View Full Version : Food for a few days???

12-10-2012, 10:26 PM
Hey, I'm going on a trip to Galloway Forest a week on Monday for between 3-5 nights with two friends. I already know the spot we're going to, spied it last time I was round that way. We will be staying in the same spot for the duration and using it as a base.

I have my kit sorted, the spot is only about a mile from the road so weight is not a massive issue but pack size kind of is as I don't want to spend half of the day making trips to and from the car to pick transport kit and supplies.

The problem however is that I don't really fancy eating noodles and pasta for up to 6 days and obviously meat won't keep for that long.

SSSOOO, what can I take that is gonna pack smallish and taste good as well as giving me a decent amount of protein. Oh and I have to be able to get it in a supermarket.

Thanks in advance for any help and apologies if anyone has already posed a similar question and had it answered.

12-10-2012, 10:47 PM
Try 'look what we've found' they have a massive range of meals top quality and cheap!! Add some boil in bag rice = a full belly at night! Soups during the day keep u warm or bovril oxo drinks full of energy too! Flapjacks from aldi cheap and taste awesome!
Hope you have a top time and get some pictures or a videos up to share your experience!!


12-10-2012, 10:47 PM
You got a few choices man...

High fat meats - keep for a few days in the cold no bother

Cheese - keeps well again high calorie

Cured meats (bacon, gammon, etc) - keep well and are generally awesome

Pasta/rice and other stuff of that ilk - don't eat it myself but again keeps, good calories

You can also take gravy granules and spices which are light and will flavour it up....

Another option is ration packs - These guys do a good replica of the brit army one : http://www.armyrations.co.uk/

Also can get the posh french stuff here: http://www.surplusandoutdoors.com/shop/survival-accessories/survival-accessories/french-rcir-nato-approved-deluxe-474552.html

I have also used these http://www.bewellexpeditionfoods.com/Special-Offers/ - edible but not great - I actually worked it out that there's no advantage really to using these...if you want to go ultralight then fatty meat/cheese still wins by a few hundred grams....

Anyway im jabberin.. my advice would be get a few of the brit rat packs - they are pretty cheap, high calorie and mostly tasty....

12-10-2012, 11:02 PM
I'm with Dave. Just had a 2 nighter took stuff like bacon, chorizo sausage/salami and smoked sausage. I also took fresh tomatoes, mushrooms (not very good at fungi ident so played it safe) and cheese.

Another useful thing I found was dried onions, added some flavour to the food as well as curry powder and tabasco sauce.

12-10-2012, 11:07 PM
Nice one, cheers for the help guys I'll have a look at everything and work out what I'm going to take then will post what I'm taking when I make a decision, anyone with any other tips/advice/references? keep 'em coming.

12-10-2012, 11:09 PM
Chorizo,salami, pepperami, are all good for keeping long term...Mattesons smoked sausage, or cheap brand equivalent, is the same... All high in fat, and protein.

I do believe dry cured bacon will keep, if it is kept wrapped up or in an airtight container..

Have a look on here for the bannock recipies, take some dry mix and have a go at making some, and have it with soup, or with the meats mentioned...

12-10-2012, 11:14 PM
Yuummm... smoked sausage, can't believe I didn't think of that. I'll need check out some vids on making bannock, I did see a thread on it as well so I'll have a wee look at that.

13-10-2012, 08:08 AM
Have fun.. Sounds like a good trip.. Don't forget the camera eh.

13-10-2012, 09:11 AM
Just read this and I'm reallllly hungry now!!! :D have a great trip :)

13-10-2012, 09:53 AM
I will definitely try to enjoy it, shouldn't be too hard unless it's really windy. I'll be trying my diy hammock for the first time as well so that'll be interesting!
I will definitely remember my camera this time... it's first in my list as I forgot it last time.

13-10-2012, 10:44 AM
Have a blast Craige . look forward to the pics when ye get back mate.


13-10-2012, 10:46 AM
Dominos may deliver to a nearby address. Tesco will deliver to a nearby pub, you meet them there(and before anyone pitches in with disbelief, we did it in the summer. I was absolutely gobsmacked they agreed to it!). So you won't starve!

13-10-2012, 12:24 PM
Yeah I'll definitely post some pics if I remember to take some lol!

Dominos may deliver to a nearby address. Tesco will deliver to a nearby pub, you meet them there(and before anyone pitches in with disbelief, we did it in the summer. I was absolutely gobsmacked they agreed to it!). So you won't starve!

Haha I actually laughed when I read that, got some really strange looks... probably shouldn't be on this at work. I doubt we'll need to though as the nearest village is around 8 miles away and the car will be around a mile from the camp site! Although I do like Two for Tuesday's!

13-10-2012, 05:51 PM
Those pouches of tuna are nice.

Rip up a pitta bread or crumble some crackers into the pouch for a nice snack. cold, on the move

Or bake some potatoes and use it as a topping. pretty versatile really and various flavours.

13-10-2012, 06:02 PM
Don't for get you can always take tinned meat like 5620 :wink:

13-10-2012, 06:09 PM
A tin of Instant mash potato.....SMASH.A bit of dry mint and a jar of them hot dogs chop up with you'r gravy granules:camping:

13-10-2012, 06:48 PM
Don't for get you can always take tinned meat like 5620 :wink:

Worked for Robert Falcon, Scott, Shackleton and the whole of the British Army for 4 decades...BULLY BEEF !! SPAM is of course a modern invention (WW2)

13-10-2012, 07:03 PM
Corned beef over spam any time;)

Old Guard
13-10-2012, 07:45 PM
Hey, don't disrespect the SPAM, it saved our bacon in WW2 (there's a pun there somewhwere :))

'Tulip'brand available at Tesco, does a Bacon Grill (same sort of stuff) in a resealable container, making it much easier to use for camping.

'Bully Beef' (Corned Beef) also very versitile for stews, salads, fried, battered, breadcrumbed etc.

13-10-2012, 08:06 PM
Ok hands up how many of you know that SPAM stands for:


I'm feeling smug now that I actually know something clever for a change.



13-10-2012, 08:15 PM
Try 'look what we've found' they have a massive range of meals top quality and cheap!!


Second that, we tried the beef bolognese,couldn't believe how tasty it was.

13-10-2012, 08:23 PM
Ok hands up how many of you know that SPAM stands for:


I'm feeling smug now that I actually know something clever for a change.



Err, maybe not. I always thought it meant 'SPiced hAM' but apparently, no one actually knows the answer. :confused2:



13-10-2012, 08:47 PM

maybe the answer lies here ?

Old Guard
13-10-2012, 10:04 PM
inevitable really ... can't mention SPAM, without MontyPython 'popping up' :happy-clapping:

14-10-2012, 12:27 AM
I have recently found the vesta dry meals.
Light, cheap (available in poundland) and surprisingly tasty!!
The chow mein was excellent, just bing it all in a pot and simmer.

For breakfasts, I got some cinnamon instant porridge packets, emptied 2 in a bag, put in an apple and cinnamon porridge topper, added a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk and again just simmered it and ate it out of the pot, very cheap and delicious.

I also has bagels for lunch on a recent trip, I decanted some peanut butter and chocolate spread and it was fantastic.

But for me my best purchase for trail food has been my dehydrator. It cost me £30 from Westfalia and in 1 trip paid for itself.

Took instant rice and matters ins sausage too.

Don't underestimate the good old snickers bar, great food when your out and about.

Hope that is of some help

14-10-2012, 12:33 AM
Didn't know you could still get vesta meals, wonder if you can get beanfeasts too?

14-10-2012, 03:37 AM
Awesome, cheers for the advice everyone... and of course the entertainment on the diverse and complex subject of spam! I will take everything into account when writing up my shopping list, probably on Wednesday and I will post what I end up with.

14-10-2012, 01:47 PM
Didn't know you could still get vesta meals, wonder if you can get beanfeasts too?

In Asda Tesco and poundland mate.
I have never tried them before as I thought they were really bad for you and full of calories, but when I looked they. Are actually ok!!
And more to the point tasted excellent!!
Never heard of bean fest tbh but I'm gonna have a look.
Are they good?

14-10-2012, 04:39 PM
inevitable really ... can't mention SPAM, without MontyPython 'popping up' :happy-clapping:

Or Norwiegen Blue for that matter Ha ha ha lol !!!

To this day I cant pass a delicatessen counter

without looking for Venezuelan Beaver Cheese !!!

Ha ha ha ... Cheers Whistle

31-12-2012, 05:24 PM
I would definitely recommend the "look what we found" meals, I had one for tea the other night with some boiled spuds - I think they are the best easy to cook ready meal type food you can get. It seems that vestas and beanfeasts must have improved a bit since I last had one, that was about 20 years ago. It was so bad I haven't bothered with them since.
