View Full Version : Australias most dangerous snakes, a list.

21-10-2012, 11:08 AM
This is the Australian Geographic list of Australias 10 most dangerous snakes. We have the top 3 for most potent venom over here, Inland Taipan, Eastern Brown Snake and Coastal Taipan. All three appear on the list, along with the other ones to watch out for. I've been bitten by 2 of the snakes on the list, and my father has been had by 1. Any guesses as to which? :P


21-10-2012, 12:29 PM
"Before the introduction of a specialised antivenom in 1956, taipan bites were nearly always fatal and caused many human deaths. The venom affects the nervous system and the blood, with nausea, convulsions, internal bleeding, destruction of the muscles and kidney damage. In severe cases, death can occur in just 30 minutes."

Sod living out there :0O

21-10-2012, 05:07 PM
Ahh, they're only really a problem if you're messing with their business :)

21-10-2012, 06:24 PM
Soooo happy there are no creepy crawlweys like that up here. None!
Got some common adders and slowworm, and the last one is not even a snake,a nd is comeletely harmless. But they are all in the south of Norway :-)

21-10-2012, 09:55 PM
western brown & lowlands copperhead Do I win
To get bitten by any venomous snake in Aus mus be bl£^*y scary
Cheers bri

21-10-2012, 10:26 PM
biker-bri, alas no, neither my father or myself were ever bitten by western browns or copperheads :P

22-10-2012, 11:16 AM
biker-bri, alas no, neither my father or myself were ever bitten by western browns or copperheads :P
:confused2: You made that sound like you were sorry that you weren't bitten by either of them :happy-clapping:

22-10-2012, 11:29 AM
Common Death Adder & Red Bellied Black ?

22-10-2012, 11:37 AM
Sapper, nope. Red bellied black snakes are cute, they are exceptionally difficult to annoy :P

22-10-2012, 11:51 AM
Mainland tiger snake, & coastal taipan ?

22-10-2012, 12:28 PM
Eastern Brown & Mainland tiger snake. Based on where you live the snakes distribution and their known grumpiness.

22-10-2012, 12:28 PM
Well, i've been bit by a tiger snake, and my father got bit by a costal taipan, so 2 out of 3 :)

22-10-2012, 03:38 PM
How bad where the bites, I know that taipan bites are damn bad but I know nothing about the tiger snake could you give us some more info like how long it took
to recover and any after effects / treatment etc
Cheers Bri

25-10-2012, 05:32 AM
Ahh, i managed to get antivenom pretty quick, so both times i got bit i just felt dodgy for a week after. The doctors reckon i poisoned the snake.

25-10-2012, 05:59 AM
Sod that mate! I thought it was game over if you got hit by a taipan?,I once got bitten by a female wolf spider,I was so suprised as I never knew we had any spiders that could bite over hear,bloody hurt but can't imagine what a snake bite must be like. Paul

25-10-2012, 06:14 AM
Ahh, its never game over until you're cold and dead :P They can kill very quickly, just depends on the person. Dad was the one who got hit by the taipan, and he lasted over an hour without noticing he'd been hit, then another hour and a half bandaged getting to and waiting in the line at emergency.