View Full Version : My Rucksack for 2-3 Days Camping
Ashley Cawley
11-02-2013, 07:07 AM
A much requested video...
This video shows you the type of kit that I pack into my rucksack for a typical 2-3 day camping trip.
Obviously the kit varies somewhat based on where I am going, what I'll be doing or what season & weather we're expecting. For a more in depth look at some of the kit featured in this video you may want to see our Kit Review ( section.
11-02-2013, 08:45 AM
Nice one Ash. Can't understand why, but I do like 'What do you carry' vids :ashamed:
11-02-2013, 09:51 AM
What he fails to mention is that all the stuff he doesn't bring, he borrows from me!! ;)
11-02-2013, 10:35 AM
great vid AshT^
Old Guard
11-02-2013, 11:11 AM
Love the nice gentle style of your vid's ..... not like some of the 'gung ho' ex-military types.
Your's are believable :happy-clapping:
11-02-2013, 11:36 AM
Love the nice gentle style of your vid's ..... not like some of the 'gung ho' ex-military types.
Your's are believable :happy-clapping:
Yes we need more berets and toy guns.... ;) Only kidding Ash nice vid fella
11-02-2013, 11:40 AM
Great vid Ash. The kind everyone will take at least one tip from!
As soon as I finished watching it, I went on ebay and bought a plastic battery case for my spare aaa batteries.
Some other great tips there too mate.
Thanks for sharing!
Ashley Cawley
11-02-2013, 12:58 PM
Nice one Ash. Can't understand why, but I do like 'What do you carry' vids :ashamed:
I think everyone likes to have a nosey and get new ideas when it comes to kit. This is something my subscribers on YouTube have been asking me to do for years.
Love the nice gentle style of your vid's ..... not like some of the 'gung ho' ex-military types. Your's are believable :happy-clapping:Nice to hear :o when I go out I'm in-it for a bit of peace & tranquillity, so I don't feel the need to act macho & survive on bare minimum.. not that there's anything wrong with testing your survival skills & knowledge.
... As soon as I finished watching it, I went on ebay and bought a plastic battery case for my spare aaa batteries...
I think I got mine from 7DayShop, I was buying some new rechargeable batteries & thought of search for a case, at the time they had them on buy one get one free cheap as chips & they interlock with one another.
Ashley Cawley
11-02-2013, 12:59 PM
I can't believe I did this but I missed covering my fire kit! :( ... someone pointed out on YouTube, I said I was going to cover it near the start but didn't. I'll do a follow up vid me thinks.
11-02-2013, 01:27 PM
Great video ash, it makes me feel better about what I carry. How musch room do you find that you have left for food and clothing?
11-02-2013, 01:27 PM
so I don't feel the need to act macho & survive on bare minimum.. not that there's anything wrong with testing your survival skills & knowledge.
Thriving in the outdoors.....just surviving isnt enjoyable, thriving is
Old Guard
11-02-2013, 01:37 PM
Thriving in the outdoors.....just surviving isnt enjoyable, thriving is
" Thriverism ", you have just invented a new off-shoot to this hobby !
I want to be a " Thriver " :jumping-joy:
Thanks for sharing Ash, Love these kind of vids.
Where did you get the waterproof set from Ash? Looking to get a new set and they look great because of weight/compactness.
11-02-2013, 02:21 PM
" Thriverism ", you have just invented a new off-shoot to this hobby !
I want to be a " Thriver " :jumping-joy:
Nah...its Sir Ray of Mears that invented it. It came about from a mate of mine saying that no one could go into the jungle and come out fatter and cleaner than when they went in - my reply was thats because hes prepared and happy to be in there he isnt surviving hes thriving
Ashley Cawley
11-02-2013, 07:18 PM
Thanks for sharing Ash, Love these kind of vids.
Where did you get the waterproof set from Ash? Looking to get a new set and they look great because of weight/compactness.
They are "Trespass - Packaway" waterproofs that the Mrs picked up in a sale a while ago, just what I was looking for, I'm not sure if these are the exact products but they're the right make and sound about right:
Jacket -
Trousers -
11-02-2013, 07:59 PM
Thanks Ash - some great ideas there.
Sadly Mrs Ehecatl wasn't as appreciative. She laughed following your comment about not taking your axe with you all of the time and then added "Well, he's not going to have his axe with him when he goes to the dentist is he?"
Rest assured fellow forum members, she will be spending tonight in the garden shed! :evilgrin:
11-02-2013, 08:06 PM
Liked the vid, nice one.
If anyone can get hold of a copy check out the book "who cares who wins" and the "contents of my Bergen" section for a laugh (off topic but worth a butchers)
11-02-2013, 09:14 PM
Do you ever just go into the wood for a couple of days with minimal kit.
say a tankard, knife, tarp ,sleeping bag and hammock?
see how you do off the fat of the land?
They are "Trespass - Packaway" waterproofs that the Mrs picked up in a sale a while ago, just what I was looking for, I'm not sure if these are the exact products but they're the right make and sound about right:
Jacket -
Trousers -
Thnx, much appreciated.
Interesting to watch, I can see where I can make a few changes to improve my kit. thanks T^
Kernowek Scouser
11-02-2013, 11:32 PM
Like Justin, I am always fascinated by post, pics and videos of what other folks carry and why, so thanks Ashley for adding to the 'carry canon' with you latest video, very informative and a pleasure to watch.
Good work fella T^
13-02-2013, 04:54 AM
Hey Ashley, thanks for making the effort to put that together; makes for a good reference video to inspire certain disorganised campers...:ashamed:
13-02-2013, 07:06 AM
Thanks Ash for doing the video, I've sent you a PM reference your compass problem :)
14-02-2013, 09:08 PM
As always, a great vid Mr C. :) T^
Dave ward
14-02-2013, 10:15 PM
Great video ash and the HQ is brill. I love these vids and if i had a decent camera id do my own but i only have my mobile phone camera. Also just wanted to say thank you for a great web site as well , I've been a member on here for about a month(ish) now and have been made very welcome, very informative site and im contantly on here and i always find things that I've not noticed before so thanks for all the vids/pics and articles. Great work.
14-02-2013, 10:20 PM
Ha ha, I got to take a picture of my load for one nights camping and post in here...I need a pulk to drag it into the woods...
Well well, I am no hiker, i am a camper.
14-02-2013, 10:52 PM
Ha ha, I got to take a picture of my load for one nights camping and post in here...I need a pulk to drag it into the woods...
Well well, I am no hiker, i am a camper.
Rune - I've a volunteer to pull your pulk
Old Guard
14-02-2013, 11:42 PM
Rune - I've a volunteer to pull your pulk
That sounds vaguely rude :p
15-02-2013, 12:15 AM
Is it rude to luagh?
15-02-2013, 12:23 AM
Yes - Daisy can be like that. Shame on her!
Ashley Cawley
17-02-2013, 06:25 PM
Great video ash and the HQ is brill. I love these vids and if i had a decent camera id do my own but i only have my mobile phone camera. Also just wanted to say thank you for a great web site as well , I've been a member on here for about a month(ish) now and have been made very welcome, very informative site and im contantly on here and i always find things that I've not noticed before so thanks for all the vids/pics and articles. Great work.That's great to hear, glad your liking the site & community here :o
I am shooting with a Canon 600D on full HD so I'm glad it's looking clear.
thanks Ashley for adding to the 'carry canon' with you latest video, very informative and a pleasure to watch.
That reminds me!.. I failed to mention that most of the time I carry a camera as part of my kit, obviously it was in use at the time, doh! :ashamed:
Ashley Cawley
17-02-2013, 06:27 PM
Ok, so I balls'd up and forgot to cover my Fire kit in the last video :p
So here it is...
17-02-2013, 06:38 PM
Good vid Ash :0) Where do you get those energy shot tubes from..? I have never seen them
Kernowek Scouser
18-02-2013, 12:02 PM
Ok, so I balls'd up and forgot to cover my Fire kit in the last video :p
So here it is...
Cheers for doing the follow up vid fella, again very interesting.
PJ smeared cotton balls really are the business aren't they, pretty idiot proof (they work for me, so they must be :D) and if you are carrying some in your pack along with something to strike a spark, you don't really need any other fire kit. So I can understand your saying you often don't bother carrying either a lighter or matches, but I know I could not go out for a (couple of) night(s) without several different means of fire lighting, as I have to have at least one back up fire staring option and a back up for the back up, in the event things go a bit Pete Tong.
Like you when out for a night or two, I do carry PJ Balls and a flint and steel, but I also always carry at least one lighter (often two, one for fags and a storm for fire) and some wind proof matches on my person. And, occasionally (e.g. when I remember to pack them) I carry a little bag of tinder, some char cloth and a couple of tampons, more for one of those 'just in case' scenarios (which thankfully, I have yet to encounter) than primary fire lighting. Probably being a bit of a worry-wart, but that is just me. Each to their own :D
Still fair play for doing the follow up vid, good work fella T^
Good vid Ash :0) Where do you get those energy shot tubes from..? I have never seen them
Hey Jonny you can get long thin ish tubes from Bushcraftland, they do a Berocca knock off which comes in a fairly water proof, semi stoppered plastic tube. Not quite as chunky as the ones Ashley had in his vid, so you have to fish about for the balls down the bottom of the tube, but usable.
Also the knock off Berocca tablets are actually very good at masking the after taste of puritabs, obviously it helps if you like the taste of not quite fruit cordial :wink:
18-02-2013, 06:46 PM
Hey Jonny you can get long thin ish tubes from Bushcraftland, they do a Berocca knock off which comes in a fairly water proof, semi stoppered plastic tube. Not quite as chunky as the ones Ashley had in his vid, so you have to fish about for the balls down the bottom of the tube, but usable.
Also the knock off Berocca tablets are actually very good at masking the after taste of puritabs, obviously it helps if you like the taste of not quite fruit cordial :wink:
Cheers chap :0)
Kernowek Scouser
18-02-2013, 07:04 PM
No worries matey :D
Actually, I was in Bushcraftland this afternoon and I did find a better PJ Balls sized container.
Haliborange Kids Multivitamins Fruit Softies
I can also report,, they have also started doing their camping and outdoor gear again :jumping-joy: but I will not take this thread any further :off-topic: by posting my purchases on here.
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