View Full Version : Glamping scotland where to go?

02-11-2012, 07:37 PM
I have some time off next august bank holiday, and was planning a new forest holiday as I had a good time last year but there are good things about the new forest and some bad things, being a southern fairy I have never crossed the wall

the furthest I have been north was on a moped rasing money for charity and it blew up at carlisle

we have a little 12ft speed boat that I launch with my astra, and I am looking for water skiing, fishing for something easy feathers for mackeral normally, snorkeling for scallops maybe using salt on a beach for razor shells. I have a few traps to drop for crabs & lobster

kelp to wrap the fish in to cook it on a fire, of course finished with a mushroom dish

so to top it off a glampsite near this adventure, thats cheap and quiet enough

where do you lot suggest we go, in the north ish west????

02-11-2012, 09:15 PM
Try these links -
I'm pretty well travelled around Scotland, Loch Chon (pron. Con)
was one of the first places I thoroughly enjoyed stayed there for
a week, walking, fishing, swimming, canoeing, & bushcraft (of course)
as long as you adhere to The Country Code -
there's loads of interesting places which don't cost the earth :wink: