View Full Version : Veg Steamer Fire Bowl

19-11-2012, 09:28 AM
On an impulse I bought a vegetable steamer tray from Morrions for just £3 yesterday.
I thought it would make a good fire bowl.
Has anyone tried using one of these as a fire bowl? I thought it looked right and that it would be a good way of keeping a fire off the ground and contained, but now I've opened it I notice that it's quite thin metal and wondered if they warp badly when fired.
Anyone had any experience using one as a fire bowl?

19-11-2012, 10:20 AM
Theres been a few postings on here about folk using them. I have had one for quite some time and use it as one of the options when showing Scouts different bits of kit. It has stood up very well to the abuse it gets from them.

19-11-2012, 02:25 PM
YUp they work great . Ive had no problems with mine and been usein it a lot since I got it a few months ago. Just nip out the center post.
