View Full Version : Bushcraft Living website n forum
17-02-2013, 09:36 AM
Sadly its coming to an end.. Its been around since 2005 and has been a great site, but all the chat has pretty much died out now.
A message from Scott..
Hi all.
Once our hosting plan runs out later this month I am planning to let it lapse, and therefore the site and forum will no longer be available. The level of activity has dwindled to almost nothing so there seems little point in continuing, particularly as it seems to have got to the point where any new posts are likely to be adverts or someone self-promoting.
It's a shame it's happening but it's no ones fault, I haven't had much time to put into it, and general interest in the forums seems to have lessened in recent years - which not necessarily a bad thing I suppose. Plus many of us seem to be connected through Facebook or other means. I will fondly recall the many laughs we had here but for now it seems like it's probably time to put it to bed. I will however retain ownership of the domain name, and put the files and database aside for safekeeping, so who knows we may appear again one day!
Cheers everybody!
17-02-2013, 11:55 AM
Yep, I have migrated over. I enjoyed the forum but Natural Bushcraft has made me feel very welcome.
17-02-2013, 02:55 PM
Was looking at it other day wondering weather to sign up as its a fine site , then noted the owner frustrated about the lack of contributions from the members. Iv not been on forums much at all apart from to seek the odd advice but its sad to hear when members give up after probably all the friendship made through the years.
17-02-2013, 04:53 PM
Like I mentioned before, the bushcraft bubble has burst, there's far less activity on line than there has been in years and what there is tends to be repetitive, that's one of the reasons here is such a good place it is still fresh ... I never liked the idea of bushcraft being a fad I'm much happier with it in the background and only the faithful few stil practising regardless.
17-02-2013, 05:09 PM
I questioned it earlier but I guess you're right about the bubble bursting. It's funny when everyone says they have loved bushcraft since they were kids.
I hope any remaining members pop over here.
I wonder how many of us used to be active on BCUK? I like BCUSA for the quality of posts, but I don't post there.
17-02-2013, 05:57 PM
I find there are too many arm chair and iPhone bushcrafts on other sites, people who know it all but never go out and do it for real. So far this site seems good, bushcraft used to be for those of us who wanted to escape the life behind a desk. Over the last few years there are too many large companies trying to capitalise and copy Ray Mears. If we lose the those who only are doing it as a fase then it can't be bad, a smaller community of dedicated bushcrafters with a wealth of knowledge and experience.
It will be a shame to see companies fold and jobs lost though, Bushcraft schools are great to learn from and get hands on experience but there do seem to be a lot out there these days. I guess we have to make sure our hobby survives in what ever format, I love to chat on forums to what people are doing and the crafts that they do. But its only a small part of Bushcraft and is no substitute for getting out in the woods for that feeling we all get after spending time in the woods.
I don't understand people who say they been into bushcraft all their lives, I have always loved the outdoors. I've camped out all my life but I have only really called it bushcraft for 12 years or so. My first book was the SAS survival guide when I was about 10 ish, back in the early 80's, it inspired me and I still have it to this day but I never called it bushcraft.
17-02-2013, 07:03 PM
I find there are too many arm chair and iPhone bushcrafts on other sites, people who know it all but never go out and do it for real. So far this site seems good, bushcraft used to be for those of us who wanted to escape the life behind a desk. Over the last few years there are too many large companies trying to capitalise and copy Ray Mears. If we lose the those who only are doing it as a fase then it can't be bad, a smaller community of dedicated bushcrafters with a wealth of knowledge and experience.
T^ Well said. I've seen the same thing on many other forums (not just regarding bushcraft).
17-02-2013, 08:13 PM
I find there are too many arm chair and iPhone bushcrafts on other sites, people who know it all but never go out and do it for real.
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