my comfy hammock snugpak under quilt and uk hammocks down top quilt.
10. Tent--> Ground appy trails 3 and home made bath tub ground sheet, or dd frontline hammock and 3x3 tarp with doors.
11. Jacket-- cold weather has to be my trusty m90, nothing warmer!! Summer time I have a paramo velez adventure smock! Great bit if kit, if not my trusty Dpm smock!!
12. Headwear -- don't really wee hats in the summer, but in in colder months either a silly hat or a rabbit fur trapper hat.
19-05-2013, 12:23 PM
Hmmmm lets see. Depends on whether it's for bushcraft or canoe touring for me.
1. Fixed blade knife
Mora 510 (sadly now discontinued) or Fallkniven F1
2. Folding knife
Fallkniven TK4
3. Multi tool
I carry a Leatherman Wave at work, but don't use it much elsewhere.
4. Axe
Gransfors Outdoor Axe (fast becoming my favourite over my SFA)
5. Saw
Bahco Laplander
6. Cooking system
Trangia or 'Fourdog' anodised pots over an open fire in a Hekla 7 firebox
7. Footwear
My work adidas GSG9's or Lundhag professional high when it gets colder. In the canoe, Chota mukluks.
8. Pack/bag
1980's Berghaus Roc in canvas
9. Sleeping system
PHD minimus with a Rab 'survival zone' cover (or a Rab summit 600 down bag when colder)
Exped 7dlx downmat or short thermarest.
10. Tent
Helsport Lavvulight or Varanger for basecamp.
11. Jacket
1980's Fjallraven Greenland Jacket
12. Headwear
Smartwool beanie, Lowe Mountain cap, Tilley T3.
20-05-2013, 07:20 AM
1. Fixed blade knife
Mora Clipper
2. Foldding knife
My new SAK Explorer
3. Multi tool
My old Leatherman Wave I've had for about 12yrs
4. Axe
A Fiskars axe that's about 10yrs old
5. Saw
Laplander - got the Lidl saw as well, but I prefer the Laplander
6. Cooking system
MSR Pocket Rocket and 12cm Zebra
7. Footwear
Alt-Berg Mountain GTX and Lowa Desserts
8. Pack/bag
Low Alpine 40ltr thingy / PLCE Bergen
9. Sleeping system
Got a couple of Snugpak bags - main one is my Elite 5 and Gore-Tex bivvy bag
10. Tent
Hilleberg Nallo 3GT
11. Jacket
Depends on the weather: either Berghaus 3 in 1 / Marmot softshell
12. Headwear
Only if cold and then it's a beanie.....
Dan XF
27-05-2013, 11:12 AM
1 Fixed Blade Knife. Enzo Trapper in D2 Steel
2 Folding Knife. Opinel No8
3 Multi Tool. Don't Carry one
4 Axe. Hultafors Agdor
5 Saw. Bahco Lapplander
6. Cooking System. Whitebox in a Ti cup and Ti Mug/Pot
7 Footwear. Altberg Warrior boots. Hand made in Yorks and worth every penny.
8 Pack/Bag. an Old Karrimor Sabre or an old Karrimor Hot Ice 50 ltr thing. Both pre sell out and well made in England. Also an Alpkit Gourdon dry bag
9 Sleeping system. Buffalo bag. You can crawl in in wet clothes and it will dry them off for you. Amazing bag and no bivvy required.
10 Tent. Nope. would only carry one if the kids want to tag along. Use a DD Tarp for overhead cover
11 Jacket. Buffalo Mountain Shirt. The only piece of clothing you need in the UK.
12 Headwear. Old Baseball cap outside of winter. An old OG Beannie during winter. and a Buff for its versatility.
02-06-2013, 08:26 PM
1. mora companion (have got)
2. opinel no.12 (wish for:))
3. victorinox ranger (have got)
4. gransfors SFA (wish for)
5. cheap aldi model (have got)
6. old frying pan, kettle and primus no.1 stove. (would love a trangia one day!)
7. karrimor boots(not sure on model)
8. vango 25+4 pack
9. ex-army bivy bag, therma rest origina
10. old, heavy canvas a-frame tent
11. gore-tex coat
12, fleece hat.
sorry about the detail, but it was the best i could do :(
02-06-2013, 09:44 PM
1. Fixed blade knife
Mora Forester for food and a Mora companion for all other stuff
2. Foldding knife
Opinel No. 8 on a neck cord, modded to lock shut
3. Multi tool
Have a couple in the garage, Drapers, but that's where they stay
4. Axe
Don't have one, no intentions at present
5. Saw
Bacho Laplander
6. Cooking system
Wild woodgas stove and a Tatonka 1.6ltr
7. Footwear
Various depending on terrain and weather, snow boots,german paras, original swat etc (boot fettish as the wife calls it)
8. Pack/bag
Highlander 100ltr
9. Sleeping system
Carinthia Defence 4 - winter & Vango traveller light for Summer
10. Tent
Vango Banshee 300
11. Jacket
Dutch army Goretex Parker and fleece liner for Winter. British forces smock for Summer
12. Headwear
Thinsulate Beanies
03-06-2013, 12:33 PM
I proably have a much more budget kit than alot of you guys but it suits me great.
1. Fixed blade knife
Mora Companion or Bear Grylls Parang (under fixed blade knife or axe section? )
2. Foldding knife
Gerber Gator clip point with part serrations.
3. Multi tool
Leatherman Wingman
4. Axe
Gränsfors Bruks Small Forest Axe / Bear Grylls Parang
5. Saw
6. Cooking system
Home made meths stove with billy can etc
7. Footwear
Danner Jackals
8. Pack/bag
Army Surplus (dont know which forces) large canvas pack.
9. Sleeping system
Desert camo tarp with bivvy bag and wool blanket
10. Tent
11. Jacket
Surplus Swedish snow smock with a British Forces woodland camo over it/ wool jumper under it.
12. Headwear
Reid and Taylor teflon coated tweed flat cap / Buffalo leather waxed bushhat.
04-06-2013, 10:32 PM
1. Fixed blade knife - A full tang stainless steel divers knife in a plastic sheaf (Not sure of the name but love the fact that it floats in the sheaf)
2. Folding knife - Victornox Swiss Army Knife (Also have a Gerber Pocket knife in my survival kit)
3. Multi tool - Leatherman alternative from Tesco
4. Axe - Don't have one
5. Saw - Wire saw in the kit bag
6. Cooking system - Trangia
7. Footwear - Magnums also have Timberland Gore-Tex boots but still swear by British Para army boot.
8. Pack/bag - This is where it gets tricky I have a 90 + 10 berghaus pack a Karimoor Suido 65ltr pack and a couple of smaller day sacks.
9. Sleeping system - Tennier US sleep system
10. Tent - Outwell Montana - Not suitable for Bush craft but it’s the only one I have.
11. Jacket - Craighoppers Soft-shell and Isotex trespass jacket.
12. Headwear - Waterproof mountain hat with sides - Nothing worse than getting cold ears.
12-06-2013, 09:32 PM
Condor fixed blade
Opinel no9 folder
Leatherman wave
Gransfors bruk forest axe
Bahco laplander.
Homemade woodgas
Molle pack
Arktis bag and army cot bed
Coleman tent
Flecktarn Parka
Brazilian tarp hat
04-07-2013, 02:44 PM
Let's play a game. Name your top gear picks in the following categories:
1. Fixed blade knife
2. Foldding knife
3. Multi tool
4. Axe
5. Saw
6. Cooking system
7. Footwear
8. Pack/bag
9. Sleeping system
10. Tent
11. Jacket
12. Headwear
1. I don't know but it's not a Mora! The ESEE knives look good though.
2. SAK, nuff said!
3. Leatherman Juice because it has a sewing awl. And a sewing awl once saved my life in the Yukon (well not really but it sure saved the day).
4. I don't know but I like my Fiskars.
5. I don't know but I like my Trail Blazer.
6. Dutch oven but what do I know, the wife does the cooking.
7. Whatever is comfortable and will keep my feet dry.
8. I don't know but it must have an internal frame.
9. Synthetic, down is best for cold DRY environments like the arctic.
10. I don't know, lots of nice tents.
11. I don't know, lots of nice jackets.
12. Bandana because the bushes keep hitting the brim and knocking my hat off.
04-07-2013, 02:58 PM
3. Multi tool
Leatherman Rebar - not the poshest Leatherman out there, but at the price point and tool selection it is unbeatable for the bushcrafter
Excellent choice but I will pick the Juice over the Rebar because it has nearly identical tools but in a more compact/lighter package.
Excellent choice but I will pick the Juice over the Rebar because it has nearly identical tools but in a more compact/lighter package.
True, but the blades doesn't lock. Which is quite important imho.
Under My Basha
04-07-2013, 03:10 PM
1. Fixed blade: Rat 3
2. Folding blade: Spyderco Stretch
3. Multitool: Gerber Crucial
4. Axe: Gransfors small forest axe
5. Saw: Laplander
6. Cooking: Jetboil or pocket stove
7. Footwear: Asolo fugitives or Altberg sneeker
8. Pack: Berghaus Munro (no contest)
9. Sleeping system: Snugpak
10. Tent: 3x3 tarp
11. Jacket: Jack Wolfskin
12. Headwear: Berghaus mountain hat
04-07-2013, 03:13 PM
True, but the blades doesn't lock. Which is quite important imho.
Good point.
I don't use the blades on my multi-tool so locking isn't as important to me.
With the other better blades that I carry the multi-tool blades are redundant.
Old Guard
04-07-2013, 06:08 PM
Let's play a game. Name your top gear picks in the following categories:
Affordable budget Pick, all I can Afford
1. Fixed blade knife
Mora clipper
2. Foldding knife
Opinal No8
3. Multi tool
Victorianox ? Multitool
4. Axe
Non-branded lightweight
5. Saw
cheapo folder
6. Cooking system
Non-branded meths cooker system
7. Footwear
Ex-army DMS
8. Pack/bag
Non-branded 60+20 ruck or 15lt daysack
9. Sleeping system
Ex-Army down sleeping bag
10. Tent
TW hammock and Tarp or non-branded hooped tent
11. Jacket
Whatever ex-army jacket I pick of the rack !!
12. Headwear
Baseball cap or insulated beanie (depending on season)
05-07-2013, 11:23 PM
1. Fixed blade - Mora Companion Heavy Duty MG
2. Folding blade - Victorinox Huntsman
3. Multi-tool - Leatherman PS4 Squirt
4. Axe - Gränsfors Small Forest Axe
5. Saw - Silky Pocketboy 170mm
6. Cook system - Zebra 12cm and a fire
7. Footwear - Timberland Mt.Maddsen Waterproof (Earthkeepers) winter, my good 'ol Sorels from the '60s :)
8. Rucksack - LL Bean Continental 33l recycled polyester
9. Sleep system - Snugpak Sleeper Lite mummy
10. Tent - not exactly a tent, but... DD 3x3 coyote tarp w/ Frontline hammock
11. Jacket - Katahdin Iron Works Lined Jacket
12. Headwear - in winter, LL Bean ragg wool hat or LL Bean Mad-Bomber...for other seasons, my Tilley T3
06-07-2013, 08:54 AM
1. Fixed blade - Mora Companion / Mora Robust
2. Folding blade - Svord Peasant
3. Multi-tool - Leatherman I suppose (don't have one at the moment)
4. Axe - Gränsfors Small Forest Axe
5. Saw - Bahco Laplander or Folding Buck Saw
6. Cook system - Zebra billy 12cm and a fire
7. Footwear - Decent pair of waterproof boots
8. Rucksack - Karrimor Sabre 45l optional rocket pouches
9. Sleep system - British ex army mummy bag (currently searching massive upgrade!)
10. Tent - I'm in a DD frontline hammock and DD 3x3 tarp
11. Jacket - Currently have a karrimor x-lite and if it gonna be a wet weekend I have a army gortex jacket and trousers
12. Headwear - woollen beanie hat / shemagh / peaked cap
Under My Basha
06-07-2013, 11:38 AM
Wardy new issue sleeping bag in excellent
30-01-2015, 09:56 PM
1. My go to is the mora companion
2. Böker trapper
3. Leatherman wave
4. Wetterlings small forest axe
5. Laplander all the way :p
6. Aluminum Boy Scout pot teamed up with GSI cup and canteen
7. Hmm, the only ones I have that aren't destroyed are Georgia ranch boots, but I would say danner RAT boots
8. Maxpedition vulture II
9. Hammock with wool blanket
10. I shall change this to tarp: and the only one I have is BCUSA tarp
11. The one I'm wearing
12. I really want an oilcloth henschel but for now, my camp cap will do!
Also, this is a great little list and really refreshes our mind and gives us a little bit of talk time about our personal bushcraft lives
31-01-2015, 07:12 AM
1. Fixed blade knife : Mora Triflex
2. Folding knife : Opinel No8
3. Multi tool : Leatherman Blast
4. Axe : Cheap 12 Euro Hardware store model; once sharpened up has be very good.
5. Saw: Bacho
6. Cooking system : Tatonka 1.6L pot, stainless kettle, titanim spork; crusader cup; Primus Easy fuel duo stove.
7. Footwear: Lowa Combat boots winter, YDS desert boots summer
8. Pack/bag: Lowe Alpine Sting
9. Sleeping system: Warbonnet hammock, DD hammocks tarp, Snugpack underquilt, Highlander Ranger bag.
10. Tent: None
11. Jackets: MTP Windproof, Trakker pile/pertex smock & Snugpak Sleeka Elite
12. Headwear : baseball cap summer, thinsulate beanie winter
31-01-2015, 09:22 AM
What I take depends on my mode of transport, I can go heavy or light.
1. Fixed blade knife : Mora heavy weight
2. Folding knife : see multi tool
3. Multi tool : Leatherman
4. Axe : GB SFA
5. Saw: Bacho
6. Cooking system : Light(er) weight; trangia / Heavyweight; Yukon fire box, tripod dutch oven, Zebra and a campfire kettle.
7. Footwear: now it starts to get interesting, in the canoe;- bare foot/sandles/trainers when warm, neoprene wellies when cold, Brasher fellmasters or North Face Chillcat (I think they are called) cold weather boots on land.
8. Pack/bag: Ortelieb 110 ltr dry bag, not your average roll top bag that leaks this one is 100% waterproof with its dive rated Tzip closure. A big bag with shoulder straps that keeps my important gear dry.
9. Sleeping system: self inflating mattress and Mountain Hardware 3 season sleeping bag with the option of goretex bivi bag, soon a canvas bed/cot will be purchased.
10. Tent: Light weight to heavy weight = True North Big Tarp, Wild Country Trisar+ (tent), Moscoselkatan 5 now called the tent tipi Safir 5,
11. Jackets: Palm Torrent surface immersion suit (dry suit) this has kept me dry and warm in some cold and very wet situations.
12. Headwear : Tilly hat, beanie hat and buff
31-01-2015, 12:18 PM
Based on what I have or have used....
1. Fixed blade knife. Mora or (dare I say it!) Bear Grylls knife! I know he's a bit of a parody but the knife itself is tough as boots and I like it!
2. Foldding knife. Svord Peasant
3. Multi tool. Tesco copy of leatherman - not the best quality in the world but it's got me out of a few scrapes!
4. Axe. generic small axe, although I covet the old axes at my folks that belonged to my great grandad and I've been eyeing up Hultafors axes.....
5. Saw. Yet another vote for the Laplander and a sandvik bowsaw. Or, for bigger stuff, a 22" Stihl chainsaw!
6. Cooking system. Swedish army stainless steel trangia or home made kitchen drainer stove. For a fixed camp, the home made ammo-can stove
7. Footwear. Ugg boots! Not the furry ones, proper leather Ugg bush boots. Sturdy, comfy and my sister gets them cheap cos she lives in Australia!
8. Pack/bag. in the market.....
9. Sleeping system. TW Hammock and Vango 4 season sleeping bag
10. Tent. Tarp
11. Jacket. Kakadu 4V15 gilet (another present from the family in Oz) and an army surplus DPM jacket
12. Headwear. Barmah Foldaway Bronco leather bush hat (yet ANOTHER pressie from Oz!)
Bit of an update since my last post....
1. Fixed blade knife Mora Heavy Duty Companian
2. Folding knife Opinel 7
3. Multi tool Don't use one but maybe looking at getting a Leatherman Skeletool
4. Axe Hultafors Trekking
5. Saw Laplander
6. Cooking system Usually fire plus one of my many, many different pots depending on what food I take. If it's just for boiling water for drink or dehydrated meal etc I will use a small meths burner like a startlyte or 12-10 trail designs stove and evernew pot.
7. Footwear Inov-8 Roclite 312 Gore-Tex or Hi-Tec Altitude Pro
8. Pack/bag Karrimor Sabre 45 or Gossamer Gear Gorilla (2014)
9. Sleeping system Warbonnet Blackbird Hammock, Mountain Hardware UltraLamina 32/Mountain Equiptment Xero 350 as top quilt and Warbonnet Yeti as underquilt. For on the deck Mountain Hardware UltraLamina 32/Mountain Equiptment Xero 350 as sleeping bag, Rab Silk Liner, Thermarest Neoair Xlite or Xtherm as pad.
10. Shelter Superfly Tarp/Hammock Gear Cuben Tarp for hammock or for on the deck Luxe Sil-minipeak or MLD Trailstar (Yet to have a proper outing).
11. Jacket Depends on location and weather. Buffalo Mountain smock, Montane Minimus, Rab Microlight, Montane Ascent
12. Headwear Again depends on location and weather. Montane Pace Cap, Buff, Possum Fur/Merino Wool Beanie, BlackRock Down Hat
01-02-2015, 02:39 AM
Update since my last entry:
1. Fixed blade - Martiini Arctic Circle puukko
2. Folding knife - Victorinox Huntsman
3. Multi-tool - see number 2 ;)
4. Axe - Gränsfors Bruks Small Forest Axe
5. Saw - Silky Pocketboy (170mm, medium teeth), folding bucksaw (no brand) 24 inch blade for winter or trail work.
6. Cook system - Olicamp kettle or DIY Ultralight pot with Emberlit
7. Footwear - Timberland Mt. Maddsen Earthkeepers (3 season) and vintage Sorel Champions Kaufman (winter)
8. Pack - LK 35 modified
9. Snooze kit - Thermarest Trail Pro (womens', higher R-value), heavy duty space blanket (Grabber Outdoors), Snugpak Sleeper Lite mummy
10. Shelter - DD 3x3 coyote tarp, heavy duty space blanket (Grabber Outdoors) groundsheet
11. Jacket - German Army fecktarn sympatex parka, best I've ever owned :)
12. Headwear - Tilley T3 (3 season), LL Bean ushanka (winter)
01-02-2015, 07:43 AM
Yup, updating this one :-)
1. Fixed blade knife
Knivsmed Strømeng 9" Leuku - Always with me when I am out. Along with my Enzo Trapper
2. Foldding knife
Opinel #8, thanks again jakob :-)
3. Multi tool
Leatherman Supertool 300. I have had all the supertools, and I love them. A real work horse.
4. Axe
Hultafors felling axe
5. Saw
Biltema bow saw for winter overnighters. Use my Leuku in summer. Quicker than these small folding saws.
6. Cooking system
Optimus 111 + GSI stainless steel kettle, MSR Alpine Stowaway Stainless steel pot 1,6 litre, and Eagle products folding handle frying pan. On solo trips in summer: Wood gas stove and the same pots and pans as above. If family is with me, a Trangia 25 cooks et replaces the pots and pans.
7. Footwear
Spotec leather boots. Best I have ever had.
8. Carry system
Preffer my little molle bag for day walks. On overnighters I have a Norrøna Recon pack 125l carries the gear in a Paris expedition Pulk in winter. (need a better harness for it)
9. Sleeping system
TW Hammocks Bivi Hornet XL Hammock, DD Snugpack underquilt, Isbjørn Jan Mayen sleeping bag, Jerven survival bag. Use a cheap fleece sleeping bag inside the Jerven bag in summer, instead of the Isbjørn sleeping bag.
10. Shelter system
DD XL Coyote brown tarp, 4,5x3 meters. Have a family sized monster of a tent for famlly trips. Don't know the brand.
11. Jacket
UK army gore-tex jacket in dessert DPM for rain, else a TAD 4 softshell jacket is on its way in the mail to replace my old soft shell jacket that is worn out.
12. Headwear
Brown leather, Aussie bush hat on it's way in the mail. But when it's cold, a wool beanie will do the trick.
02-03-2015, 11:35 PM
This is the gear I own and use - I am more of a weekend lightweight wild camper but with a growing interest in bush craft.
1. Fixed blade knife - I am a bit clumsy really & not great with blades...I blame it on being left handed though I may be just making excuses! One made by my grandad; had it since I was 10 or so. Looks like it was carried by ActionMan in the 70s and isn't good for anything really but I feel comfortable using it. Always needs sharpening... You guys would laugh at it :p
2. Folding knife - see multi-tool. Have a really nice hand made 3.5" lockable blade, a thing of great beauty but I rarely use it.
3. Multi tool - Leatherman Juice XE6. Wouldn't be my first choice were it not for UK knife laws. Excellent little thing for the tools but I don't like the blade; feels completely wrong in my hand.
4. Axe - axe virgin to all intents and purposes. Would love a gransfors small forest axe - again a bit paranoid about PC Plod catching me with one though.
5. Saw - bahco laplander. Excellent bit of kit cheap and still going strong after a lot of use. Also have a Silky Pocket boy but haven't tested it properly yet. Made mincemeat out of my grape vines & apple tree! It's very sharp and much smaller than laplander, blade does feel a little flimsy but lets see - it might surprise me. Comes in a handy case which seems good.
6. Cooking system - Trangia. Can't beat a fire though.
7. Footwear - some old Rohan walking boots I have had for years and probably need replacing. Never really liked them but emotionally attached. Merino socks. Always.
8. Pack/bag - Mostly use a DD bergan - 45l I think. It fits my stuff nicely.
9. Sleeping system - I love a wool blanket (maybe with a silk bag liner) if not trekking for miles but I tend to use an ultralight down quilt from US company Enlightened Equipment along with a Thermarest NeoAir Xlite. It may look like a giant banana and it's a pain to deflate but I love it. Tiny pack space and weight for this system.
10. Tent - when I use one - a Macpac Microlight - love it, lots of fond memories.
11. Jacket - I love jackets...I have way too many now! Can't possibly stick to one! Hilltrek smock or Alligin jacket are my favourite all rounders. Also wear paramo Alta 2 a lot. Have a stupidly lightweight but toasty warm mountain hardware ghost whisperer down jacket but I am afraid to wear it where there's any chance at all it could get ripped. Which is most of the time...
Ok - just one jacket - Hilltrek Alligin in double ventile.
12. Headwear - merino wool/possum Beanie hat from Ray Mears site. Love it.
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