View Full Version : A tad windy and some bravery.

26-10-2012, 06:12 PM
We had gale force winds with storm strength occationally today. Nobody lost in the hills, as the tourist season is over. And the hunters and bumbling bushcrafers had plenty of warning.
But a fishing vessel was in trouble when the engines stopped. A coast guard vessel, named after my town got a line on board and started to tow it to safe harbor but in the 14 meter high waves, the cable was damaged on the fishing vessels end, and they weher ein danger of losing it.

So the SAR helicopters where called in to evacuate the crew of 14 on the fishing vessel. But it was to risky to take them directly off the boat. The crew had to jump into the water, where they where picked up by rescue swimmers and hoisted into safety by two SAR helicopters. I saw one of them heading out, as it stopped in here in Harstad to fuel, before heading out to sea.

I wonder if I would have dared to jump into the water and hope that a rescue swimmer would be able to reach me...well, I have been on a few excercises and met those people, and I am pretty confident they would. But still...

Well well, we should be thankfull to those that are willing to step over and beyond....

ian c
26-10-2012, 07:50 PM
Glad they made it, the SAR are BRILLIANT poeple that do a wonderfull job.

26-10-2012, 08:02 PM

26-10-2012, 10:09 PM
There before the grace of god and all that, after umpteen years on the mountains I never had the need of them BUT it was so reassuring to know that they were there.
Mountain rescue, SAR , Lifeboat, even st john's they all deserve more recognition than they receive.
Cheers Bri

26-10-2012, 10:33 PM
+1 on that Bri.


Oh by the way we have over an inch of bloody SNOW here!!!!

27-10-2012, 06:17 AM
bit windy and 2 degrees here today. Paul

27-10-2012, 08:21 AM
Very windy here as well, with temperatures only a degree or two above freezing.
It's on days like this one should practice their natural fire-lighting skills - if you can get it going on a day like this then you're doing alright!

27-10-2012, 08:52 AM
Thats exactly what I'm going to be doing tonight! paul

27-10-2012, 09:23 AM
Very windy here as well, with temperatures only a degree or two above freezing.
It's on days like this one should practice their natural fire-lighting skills - if you can get it going on a day like this then you're doing alright!


27-10-2012, 07:20 PM
There before the grace of god and all that, after umpteen years on the mountains I never had the need of them BUT it was so reassuring to know that they were there.
Mountain rescue, SAR , Lifeboat, even st john's they all deserve more recognition than they receive.
Cheers Bri

Thank you Bri....

As a St John member,and community first responder with the ambulance service, it's nice to know people appreciate what we do, as well as the other volunteer services... :)