View Full Version : Cook set for the Bushbuddy

22-01-2013, 06:32 PM
Tossing up between a Bushbuddy or a Bushcooker. Probably going to get a Bushbuddy as he is the original IP owner and the Bushcooker is a 'apparently' a European copy (of equal quality however).
...but I digress.

If you have either, what is your pot set?

I think martin has one :)

25-02-2013, 10:07 AM
A late reply to your post, but better late than never as they say.

I have a Bushcooker which goes with a 12cm Zebra Billy. The billy has the standard handle removed and a wire bale made from old worn out stainless shroud wire from my dinghy. I have the Vargo meths burner with it too as an alternative to the wood burner. It all makes for quite an easy to use setup, though I must confess I find myself using my hobo stove more these days.


26-02-2013, 07:38 AM

I've got the bushbuddy with a Snow Peak (900 I think).

very good set up and works well for me.

26-02-2013, 04:08 PM
I carry my Bushcooker in a 12 cm Zebra Billy Can, together with a Vargo Decagon meths stove a scrubbing sponge and a box of matches. This is my main cooking set-up when out and about.

27-02-2013, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the tips chaps!
I fear getting the wrong size billy, so this is awesome to know.

02-04-2013, 01:34 PM
Carry mine in a Primus Litech Trek kettle - fits very well. I put the BB in a cotton drawstring bag first - keeps the kettle cleaner and stops any rattle.