View Full Version : Patching pertex

23-09-2012, 12:08 PM
So, I have a Buffalo Artic Parka, and being a complete pillock I have managed to tear an L shaped rip, each arm about 1" long. It is made of Pertex, and so is very fine material. Any brilliant ideas on how to patch it? I tried an iron on web material, kind of from the inside if you can imagine it. Unfortunately, it did not hold that well and has come away quite quickly.

Any ideas?

ian c
23-09-2012, 12:45 PM
I have used Gortex repair patch that you iron on for repairing gortex also used it to many other types of material like a hole in a pair of trs that were not made of gortex, i got the repair tape when i was in the army as i was the equipment repairer, i have seen it for sale on that auction site hope this helps.

30-10-2012, 09:01 PM
The British Armed Forces are held together by 'Duct Tape'
an essential piece of DIY kit.
This link might be of interest -

30-10-2012, 09:29 PM
I have the Buffalo Special 6 which had a tear across the yolk due to a run in with some barbed wire.

I managed to source some new Pertex and had a new piece sewn in. From what I was told it stitches quite well.


02-09-2013, 06:11 PM
The British Armed Forces are held together by 'Duct Tape'
an essential piece of DIY kit.
This link might be of interest -

That's a good link :thumbup: my life is held together with gaffa tape.....but this stuff looks like it could out do that! Cheers

02-09-2013, 06:45 PM
I have a buffalo sleeping bag that the mice got at..patched it with the stuff sack from a sleeka jacket.....:)