View Full Version : Time to buy a new coat - Ridgeline Monsoon Euro II vs Snugpak Sleeka!
Hi guys. I think it's about time I got a new coat. Currently have two. One I bought in China(before you grin, it's actually really nice. Nice and long and fairly warm) Second one was my favourite that was given to me. Nice down jacket. Unfortunately it gained some scuffs and holes during my travels. Then it acquired some paint splatters and now it just looks really scruffy.
So perfect excuse to buy a new coat. I actually hate spending much money on clothing unless crucial. I don't mind spending a good amount on a decent long term stuff though. (Coat and boots basically)
This Ridgeline monsoon looks amazing. Look at all those sizes! S M L XL XXL XXXL XXXXL XXXXXL :guns:
Another one I like the sound of is the snugpak sleeka. Doesn't look as practical as the ridgeline, but it would probably keep my warmer. What do you think?
Feel free to recommend a jacket as well!
price range is anything up to about £139. Infact that is pushing it, but the ridgeline looks damn nice.
24-02-2013, 09:04 PM
I very nearly bought the Ridgeline myself last week, but couldnt quite justify the cost.
You can save a tenner if you get it on Amazon, every little helps?!
24-02-2013, 09:14 PM
its a cracking jacket,a bit short on pockets for my taste though and a bit too high end price,i was in there last week looking at them (just down the road to me)
How much are they in the store wildfish? And how did the coat feel? Did it feel quite... thin and flimsy? My only worry is that I'd be freezing cold in it.
It is expensive, ye, but I can justify getting it cause I need one! I don't think its TOO expensive. Looks like a quality product made well. Unless someone has one already and can tell me otherwise haha
I'll be honest though, I think the snugpak is much better quality and would keep me much warmer. But the ridgeline is much longer and has a few extra features I like.
Hmm, this one looks a bit more practical. Not as nice looking though! but much cheaper.
24-02-2013, 10:15 PM
Have a look at the first northen soul meet pics, one of the guys, Jason has one on and was quite happy and warm in it it was down to -10 deg C at one point.... his main complaint about it was how warm it is when performing activity in fact he said it was too hot when doing any work or walking about.
The Sleeka is an insulation layer, not really meant to be walked about in, issued to troops in Afghanistan, I have one and its toasty - thats what its meant for. Until I got my ME belay jacket i used to use my sleeka for just that purpose.
The sniper kit carry smock will leave you feeling cold, its single layer cotton and not waterproof and will provide no insualtion whatsoever, to keep warm you would have to buy another jacket such as a sleeka or some other insulative layer underneath.
Hope this helps
Ty Sapper, I'll pass on the SAS kit carry smock then. Very practical with all those pockets, but with those downfalls, gotta give it a miss.
I'll take a look at those pics, cheers for the info :)
24-02-2013, 10:44 PM
Ty Sapper, I'll pass on the SAS kit carry smock then. Very practical with all those pockets, but with those downfalls, gotta give it a miss.
I'll take a look at those pics, cheers for the info :)
Got a similar smock in black that i used to use for 'work' ;)
25-02-2013, 08:32 AM
I have the Ridgeline Monsoon II and I have to say whilst it is a great jacket it does have one major drawback.
It is super warm, windproof, waterproof, wifeproof and zombie proof.
However, it just doesn't breath very well. So much so that on several occasions I have been soaked to the skin with sweat whilst wearing it. Last time I was out in it, I was already aware of this issue so I had a t-shirt and thin fleece on underneath the jacket to help absorb any moisture.
I processed enough fire wood for the evening then sat down to chat to the guys I was with (Danny and Phil of this parish). In very quick order I had to remove the fleece as the amount of moisture that was "retained" by the jacket was actually making me cold.
However, having said all this, if you use the jacket in late Autumn and Winter and don't over exert yourself then it is superb.
Oh, that's a shame. Would become a nuisance in the warmer weather.
25-02-2013, 09:45 AM
Another one here on the Monsoon and lack of breath ability. Many times I have been drenched in sweat after minimal work.
Great coat and well made but for me a big negative on the downside.
25-02-2013, 09:47 AM
Oh, that's a shame. Would become a nuisance in the warmer weather.
Hi buddy
To be honest it's useless in warm weather. As an example, I took my dog out for a walk early Autumn last year. The walk was only 2 miles long on fairly even ground, at no point was it strenuous enough for me to get out of breath or feel like I was sweating.
However, when I got home and took the jacket off, I had to wipe out the inside due to the amount of moisture and had to change the thin cotton t-shirt I was wearing as it was soaked.
Now I'm not a small guy but even by any standards that is not a welcome side effect of the jacket.
25-02-2013, 07:49 PM
i only had a quick look at it tbh but as i said it looked nice, i,m sure it was the same price instore.
26-02-2013, 03:55 PM
I have the ridgeline and am generally pleased with it but agree with the comments about breathability. That said for hanging around camp in the cold and wet you cant beat it and its very well made. If you do buy online it's worth bearing in mind that the sizes are a bit snug. The shop owner i got mine from said to always get the next size up from what you would normally get.
they also do a camo version which i believe is being discontinued so you might get a bargain if you fancy camo!
Ye I'm passing on the ridgeline. The breathability issue is going to cause me major issues. I'll be carrying a lot of gear on my back and will inevitably get sweaty anyway. Let alone in the warmer months.
27-02-2013, 11:53 AM
You could look at the Buffalo Special 6, I'm sure there are a few on here that have them, I keep looking at them myself, but just at the moment I can't justify the price... cheers Ian...
27-02-2013, 05:20 PM
What about this one? Nearly identical in style to the monsoon but different material. I can certainly vouch for deerhunter jackets as well. i've had a couple and my son has one. Very hardwaring and excellent value i think. The one on this link is about 60 quid cheaper than anywhere else i can find it!!<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&adtype=pla&crdt=0
27-02-2013, 05:39 PM
Lads, thats a winter garment for dry, cold climates. It's not suitable for the climate that you have in winter in the UK. Thats what Norwegians "traditionally" wear when going up in the mountains x-country skiing, and such when it's minus -10 to -30 degrees.
If you buy one, get a shorter one (easier to walk in), with zippers under the armpits for ventilation. For cold weather use a wool sweater over a base wool layer and it will keep you warm allright.
27-02-2013, 06:02 PM
You could look at the Buffalo Special 6, I'm sure there are a few on here that have them, I keep looking at them myself, but just at the moment I can't justify the price... cheers Ian...
I have been using the Buffalo Special 6 for years now. It is insanely perfect for everything I do outdoors.
I've been out in -19c and a mild Autumn and been perfectly heat regulated in it.
Look on eBay for them, you can snap up some great bargains on there. I got my missus a blue one in pristine condition for £59 les than retail.
27-02-2013, 06:52 PM
Another vote for the Special 6.....
27-02-2013, 09:19 PM
Another vote for the Special 6.....
me too! Glad I bought mine in the NAAFI when I see the price they are now *sits down with shaky knees*
27-02-2013, 09:36 PM
me too! Glad I bought mine in the NAAFI when I see the price they are now *sits down with shaky knees*
Roger that fella...I gave it away to a mate as it got too small.....looked like a fat bloke had robbed a skinny blokes washing line
27-02-2013, 09:40 PM
Roger that fella...I gave it away to a mate as it got too small.....looked like a fat bloke had robbed a skinny blokes washing line
ROFL... know that feeling well!
The Joker
28-02-2013, 11:17 AM
I have a Ridgeline monsoon 2 Smock and I have to say its a great jacket. As far as the breath-ability goes its a jacket designed for extremes ie- windproof 100% waterproof and warmth, now in my experiance you will have issues with a jacket's breathability when it is designed to keep that lot out.
For me if I'm going to do anything strenuous I simply take it off as I would any other jacket or warm outer layer to be honest, we all know you don't wait to be saturated in sweat before removing layers.
£130 for the Monsoon I think is an OK price especially if you think its competing with the likes of the Swazi smock at nearly £400.
At the end of the day you have to ask yourself what do you need it for, am I going to be out in extreme weather then yes its probably the jacket for you, or are you going to wait for the that weather front to pass!!!
I've used mine for chilling around the camp in the evenings and its been lovely and cosy and I've been out in the wind and heavy rain and it excelled, but would I chop an evenings load of would in it.......No, way to warm!
I've heard that ridgeline are supposed to be releasing another Monsoon jacket with underarm zip vents? if this true might help a lot with air flow.
Jon D
20-09-2013, 06:40 PM
I have this jacket and suffer the same breathability issues. I do love the jacket, so wonder whether it's worth having somebody modify mine by adding some zips under the arms. Think I'll look into this.
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