View Full Version : Rhubarb Crowns

23-10-2012, 09:12 AM
I have been searching the usual sites on the web looking for one of the old varieties of rhubarb without success and I am hoping that any forum members can help. The one I am looking for might have been called 'Cow Rhubarb' and produces very, very thick, long stems and grows producing masses of fruit.

If any forum members out there are splitting crowns and have any spare, I would really like to give them a good home and I will pay P & P and whatever price you would like to charge (within reason !!) for them.

Thanks Neil

23-10-2012, 01:38 PM

Ben Casey
23-10-2012, 02:52 PM
I always thought Victoria was a native one I think it is the one I have in my garden :)

23-10-2012, 03:42 PM
Thanks for the link Martin, some very useful info there.

I don't know much at all about rhubarb Ben but I will look at the link Martin shared a little later and see if it comes up with anything. I know there is some sort of 'rhubarb triangle' where it is grown in the North of the country around the Wakefield area, so if I hit a dead end I will send one of the growers a mail.

23-10-2012, 08:06 PM
Not a Scooby Doo on rhubarb here, but we grow some sort here and its bleddy yummy in with an apple crumble..

23-10-2012, 08:13 PM
My advice would be to have a couple of varieties, one early and one late, you get food for longer that way,

pop down your local allotments and befriend a gardener, most are friendly folk... Tiggs

23-10-2012, 08:51 PM
put a wanted on freecycle for some,i did and got inundated with the stuff.

23-10-2012, 09:04 PM
Thanks for the advice guys. I placed an ad on Freecycle earlier and I'm now waiting. I had an allotment up until two ago when the bad back forced me to quit and I had the biggest patch of rhubarb on the whole site. I should have remembered to bring some home before I left. I will pop down tomorrow and ask about. Its only about a minutes walk away, so its not too far !!.

Ben Casey
23-10-2012, 10:34 PM
I have a root here if you want it mind you I'm up in the North East so I don't know how I could get it to you :) let me know :)