View Full Version : The magic of winter

19-01-2013, 06:48 AM
It would require pages to describe the hold winter has on the mind. The penetrating cold makes everything draw in - even the mind withdraws into itself, rediscovering ancient depths and lending a dream-like quality to the world outside. Winter is personified as the Snow Queen in Nordic tale; a woman of brilliant beauty but with ice for a heart. The opposing extremes of this image vibrate through our senses. Winter's oppressive darkness sets off its crystalline brightness. Its steely indifference leaves us free to experience the quiet beauty and mystery of the snow-bound land stretching as far as the imagination. The harsh environment strips away layer upon layer of domestication and security and you face the spirit of the land; in awe. Embrace it, or turn away.

- Rocky Riefenstuhl

19-01-2013, 08:44 AM
"ice for a heart" sounds like mrs fish!

19-01-2013, 08:59 AM
You really like the challenge of winter don't you :)

19-01-2013, 01:49 PM
After your brilliant Youtube video and this, you have had me thinking about how people view and cope with cold, and just how much is also down to a positive mental attitude.

I have spent the last 30yrs working outside, and would like to think that I cope okay (stiff joints aside) and wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

I also work on my own, which is my prefered choice, but last week I happened to be working adjacent to several other people and it was interesting for me to watch and listen to how each viewed the cold.
One lad just kept moaning about how he was cold, while his partner kept telling him to jog about, move his fingers more and focus. The difference between the two lads was quite amazing, and the lad with the positive attitude was far more productive and happy in his work.
Just from that simple example, it would be very easy to see how one negative attitude/person, could have severe impact on a life/death situation and even possibly pull others down.

It also always amazes me what difference a bit of sun makes. It certainly lifts the spirits on even the coldest of days. :)

19-01-2013, 03:18 PM
It also always amazes me what difference a bit of sun makes. It certainly lifts the spirits on even the coldest of days. :)

The funny thing about that is that here in the arctic. A sunny day means deep cold weather in winter. An ovr cast day is much, much warmer...a lot of people unfamiliar with arctic conditions are very unaware of this. But the sun does play an important role in lifting peoples spirits. Up here we are waiting for it. And when it shows, people will start to use the outdoors again, after being cooped up for the dark season...

You can't fight nature and expect to win anyway. But learn to take advantage of what she has to offer makes life a lot easier. So what if the lakes are covered with ice. It means you don't need a boat to go fishing :-)


19-01-2013, 03:45 PM
FishyFolk, I meant to say thanks for posting those Lars Monson videos. I really enjoyed them, and despite not understanding a word that was said, it doesn't take much to see that he has such a positive out look and view of life.

19-01-2013, 03:53 PM
He's very popular in Norway for that very reason, and a constant inspiration to everyone who'd like to spend time in dirt or snow.