View Full Version : alternative to new years resolutions

surplus 6
02-01-2013, 08:21 PM
right then, me and a mate of mine were talking at work today, and instead of the usual stuff, lose weight, exercise blah blah we decided to do a list of 10 things we would like to do by december, with a minimum of 3 must be completed. lists to be finished by monday morning
I've made a start.
What would you put on your lists under the same circumstances?

heres my start
1. make some more slings, and find time to practice with them
2. revisit my youth and take up archery again (only ever an amiture)
3. buy nyself a black widow type catapult (again) and get some accuracy
4. buy myself an air rifle (nearly 47 and never owned one)
5. build a small forge (have the plans and some parts already) and have a go at blade smithing
5. build a charcoal forge for smelting aluminum and do some casting
6. do some (alot) of bush craft stuff. I'm a novice and may need guidence here.
7. buy/make a hammock (been reading ultimate hang) and go hanging for a weekend
8. organise and man another show stand (done this before for a motorcycle forum I go on)

I'll add the rest as and when I get inspiration or sunday night which ever comes first

02-01-2013, 09:03 PM
1. Finish a coast to coast walk (done about 60% of the c2c, am planning on doing hadrians wall)
2. Do a full lightweight camp (i.e. bag and not much else)
3. Tell work to screw themselves and be off duty for more than 4 hours
4. Buy a hammock
5. Shoot an air rifle (did at cubs, 25 years ago) sure, i'll never hit anything but hey...
6. Meet some of you guys
7. Sleep under a tarp (bought one last year, now need to use it)

do 3 of them by monday? hmm

surplus 6
02-01-2013, 09:24 PM
3 to be done by year end, lists to be finished by monday. I like a challenge but that much lol

02-01-2013, 09:43 PM
1. Get another job (this one sucks the life out of me)
2. Do a canoe camping trip (even one night will do for a start)
3. Eat more (good stuff :wink:)
4. Quit the gym and go outside instead
5. Make a folding bow saw
6. Do a coastal paddle in my canoe
7. Go snorkelling for free food
8. Make a cooked lunch in my canoe at anchor (mad idea I've had for a while)
9. Help a complete stranger
10. Tidy my garage workbench.

Some strange things on there, but putting them down certainly makes them seem more likely to get done.

02-01-2013, 10:39 PM
In no particular order...

1. Buy a proper camping hammock i.e DD or TW hammock with bug net
2. make or purchase under quilt for the above (will cost med the same)
3. Purchase a 5 season sleeping bag
4. Aquire a 80litre or more Bergen
5. Master friction fire
6. Spend at least one night out in a hammock while it's still deep winter
7. Take the soon to be 14 year old ice fishing ( he nagged me all of last year, but I did not have the energy)
8. Teach the 2 year old to ski (if he is up to it...force it on them and they will never take to it)
9. Tidy up the shed.
10. Start fishing again. This Bushcraft nonsense kept my boat off the water all of last summer (well the wetaher was atrocious too)

surplus 6
02-01-2013, 11:01 PM
if they are not up for it, I'll come on holiday and you can take me ice fishing and teach me to ski. T^

surplus 6
02-01-2013, 11:04 PM
1. Get another job (this one sucks the life out of me)
2. Do a canoe camping trip (even one night will do for a start)
3. Eat more (good stuff :wink:)
4. Quit the gym and go outside instead
5. Make a folding bow saw
6. Do a coastal paddle in my canoe
7. Go snorkelling for free food
8. Make a cooked lunch in my canoe at anchor (mad idea I've had for a while)
9. Help a complete stranger
10. Tidy my garage workbench.

Some strange things on there, but putting them down certainly makes them seem more likely to get done.
thats what we thought, if they are written down we can't forget. the song of the paddle. not been on for a while, but I know what's number 9 now see below

surplus 6
02-01-2013, 11:05 PM
right then, me and a mate of mine were talking at work today, and instead of the usual stuff, lose weight, exercise blah blah we decided to do a list of 10 things we would like to do by december, with a minimum of 3 must be completed. lists to be finished by monday morning
I've made a start.
What would you put on your lists under the same circumstances?

heres my start
1. make some more slings, and find time to practice with them
2. revisit my youth and take up archery again (only ever an amiture)
3. buy nyself a black widow type catapult (again) and get some accuracy
4. buy myself an air rifle (nearly 47 and never owned one)
5. build a small forge (have the plans and some parts already) and have a go at blade smithing
5. build a charcoal forge for smelting aluminum and do some casting
6. do some (alot) of bush craft stuff. I'm a novice and may need guidence here.
7. buy/make a hammock (been reading ultimate hang) and go hanging for a weekend
8. organise and man another show stand (done this before for a motorcycle forum I go on)

I'll add the rest as and when I get inspiration or sunday night which ever comes first
9. make a stich and glue open canoe

02-01-2013, 11:05 PM
if they are not up for it, I'll come on holiday and you can take me ice fishing and teach me to ski. T^

With pleasure. Your welcome any time. I would suggest easter :-)
Bring your own back-country skis....

Hope you don't mind sleeping on the sofa...if you don't prefer sleeping outside. Should only be around -10 to -minus 20 celcius at night around then....

surplus 6
02-01-2013, 11:24 PM
With pleasure. Your welcome any time. I would suggest easter :-)
Bring your own back-country skis....

Hope you don't mind sleeping on the sofa...if you don't prefer sleeping outside. Should only be around -10 to -minus 20 celcius at night around then....
just like a uk summer, but less rain lol

03-01-2013, 07:26 AM
it's harder than I thought to come up with ten! Here's my list so far

1. Make time to get outside more and involve the family
2. Master fire by friction
3. Get and use a hammock
4. Finish my forge and teach my stepdaughter blacksmithing
5. Get out hunting again with my rifle
6. Tidy out the man-cave
7. Save up for another car (preferably a 4x4 but beggars can't be choosers!)
8. Fire up the brewery and make more beer
9. Play bass guitar in a pub band
10. Sail my boat, as it stayed in the shed all last year

03-01-2013, 09:06 AM
Sorry to be a grumpy buzzkill, but I don't see the point of New Year's Resolutions.
Firstly, January 1st is just another day that follows on from the one previous. The only thing that is changing is the date and that's purely artificial. To the world at large it is utterly meaningless.
Secondly, if you have to wait until an arbitrary date to do/start something then your heart is probably not in it in the first place so you'll likely fail and then feel bad about yourself for failing.
Thirdly, if something is worth changing and acting upon then it's worth doing that now, rather than an arbitrary date.

Anyone got any humbugs?

surplus 6
03-01-2013, 09:31 AM
Sorry to be a grumpy buzzkill, but I don't see the point of New Year's Resolutions.
Firstly, January 1st is just another day that follows on from the one previous. The only thing that is changing is the date and that's purely artificial. To the world at large it is utterly meaningless.
Secondly, if you have to wait until an arbitrary date to do/start something then your heart is probably not in it in the first place so you'll likely fail and then feel bad about yourself for failing.
Thirdly, if something is worth changing and acting upon then it's worth doing that now, rather than an arbitrary date.

Anyone got any humbugs?
I don't see the point in them either, but the list is more a bit of FUN, an aid to remind yourself you have a plan of living when life keeps getting in the way (work/morgadge/kids/etc etc)

it was more the fact my mate had planned on doing a few things last year which kept getting put back due to time/money etc but didn't want to get to next december and not have done the stuff (building a gaming computer etc)

surplus 6
03-01-2013, 09:34 AM
it's harder than I thought to come up with ten! Here's my list so far

1. Make time to get outside more and involve the family
2. Master fire by friction
3. Get and use a hammock
4. Finish my forge and teach my stepdaughter blacksmithing
5. Get out hunting again with my rifle
6. Tidy out the man-cave
7. Save up for another car (preferably a 4x4 but beggars can't be choosers!)
8. Fire up the brewery and make more beer
9. Play bass guitar in a pub band
10. Sail my boat, as it stayed in the shed all last year

you forgot number 11, meet us fellow bushcrafters and give them free tasters of beer see number 8

03-01-2013, 11:56 AM
I like an annual reminder of the things I hope to do, so here's mine:

1 Get out for an overnighter at least once a month.
2 Get to grips with a handdrill.
3 Fish more.
4 Get profficient with my bow again.
5 Make and learn to use a sling.
6 Teach my eldest to paddle properly (also to sail if No7 works out).
7 Complete sailing dinghy for camping trips.
8 Spend more time with my bees.
9 Continue my 'get fit for fifty' campaign, only a year to go.
10 Finally put to use the plans for the plywood canoe I've had for years now.

I can think of other things too, but many of them rely on my fixing the time machine.
