View Full Version : Snowed in

01-02-2013, 10:49 AM
Well, well, we had a wee bit of snow last night

The car is stuck in the driveway...Ford with a rear wheel drive. I guess next season that one needs new winter shoes...
Well, well, it's for sitautions like this that I raise teenagers. I got plenty of shovels and they have nice, young strong backs :evilgrin::evilgrin::evilgrin:

I guess the shed need shoveling out too...

But the landscape is sort of pretty :D


If this stops, and we can get the car out we are going out tomorrow for another family outing in the snow. But I need to get the fron brake pads changed, and possibly the brake discs as well...
Going to my brothers garage tonight to get it done. Only problem is I don't have the discs. But they promised me they would be in stick tomorrow morning. So we'll see...well, well. That depends what is revealed ones the tyres are off...I am metal to metal...

Well well, it's a straight forward job. Just loosen a couple of bolts, off with the spent pads, on witrh the new, tighten bolts and air brakes, finished. Done this before....:cool:

01-02-2013, 11:27 AM
Handy having some help to shift the snow. One of my kids is now married and flown the coop, the other thirty something year old and expects me to get her car going or out of the snow. Well onwards and upwards eh.

Nice pics Rune

01-02-2013, 01:15 PM
Looks real bonnie Rune ..


01-02-2013, 01:27 PM
wow looks great :D
good luck doing your brakes,hope the parts come in, metal on metal makes me cringe worse than fingernails on a blackboard

01-02-2013, 03:05 PM
wow looks great :D
good luck doing your brakes,hope the parts come in, metal on metal makes me cringe worse than fingernails on a blackboard
Same here - it gets me twitchy and tingly all over.

01-02-2013, 06:17 PM
Well, the discs where done in. 2-3 mm deep grooves on the backside. So the job is postponed until tomorrow....

01-02-2013, 06:33 PM
you luck chap!