View Full Version : Fungi Seen whilst out walking

26-01-2013, 12:47 PM
Took a walk along Monks Brook near where I live in Southampton yesterday and saw these anyone want to guess what they are ? really like to know what the orange and white stuff ousing out of the tree is ! also the small white fungi (second from last pic) if you look close looks like eels sticking their heads out ?

26-01-2013, 04:33 PM
All I know is the Jews Ear.

26-01-2013, 05:44 PM
Cheers Jonny just looked them up and see that they are edible all be it that not that much flavour, but the Chinese seem to like them in soups. Mind you don't think I'll try them as last time I ate wild mushrooms I was nearly hospitalized due to wrong identification :ashamed:

20-02-2013, 04:41 PM
Ye in China they are called Mu-err. Basically translates to Wood Ear. I think a lot of brits would prefer to call it ooh-err haha

It's delicious. I love the stuff. What they do is dry it out and then pop it in the soups as and when.

20-02-2013, 07:14 PM
The second looks like a ganoderma and JonnyP is correct, Jews ear. I will have to get my tree books out for the others.

20-02-2013, 08:09 PM
I think the second pic is a Southern Bracket and the latin name is Ganoderma australe. I had a look in one of my books and that is what it looks like.But im no expert, it would be interesting to see what other people say.