View Full Version : Preston Bushcraft Group?

01-01-2013, 12:11 AM
hi guys,

i was just wondering how many people would be interested in a bushcraft club/group in preston? regular pub meets (maybe once a week or once every 2 weeks) to talk about stuff n show and tell projects, make friends etc, and also group trips etc could be organised, courses etc.

thinking of maybe getting the ball rolling on this but would like to put it out there and see how many people would be interested and attend if i were to set this up?

i have posted this on another forum and wanted to see if there would be interest on here too


01-01-2013, 09:57 AM
I see you have got some up-take on the other forum. Being an awkward cuss I thought I'd reply on this one - it also helps keep it active.

Yes, I could be up for this, but a venue a little bit more inland than Preston itself would be preferable.



01-01-2013, 10:37 AM
Sounds interesting - I'm only a short hop away on the coast. Given my wife works shifts and i am involved with other non bushcraft clubs I am unsure I could make it every week, probably more like once a month.

What sort of things were you interested in trying to do?

01-01-2013, 12:01 PM
i am thinking quite a casual affair people wouldnt have to attend every week (if it were weekly, probably fortnightly though) just sitting round and chatting, if anyone has any projects they are working on eg a hobo stove, they could share their progress, get advice and such. could share good camping spots nearby or far afield. if anyone is particularly knowledgable on a particular subject seeing if they would do a workshop or something. im not by any means an expert but i can see many benefits to having a wealth of knowledge meeting up to help one another.
and if the group takes off maybe arranging some weekend trips to practice skills, some courses that people like the look of (maybe even get a group discount) or even planning our own mini expeditions and such.

but all that depends on how well the group would take off.

01-01-2013, 04:42 PM
I'm up for this one, let me know how you want to proceed.

There are quite a number of Lancashire based folk on here.


01-01-2013, 08:19 PM
I am not for lancashire, but Merseyside so is room for scourser.

01-01-2013, 10:47 PM
Hi Aiden, I'm just down the road in standish, would be great to meet other folks from the area. Due to the shift patterns I work, and when the meets take place, would limit the amount of meets I could attend. Cheers Ian....

05-01-2013, 09:37 PM
Sar-ian I'm from Ashton,wigan.... You or any mates up for some overnighters locally? I'm a bit of a novice but got most of my gear..

06-01-2013, 01:52 AM
I'm up for this one, let me know how you want to proceed.

There are quite a number of Lancashire based folk on here.



09-01-2013, 06:00 PM
Any plans to move this forward?

Somebody on another forum suggested the Tickled Trout just off M6 J31 but it looks a bit expensive and posh for a scruffy bushcrafter like me. About a half mile up the road is the Hesketh's Arms PR1 4SY which looks more like what we need. Any better suggestions?

Somebody want to propose a date?



09-01-2013, 06:05 PM
Can I ask if meeting in a pub is the way forward here?
Would it not be better to meet up at a woodland and go for a walk rather than sitting in a pub talking about walking around a woodland.

Sorry if that reads kinda snotty. It really isn't meant that way.


09-01-2013, 07:40 PM
Not snotty. I agree with your sentiment 100% Ade, bushcraft in a pub is ludicrous. However I think that the 'softly-softly catchy monkey' approach might be the way to go.

The list of threads (on this and another forum) suggesting that the Lancs bushcrafters get together for a meet is long and sad. None of them get anywhere, mostly for the lack of a suitable venue I suspect.

The OP suggested a pub meet, which I think could be a good way to get the ball rolling. The number of people who have put their hands up for this (on this and another place) suggests to me that it has struck a chord. A woodland meet would, of necessity this time of year, need to be during the day, so that means a weekend. A pub meet could be any evening during the week, when working, family folk are more likely to be able to find the time. Hopefully top of the agenda would be arranging a time for a woodland meet, and discussions on how to find a suitable woodland venue.

I, for one, would be keen to move this out of the pub and into the woods PDQ but I do think that an initial pub meet, get-to-know-you session, could be the spur to get things moving in the direction that both of us would like to see it go.



09-01-2013, 08:30 PM
i suggested this as a pub meet as i think it would help the social side of things, plus as has been said, can be arranged for evenings, it can be difficult for some people to get around, find the time etc to get to the wilderness plus for example a person on their own might be a bit apprehensive about meeting a group of strangers (probably carrying lots of knives saws and axes) in the middle of the woods. a pub is a nice safe neutral setting for people to meet and regular pub meets would build more of a community and could be a place to propose camps and find others interested. kind of like the forum, we would rather be out in the woods but when we cant be its good to chat to likeminded people about things, hear stories and new ideas. personally i dont see the pub aspect as a temporary step, if people want to set up a woodmeet too stemming from the group that's great and more stuff for people to do.

as for a venue, i live very close to both the tickled trout and the hesketh arms, the trout is indeed pricey, but the hesketh is a bit on the rough side and both are way out of town. thinking somewhere more central. my current options are either the bittersuite (a nice friendly real ale pub but have live music alot of nights which might make it difficult to talk), grey friars (a wetherspoons pub, no music but can get very busy) or the black horse (real ale pub, nice place but might be a bit small if we get a big group, not sure about how busy it is though)

and as for nights i am thinking thursdays, probably every other thursday.
opinions welcome :)

09-01-2013, 08:54 PM
If it helps, I've had a chat with my local and they have said that we can use their function room free of charge (as long as we are buying drinks ofcourse) plus the pub grub is good but inexpensive for those wanting to eat.

Not sure about how the location works for everyone else.

The pub is the Brown Cow in Chatburn, just outside Clitheroe. BB7 4AW

09-01-2013, 09:07 PM
We are singing from the same hymn-sheet Aiden_cub. A townie being thrust into the wilderness with a load of strangers is a double whammy! Meeting in a pub breaks the ice in a comfortable way.

Don't forget that many of the respondants to your thread are not from Preston, you have attracted a wider audience (Well done!), so a venue that is easy to get to from all directions would be nice. The Tickled Trout was geographically ideal but otherwise less so. I can navigate through the wilderness using little more than the stars but finding my way to a pub in the centre of Preston could be a serious challenge! :)

Thursday sounds good. Actually any day is good for me, so lets see what others say.

I hope something comes of this.



09-01-2013, 09:13 PM
I hadn't seen Ade's post when I sent my own.

Chatburn seems prefect, at least for me. Outside Preston, but not far away, and easy to find.

How does that seem to you Aiden_cub?



10-01-2013, 10:05 AM
Hi all, I'm just registering my interest here too, I've already shown interest on BCUK. Chatburn is fine by me.

A Pub meet for the first meet is a good idea but I think it would be nice to eventually meet out in the woodland enviornment.

10-01-2013, 12:37 PM
sorry to put a spanner in the works but the venue really has to be in preston. for a start it is going to be a preston group, secondly i dont drive so i wouldnt be able to get to anywhere out of preston, and being the organisor, helps if i can get there. ill be talking with one of the pubs tonight or tomorrow night so hopefully i will have everything arranged and can announce when the first meet is over the weekend. thanks for the input guys

10-01-2013, 02:41 PM
sorry to put a spanner in the works but the venue really has to be in preston. for a start it is going to be a preston group, secondly i dont drive so i wouldnt be able to get to anywhere out of preston, and being the organisor, helps if i can get there. ill be talking with one of the pubs tonight or tomorrow night so hopefully i will have everything arranged and can announce when the first meet is over the weekend. thanks for the input guys

I'm sure if it came to it, someone would offer you a lift to chatburn.... there's also the New Hall Tavern on Cuerdale Lane just off the A59 not far from the M6 J31. Never been myself but have heard it being recommended.
The only other thing is that the pubs near me usually have something already organised on a thursday night, quiz, pool/darts etc.... I hope this doesn't sound to negative, it isn't meant that way.
I would hope to attend the gatherings but due to my shifts it would have to be as and when, and I already have commitments on free thursday's. Cheers Ian....

13-01-2013, 10:42 PM
It's official! the Preston Bushcraft Group will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month. the first meeting will take place on Monday 21st January from 7pm in the Black Horse Pub in Preston! if you need directions have a look at their website http://www.blackhorse-preston.co.uk
i have also set up a facebook group to keep an update on it so feel free to join: http://www.facebook.com/groups/322558077860585/
hope to see many of you there :-)

14-01-2013, 08:05 AM
That doesn't look too car-friendly, I can't see any parking. What's the situation, anywhere to leave the car nearby, preferable free?

14-01-2013, 10:52 AM
That doesn't look too car-friendly, I can't see any parking. What's the situation, anywhere to leave the car nearby, preferable free?

I've just had a look on google and it looks like on street parking only. For as much as I would like to be a part of this group. I'm not sure if I can travel half an hour or so with a chance that I may or may not get parked.

Thank you for organising the group Aiden but I'm gonna have to back out I'm afraid.

All the best

14-01-2013, 12:30 PM
will put together a list of free parking areas (there are quite a few after 6pm in preston) will post it up sometime this week

03-02-2013, 01:43 PM
due to unforseen circumstances this group will no longer be running pub meets. sorry to disappoint anyone

03-02-2013, 08:22 PM
Sorry to hear about that Aiden, it was a great idea. I may have to try to resurrect a good idea at a new venue - watch this space.

03-02-2013, 08:39 PM
Sorry to hear about that Aiden, it was a great idea. I may have to try to resurrect a good idea at a new venue - watch this space.

The free function room at the Brown Cow in Chatburn just outside Clitheroe is still available. Ample parking and a great bowl of chips served all the time!!


03-02-2013, 09:23 PM
The free function room at the Brown Cow in Chatburn just outside Clitheroe is still available. Ample parking and a great bowl of chips served all the time!!

This suits me very well. All those in favour say 'Aye'.

Personally I just see meeting in a pub as a spingboard for getting out in the woods and doing the real thing, but an interchange of ideas and knowledge, shared over a pint (and free chips) is not to be sneered at. It may be all that some can manage, due to personal circumstances, at this stage - no problem. Just meeting like-minded people in the area will be a pleasure in itself.

If anybody has a better suggestion for a venue, or has problems getting to Ade's suggestion, please come upwith an alternative.


04-02-2013, 05:00 AM
Can i just ask is this a "Preston" thing or open to all if not then "AYE" be good to meet you and show you all ive not got three heads and forked tail (not yet anyway) depending on time and date of course

04-02-2013, 08:30 AM
Hi Rimski.

Definately NOT just a Preston thing. Lancs/Northwest would be a better description probably, essentially open to anyone who can get there. I should probably start a new thread to avoid confusion.


04-02-2013, 09:09 AM
New thread started here: http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?5101-Lancs-Northwest-pub-get-together&p=69719#post69719